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Created January 27, 2013 20:46
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OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError: Illegal key size: possibly you need to install Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for your JRE
Stacktrace (most recent call last):
File "puma/thread_pool.rb", line 94, in spawn_thread work
File "org/jruby/", line 249, in call
File "puma/server.rb", line 215, in run
process_client client
File "puma/server.rb", line 306, in process_client
case handle_request(client)
File "puma/server.rb", line 412, in handle_request
status, headers, res_body =
File "rack/commonlogger.rb", line 33, in call
status, header, body =
File "rails/railtie/configurable.rb", line 30, in method_missing
instance.send(*args, &block)
File "org/jruby/", line 2090, in send
File "org/jruby/", line 1665, in __send__
File "rails/application.rb", line 96, in call
File "rails/engine.rb", line 509, in call
File "raven/rack.rb", line 27, in call
response =
File "action_dispatch/middleware/ssl.rb", line 24, in call
status, headers, body =
File "active_support/cache/strategy/local_cache.rb", line 72, in call
File "rack/runtime.rb", line 17, in call
status, headers, body =
File "rack/methodoverride.rb", line 21, in call
File "action_dispatch/middleware/request_id.rb", line 21, in call { |status, headers, body| headers["X-Request-Id"] = env["action_dispatch.request_id"] }
File "rails/rack/logger.rb", line 21, in call
logger.tagged(compute_tags(request)) { call_app(request, env) }
File "active_support/tagged_logging.rb", line 67, in tagged
formatter.tagged(*tags) { yield self }
File "active_support/tagged_logging.rb", line 25, in tagged
yield self
File "active_support/tagged_logging.rb", line 67, in tagged
formatter.tagged(*tags) { yield self }
File "rails/rack/logger.rb", line 21, in call
logger.tagged(compute_tags(request)) { call_app(request, env) }
File "rails/rack/logger.rb", line 38, in call_app
resp =
File "action_dispatch/middleware/show_exceptions.rb", line 30, in call
File "action_dispatch/middleware/debug_exceptions.rb", line 17, in call
_, headers, body = response =
File "action_dispatch/middleware/remote_ip.rb", line 76, in call
File "action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb", line 27, in call
result = run_callbacks :call do
File "active_support/callbacks.rb", line 78, in run_callbacks
send(runner_name, &block)
File "org/jruby/", line 2086, in send
File "org/jruby/", line 1659, in __send__
File "active_support/callbacks.rb", line 376, in _run__247829374__call__callbacks
File "action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb", line 29, in call
File "action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb", line 443, in call
status, headers, body =
File "rack/session/abstract/id.rb", line 200, in call
File "rack/session/abstract/id.rb", line 206, in context
commit_session(env, status, headers, body)
File "rack/session/abstract/id.rb", line 330, in commit_session
set_cookie(env, headers, cookie.merge!(options))
File "action_dispatch/middleware/session/cookie_store.rb", line 94, in set_cookie
cookie_jar(env)[@key] = cookie
File "action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb", line 414, in []=
options[:value] = @encryptor.encrypt_and_sign(options[:value])
File "active_support/message_encryptor.rb", line 55, in encrypt_and_sign
File "active_support/message_encryptor.rb", line 75, in _encrypt
encrypted_data = cipher.update(@serializer.dump(value))
File "org/jruby/ext/openssl/", line 684, in update
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