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Last active March 26, 2024 20:43
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Kubernetes service to expose deployed image tag as Prometheus metrics
"""Kubernetes service to expose deployed image tag as Prometheus metrics."""
import os
from flask import Flask, Response
from kubernetes import client, config
from prometheus_client import CollectorRegistry, Gauge, generate_latest
app = Flask(__name__)
# Load Kubernetes configuration based on environment
if os.getenv("KUBECONFIG"):
v1 = client.AppsV1Api()
# Get namespaces from environment variable
namespaces_env = os.getenv("NAMESPACES", "default")
namespaces = namespaces_env.split(",")
deployments_to_skip_env = os.getenv("DEPLOYMENTS_TO_SKIP", "komodor-agent")
deployments_to_skip = deployments_to_skip_env.split(",")
def metrics():
"""Exposes deployment status as Prometheus metrics."""
registry = CollectorRegistry()
# Create a gauge for each deployment
replicasets_gauge = Gauge(
"Latest image tag of Company's deployment",
["namespace", "deployment", "status", "image_tag"],
# Get all deployments in the namespaces and create metrics
for namespace in namespaces:
# Get all deployments in the namespace
ret = v1.list_namespaced_deployment(namespace)
for deployment in ret.items:
deployment_name =
# Skip the deployment if its name is in the list of deployments to skip
if deployment_name in deployments_to_skip:
# Get the status and latest image tag of the deployment
status, latest_image_tag = get_deployment_status_and_image_tag(deployment)
# Only create metric if status is not "scaled_down"
if status != "scaled_down":
namespace, deployment_name, status, latest_image_tag
# Return the metrics
return Response(generate_latest(registry), mimetype="text/plain")
def get_deployment_status_and_image_tag(deployment):
"""Returns the status and latest image tag of a deployment."""
# Get the UID of the deployment
deployment_uid = deployment.metadata.uid
# Get all the ReplicaSets in the deployment's namespace
all_replicasets_in_ns = v1.list_namespaced_replica_set(
# Filter out the ReplicaSets that belong to the deployment
replicasets_of_deployment = [
for replicaset in all_replicasets_in_ns.items
if any(
owner.uid == deployment_uid
for owner in replicaset.metadata.owner_references
# Filter out the running ReplicaSets
running_replicasets = []
for replicaset in replicasets_of_deployment:
if replicaset.status.replicas and replicaset.status.replicas > 0:
# If there are no running ReplicaSets, the deployment is scaled down
if not running_replicasets:
return "scaled_down", None
# Get the latest ReplicaSet
latest_replicaset = max(
key=lambda x: int(
x.metadata.annotations.get("", 0)
# Get the latest image tag of the latest ReplicaSet
latest_image_tag = get_latest_image_tag(latest_replicaset)
# If there are more than one running ReplicaSets, the deployment is not healthy
if len(running_replicasets) > 1:
return "red", latest_image_tag
# If there is only one running ReplicaSet, the deployment is healthy
return "green", latest_image_tag
def get_latest_image_tag(replicaset):
"""Returns the latest image tag of a replicaset."""
# Get the image tag of the first container in the replicaset
containers = replicaset.spec.template.spec.containers
if not containers:
return None
# Get the image tag of the first container
for container in containers:
image = container.image
_, _, image_tag = image.rpartition(":")
# Return the image tag
return image_tag
def healthcheck():
"""Health check route returning 200."""
return Response("OK", status=200)
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8080)
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