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Last active December 13, 2017 22:48
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Georgina's Sequence
typealias StringBinary = String
///Converts a UInt to a binary string representation
func binary(_ v:UInt,_ rest:StringBinary="")->StringBinary {
switch v {
case v where v == 0:
return "0" + rest
case v where v == 1:
return "1" + rest
return binary(v >> 1, "\(v % 2)" + rest)
///Adds two string binary numbers
func addBinary(_ shortest:StringBinary,_ possiblyLonger:StringBinary, _ rest:StringBinary = "", carry:Bool=false)->StringBinary{
//make sure shortest is at least as short as the other
guard shortest.count <= possiblyLonger.count else {
return addBinary(possiblyLonger,shortest,rest,carry:carry)
//end when carry and places exhausted
let longer = possiblyLonger
guard longer.count > 0 else {
guard !carry else {
return addBinary("0", "1", rest, carry: false)
return rest //tail recursion
//ensure equal length
let shorter = shortest
guard shorter.count == longer.count else {
return addBinary("0"+shorter,longer,rest,carry:carry)
//print("Adding \(shorter) and \(longer) [rest:\(rest), carry:\(carry)]")
let shorterLast = String(shorter.last!)
let longerLast = String(longer.last!)
let shorterValue = Int(shorterLast)!
let longerValue = Int(longerLast)!
let carryValue = carry ? 1 : 0
let sum = shorterValue + longerValue + carryValue
let nextDigit = { onesDigit, carryBit in
return addBinary(String(shorter.dropLast()), String(longer.dropLast()),onesDigit + rest, carry:carryBit)
switch sum {
case 0:
return nextDigit("0",false)
case 1:
return nextDigit("1",false)
case 2:
return nextDigit("0",true)
case 3:
return nextDigit("1",true)
fatalError("there should only be 1 and 0 in these: \(shorter), \(longer)")
///returns the nth (1 indexed) in her sequence
func georginasNth(_ n:UInt, rest:StringBinary = "") -> StringBinary{
switch n{
case n where n <= 1:
return binary(1) + rest
case n where n == 2:
return binary(2)
case n where n == 3:
return binary(4)
case n where n == 4:
return binary(8)
case n where n % 2 == 0:
//print("shift g(\(n-1))<<1")
return georginasNth(n-1) + "0" //mult 2 by shifting
//print("add 2 g(\(n-1))")
return georginasNth(n-1).dropLast(2) + "10" //For this particular sequence, this is the same as adding 2 (once past the first couple)
//let originalSequence = [1,2,4,8,10,20,22,44,46, 92, 94, 188, 190, 380]
//print (addBinary("101","10"))
print("Checking binary encoding")
for n in (1...150){
let mine = binary(UInt(bitPattern:n))
let theirs = String(n,radix:2)
guard mine == theirs else {
fatalError("binary is bad for \(n), \(mine)!=\(theirs) ")
//print("Binary okay for n=\(n)")
print("Calculating values")
var georginasValues:[String] = []
for n in (1...150){
georginasValues += [georginasNth(UInt(bitPattern:n))]
print("Summing values")
let sum = georginasValues.reduce("0"){
return addBinary($0, $1)
print("Sum of first 150 values in G's sequence 0b\(sum)")
print("\(sum.count) bits of uint")
let higher = String(UInt(bitPattern:String(sum.dropLast(64))),radix:16)
let lowerUintString = String(sum.dropFirst(sum.count-64))
let lowerUint = UInt(bitPattern:lowerUintString)
let lower = String(lowerUint,radix:16)
print("In hex 0x\(higher) \(lower)")
Checking binary encoding
Calculating values
Summing values
Sum of first 150 values in G's sequence 0b1000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000110101
79 bits of uint
In hex 0x6040052410d0 6040000cadd0
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