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Last active November 22, 2018 02:14
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Continuations where
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Debug.Trace
t :: String -> a -> a
t msg = trace (printf "XXX: %s" msg)
data C r a = C { unC :: (a -> r) -> r }
-- | Show a 'C' computation by running it and showing the result.
instance (Show a) => Show (C a a) where
show m = printf "C %s" (show (unC m id))
instance Functor (C r) where
fmap f (C m) = C $ \k -> m (k . f)
instance Applicative (C r) where
pure x = C $ \k -> k x
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (C r) where
(C m) >>= f = C $ \k -> m (\a -> unC (f a) k)
callcc :: forall a r b. ((a -> C r b) -> C r a) -> C r a
callcc f = C $ \(k :: a -> r) ->
let k' :: a -> C r b
-- A computation that ignores it's continuation @_@ and uses the
-- enclosing continuation @k@ instead.
k' a = C (\_ -> k a)
in unC (f k') k
-- | Same code as 'callcc', but more polymorphic, so that the cc can
-- be used at any result type.
callcc' :: forall a r. String -> ((forall b. a -> C r b) -> C r a) -> C r a
callcc' msg f = C $ \(k :: a -> r) ->
let k' :: a -> C r b
-- A computation that ignores it's continuation @_@ and uses the
-- enclosing continuation @k@ instead.
k' a = t msg $ C (\_ -> k a)
in unC (f k') k
expose :: C r r -> r
expose (C f) = f id
data ContRec r i o = ContRec (forall b. Result r i o -> C r b) i
data Result r i o = Done o
| Yield o (forall b. ContRec r i o -> C r b)
type Coroutine r i o =
(forall b. Result r i o -> C r b) -> (forall b. C r b)
yield :: (forall b. Result r i o -> C r b) -> o -> C r (ContRec r i o)
yield cont out = callcc' "yield" $ \cc -> cont (Yield out cc)
done :: (forall b. Result r i o -> C r b) -> o -> C r a
done cont out = cont (Done out)
yieldBack :: (forall b. ContRec r i o -> C r b) -> i -> C r (Result r i o)
yieldBack cont i = callcc' "yieldBack" $ \cc -> cont (ContRec cc i)
runningSum :: Coroutine r Int Int
runningSum cc0 = do
ContRec cc1 i1 <- yield cc0 0
ContRec cc2 i2 <- yield cc1 1
done cc2 (i1 + i2)
test1 :: C (String, Int) (String, Int)
test1 = do
x <- callcc' "running" $ \c -> runningSum c
case x of
Done i -> pure ("alpha", i)
Yield i r -> do
y <- yieldBack r 8
case y of
Done i -> pure ("beta", i)
Yield i r -> do
z <- yieldBack r 900
case z of
Done i -> pure ("gamma", i)
_ -> error "foo"
-- | The constantly-done coroutine
coconst :: forall r i o. o -> Coroutine r i o
coconst o cc = cc (Done o)
-- | Generalization: The coroutine that yields from a stream
costream :: forall r i o. [o] -> Coroutine r i o
costream (o:os) cont = cont (Yield o (\(ContRec cont' _) -> costream os cont'))
-- | Feed in a constant value to a coroutine
feedConstant :: forall r i o. i -> Coroutine r i o -> C r [o]
feedConstant i co = callcc' "consume" co >>= helper
where helper :: Result r i o -> C r [o]
helper (Done o) = pure [o]
helper (Yield o c0) = do
r <- yieldBack c0 i
(o:) <$> helper r
-- | Generalization: Feed in a stream of values to a coroutine
feedStream :: forall r i o. [i] -> Coroutine r i o -> C r [o]
feedStream is co = callcc' "consume" co >>= helper is
where helper :: [i] -> Result r i o -> C r [o]
helper _ (Done o) = pure [o]
helper (i : is) (Yield o c0) = do
r <- yieldBack c0 i
(o:) <$> helper is r
schedule :: forall r i o. Coroutine r i o -> Coroutine r o i -> C r (Either i o)
schedule co1 co2 = do
result1 <- callcc' "schedule" co1
result2 <- callcc' "schedule" co2
helper result1 result2
where helper :: Result r i o -> Result r o i -> C r (Either i o)
helper (Done o) _ = pure $ Right o
helper _ (Done i) = pure $ Left i
helper r1@(Yield o c1) r2@(Yield i c2) = do
r2 <- yieldBack c2 o
r1 <- yieldBack c1 i
helper r1 r2
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- let x = expose $ stream [4..] runningSum
print x
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