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Last active May 17, 2019 17:34
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
-- instance Traversablef (->) (,) f => Traversable f where
module Data.Parameterized.New where
import Prelude hiding (Functor(..), Applicative(..), Traversable(..), id, (.))
import Prelude ((<*>))
import qualified Prelude (Functor(..), Applicative(..), Traversable(..), (.))
import Control.Category (Category(..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity
-- | Natural transformations between functors
newtype (~>) (f :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) =
Nat { unNat :: forall x. f x -> g x }
-- | Think of @p@ as Hom in the domain category and @q@ as Hom in the codomain
class (Category p, Category q) => Functor (p :: k -> k -> Type) (q :: l -> l -> Type) (f :: k -> l) where
fmap :: p a b -> q (f a) (f b)
-- | These are /exactly/ functors.
instance Prelude.Functor f => Functor (->) (->) f where fmap = Prelude.fmap
instance Functor (->) (->) f => Prelude.Functor f where fmap = fmap
type FunctorF (m :: (k -> Type) -> Type) = Functor (~>) (->) m
type FunctorFC (t :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) = Functor (~>) (~>) t
fmapF :: FunctorF m => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> m f -> m g
fmapF f = fmap (Nat f)
fmapFC :: FunctorFC t
=> forall f g. (forall x. f x -> g x) -> (forall x. t f x -> t g x)
fmapFC f = unNat $ fmap (Nat f)
-- | Natural transformations between functors, take 2.
newtype Natural (q :: l -> l -> Type) (f :: k -> l) (g :: k -> l) =
Natural { unNatural :: forall x. q (f x) (g x) }
-- | Functor categories
instance (Category q) => Category (Natural (q :: l -> l -> Type)) where
id = id
(.) = (.)
-- | (Forwards, vertical) composition of natural transformations
vertical :: Category q => Natural q f g -> Natural q g h -> Natural q f h
vertical (Natural eta) (Natural eps) = Natural (eps . eta)
-- | (Forwards, vertical) composition of natural transformations
-- Codomain 'Type' because of 'Compose'
horizontal :: forall q (f :: k -> l) g (h :: l -> Type) j.
( Category q
, Functor q (->) h
=> Natural q f g
-> Natural (->) h j
-> Natural (->) (Compose h f) (Compose j g)
horizontal (Natural eta) (Natural eps) =
Natural (\(Compose foo) -> Compose (eps (fmap eta foo)))
-- An /even more/ categorical definition of bifunctor
class (Category p, Category q) => Bifunctor p q (xp :: k -> k -> l) where
bimap ::
p x y -> -- x --> y in p
p v w -> -- v --> w in p
q (xp x v) (xp y w) -- (x ⊗ v) --> (y ⊗ w) in q
instance Bifunctor (->) (->) (,) where
bimap f g (x, v) = (f x, g v)
instance Bifunctor (Natural (->)) (Natural (->)) Compose where
bimap f g = horizontal g f
-- data FunDelta (f :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) a = FunDelta (f a) (g a)
-- proj1 :: (Category p) p (FunDelta f g a) (f a)
-- proj1 (FunDelta fa _) = fa
-- proj2 :: FunDelta f g a -> g a
-- proj2 (FunDelta _ ga) = ga
-- univFunDelta1 :: Category p => p b (FunDelta f g a) -> (p b (f a), p b (g a))
-- univFunDelta1 both = (_, _)
-- univFunDelta2 :: Category p => p b (f a) -> p b (g a) -> p b (FunDelta f g a)
-- univFunDelta2 (fst, snd) = _
-- -- | Warm up...
-- instance (Category q) => Bifunctor (Natural (->)) (Natural (->)) FunDelta where
-- bimap (Natural eta) (Natural eps) =
-- Natural (\(FunDelta x v) -> FunDelta (eta x) (eps v))
-- -- | The real...
-- instance (Category q) => Bifunctor (Natural q) (Natural q) FunDelta where
-- bimap (Natural eta) (Natural eps) =
-- Natural _
-- Control.Category.Dual
newtype Op p a b = Op { unOp :: p b a }
instance (Category p) => Category (Op p) where
id = Op id
Op f . Op g = Op (g . f)
-- newtype CatProd p q a b = CatProd (p a b, q a b)
-- class (Category p, Category q) => CatProd p q where
-- | Specialized case avoiding the need for @Op@ and product categories
class (Category p) => Profunctor p (f :: k -> k -> Type) where
-- | The last @->@ here should be thought of as the @Hom@ in 'Type'.
dimap :: p a b -> p c d -> f b c -> f a d
class (Monoidal p xp, Profunctor p homp) => Closed p xp homp where
curry :: p (xp a b) c -> p a (homp b c)
uncurry :: p a (homp b c) -> p (xp a b) c
class (Closed p xp homp) => CCC p xp homp where
eval :: p (xp (homp a b) a) b
instance Profunctor (->) (->) where
dimap ab cd bc = cd . bc . ab
instance Closed (->) (,) (->) where
curry = Prelude.curry
uncurry = Prelude.uncurry
instance CCC (->) (,) (->) where
eval (f, a) = f a
-- "An applicative is just a lax monoidal functor, what's the problem?"
class (Category p, Bifunctor p p xp) => Monoidal p xp where
type family Id p xp :: k
-- | TODO: define and upgrade to an iso?
assoc :: p (xp k1 (xp k2 k3)) (xp (xp k1 k2) k3)
-- assoc :: p (xp (xp k1 k2) k3) (xp k1 (xp k2 k3))
instance Monoidal (->) (,) where
type instance Id (->) (,) = ()
-- assoc ((x, y), z) = (x, (y, z))
assoc (x, (y, z)) = ((x, y), z)
-- | The ol' monoidal category of endofunctors... whence monads are monoids
instance Monoidal (Natural (->)) Compose where
type instance Id (Natural (->)) Compose = Identity
assoc = Natural $ \(Compose fg) ->
Compose (Compose (fmap getCompose fg))
class ( Monoidal p xp
, Monoidal q xq
) => Applicative p (xp :: k -> k -> k) q (xq :: l -> l -> l) (m :: k -> l) where
-- | Arrow from the monoidal identity in q to f applied to the identity in p
unit :: q (Id q xq) (m (Id p xp))
-- | This should be natural in @x@ and @y@.
prod :: forall (x :: k) (y :: k). q (xq (m x) (m y)) (m (xp x y))
-- (<*>) :: (CCC p xp homp) => _
-- ff <*> fa = _
instance Prelude.Applicative f => Applicative (->) (,) (->) (,) f where
unit = Prelude.pure
prod (fx, fy) = (,) <$> fx <*> fy
-- | See
instance Applicative (->) (,) (->) (,) f => Prelude.Applicative f where
pure a = fmap (const a) (unit @(->) @(,) @(->) @(,) ())
(<*>) ff fa =
(fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b))
(eval :: (a -> b, a) -> b)
((prod @(->) @(,) :: (f a, f b) -> f (a, b))
(ff, fa))
-- | Functor category with postcomposition by a given functor
newtype Postcompose q m a b =
Postcompose { unPostcompose :: Natural q a (Compose m b) }
-- Applicative p (xp :: k -> k -> k) q (xq :: l -> l -> l) (m :: k -> l) where
instance ( Monoidal p xp
, Monoidal q xq
, Profunctor q q -- Require that Hom is actually a profunctor
, Applicative p xp q xq m) => (Category (Postcompose q m)) where
-- | TODO: need generalization of pure?
id = Postcompose (Natural _)
-- A terrible idea™
-- An traversable (endo)functor is
-- + A functor G : Set -> Set
-- + With a distributive law (natural transformation) distr : G⋅F ⇒ F⋅G
-- for applicative functors F
class ( Functor p p t
, Monoidal p xp
) => Traversable (p :: k -> k -> Type) xp (t :: k -> k) where
-- We would like this to be: @Natural p (Compose t m) (Compose m t)@
-- But Compose is limited to things wit codomain 'Type'.
distr :: (Applicative p xp p xp m)
=> forall x. p (t (m x)) (m (t x))
instance (Foldable t, Traversable (->) (,) t) => Prelude.Traversable t where
traverse :: Prelude.Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse f ts = distr @(->) @(,) (Prelude.fmap f ts)
-- type TraversableF = Traversable p xp t
-- | This is ill-kinded :'(
-- traverseF :: (Traversable (->) (,) t, Prelude.Applicative m)
-- => (forall x. f x -> m (g x)) -> t f -> m (t g)
-- traverseF f ts = _
traverseFC :: forall f g m p xp t.
( Traversable p xp t
, Prelude.Applicative m)
=> (forall x. f x -> m (g x)) -> (forall x. t f x -> m (t g x))
traverseFC f ts = _
-- "p" in fmap needs to be (p a b := Natural f (Compose m g))
-- "q" in fmap needs to be (q a b := Natural (t f) (Compose m (t g)))
-- let foo :: ()
-- foo = fmap @p @xp f ts
-- in _
-- fmap :: p a b -> q (f a) (f b)
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