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Created May 22, 2018 18:58
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Singleton design pattern implementation as presented by Andrei Alexandrescu in his book "Modern C++ Design".
// Singleton pattern as described by Andrei Alexandrescu in "Modern C++ Design"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
namespace singleton {
/// Singleton implementation.
namespace defaultPolicies {
/// Default policies.
/// \class CreateUsingNew
/// \brief Creates a new instance of \a Type using the \a new operator.
/// \tparam Type Type to create an instance from. Must be default-constructible.
template<typename Type>
class CreateUsingNew {
/// Creates a new instance and returns a pointer to it.
/// \return Returns the newly created instance.
static inline Type* Create() { return new Type; }
/// Destroys the passed instance.
/// \param obj The instance to destroy.
static inline void Destroy(Type* obj) { delete obj; }
/// \class DefaultLifetime
/// \brief Implements object lifetime per C++ rules: Last created - first destroyed.
/// \tparam Type Type of the object to track liftime of. Not used here.
template<typename Type>
class DefaultLifetime {
/// Handler if dead reference is detected in the singleton.
/// \throws Throws a \a std::logic_error.
static inline void OnDeadReference() { throw std::logic_error("Dead reference!"); }
/// Schedules destruction of the singleton.
/// This policy uses \a std::exit to implement object lifetime according to C++ rules.
/// \param fun Function that destroys the singleton.
static inline void ScheduleDestruction(void (*fun)()) { std::atexit(fun); }
/// \class SingleThreaded
/// \brief Policy class only allowing single threaded application. Minimalistic here.
/// \tparam Type Type of the instance that can be accessed in parallel.
template<typename Type>
class SingleThreaded {
/// \struct DummyLock
/// \brief Dummy lock instance, does not lock.
struct DummyLock {};
typedef DummyLock Lock; ///< Lock guard type.
typedef Type VolatileType; ///< Volatile type. Not volatile here to allow better optimizations.
} // defaultPolicies
/// \class Singleton
/// \brief Class implementing the \a Singleton design pattern for a passed type.
/// This class implements the \a Singleton design pattern which guarantees that there is at most
/// one instance of the passed instance type kept alive.
/// This class accepts three different policies:
/// - CreationPolicy:
/// - Policy for creating and destroying objects.
/// - Interface:
/// - InstanceT* Create()
/// - void Destroy(InstanceT* obj)
/// - Defaults to: singleton::defaultPolicies::CreateUsingNew
/// - LifetimePolicy:
/// - Policy for managing the lifetime of objects.
/// - Interface:
/// - void OnDeadReference()
/// - void ScheduleDestruction(void (*)())
/// - Defaults to: singleton::defaultPolicies::DefaultLifetime
/// - ThreadingModel:
/// - Policy for parallel access protection.
/// - Needed typedefs:
/// - Lock
/// - VolatileType
/// - Defaults to: singleton::defaultPolicies::SingleThreaded
/// Example usage:
/// class A {};
/// A& ins = Singleton<A>::Instance();
/// A& oth = Singleton<A>::Instance();
/// assert(std::addressof(ins) == std::addressof(oth));
/// \tparam InstanceT Type to contain a single instance of.
/// \tparam CreationPolicy Policy responsible for creating and destroying instances of \a InstanceT.
/// \tparam LifetimePolicy Policy responsible for tracking the lifetime of the instance.
/// \tparam ThreadingModel Policy responsible for protecting the instance from parallel access.
/// \author Andrei Alexandrescu (in "Modern C++ Design"), documented by Thomas Lang.
/// \date 2018-05-22
typename InstanceT,
template <typename> class CreationPolicy = defaultPolicies::CreateUsingNew,
template <typename> class LifetimePolicy = defaultPolicies::DefaultLifetime,
template <typename> class ThreadingModel = defaultPolicies::SingleThreaded
class Singleton {
/// Gets the instance held by the singleton. Initializes it on first call.
/// \return Returns the kept instance.
static InstanceT& Instance();
/// Destroys the Singleton.
static void DestroySingleton();
// Prevents the user from creating, copying, assigning or destroying the instance.
Singleton() = delete;
Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;
Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete;
~Singleton() = delete;
typedef typename ThreadingModel<InstanceT>::VolatileType InstanceType; ///< Instance type, maybe volatile.
static InstanceType* instance; ///< Static, sole instance.
static bool destroyed; ///< Indicator if the Singleton was destroyed.
/// Static member initialization.
typename InstanceT,
template <typename> class CreationPolicy,
template <typename> class LifetimePolicy,
template <typename> class ThreadingModel
typename Singleton<InstanceT, CreationPolicy, LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel>::InstanceType*
Singleton<InstanceT, CreationPolicy, LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel>::instance = nullptr;
typename InstanceT,
template <typename> class CreationPolicy,
template <typename> class LifetimePolicy,
template <typename> class ThreadingModel
bool Singleton<InstanceT, CreationPolicy, LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel>::destroyed = false;
typename InstanceT,
template <typename> class CreationPolicy,
template <typename> class LifetimePolicy,
template <typename> class ThreadingModel
InstanceT& Singleton<InstanceT, CreationPolicy, LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel>::Instance() {
if (!instance) {
typename ThreadingModel<InstanceT>::Lock guard;
(void) guard; // Suppresses the "unused variable" warning.
// The famous double-lock-checking model:
// Check in a possibly multi-threaded environment if it is initialized at all.
// If not, lock the access to it.
// Then, check again. Because it is locked by now and if it was not created yet,
// no other thread can create it in parallel now. We can safely create it then.
if (!instance) {
if (destroyed) {
// If the instance is not present and we know that it was already destroyed,
// something bad happened. Let the LifetimePolicy decide what to do now.
destroyed = false;
// Now, let the CreationPolicy create the instance and schedule its destruction
// according to the Lifetime policy.
instance = CreationPolicy<InstanceT>::Create();
return *instance;
typename InstanceT,
template <typename> class CreationPolicy,
template <typename> class LifetimePolicy,
template <typename> class ThreadingModel
void Singleton<InstanceT, CreationPolicy, LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel>::DestroySingleton() {
assert(!destroyed && "Singleton was already destroyed!");
// Destroying is simple: Destroy the instance and clean up.
instance = nullptr;
destroyed = true;
} // singleton
// Test:
class A {
A() : count(0) {}
inline void inc() { ++count; }
inline unsigned int get() const { return count; }
unsigned int count;
int main(void) {
A& singletonOfA = singleton::Singleton<A>::Instance();;
A& anotherSingleton = singleton::Singleton<A>::Instance();;
// Make sure that it's really the same instance.
std::cout << "Instances equal? " << std::boolalpha
<< (std::addressof(singletonOfA) == std::addressof(anotherSingleton))
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "anotherSingleton.get() == "
<< anotherSingleton.get()
<< " [expected 2]" << std::endl;
return 0;
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