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Created October 31, 2017 15:40
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module SAT where
-- simple file for generating an SLD tree (TESTED ON ONE FORMULA ONLY!)
-- (c) Thomas Lang, 2017
import Data.List
-- A literal, can be either positive or negative
data Literal = L String
| NEG String
deriving (Ord, Eq)
-- A clause is simply a list of literals (or a set precisely)
newtype Clause = C [Literal] deriving Eq
-- A formula can be a literal, a conjunction or disjunction.
data Formula = LIT Literal
| AND [Formula]
| OR [Formula]
instance Show Literal where
show (L str) = str
show (NEG str) = "¬" ++ str
instance Show Clause where
show (C []) = "{}"
show (C xs) = "{" ++ intercalate "," (map show xs) ++ "}"
instance Show Formula where
show (LIT l) = show l
show (AND fs) = intercalate " /\\ " (map (\f -> "(" ++ show f ++ ")") fs)
show (OR fs) = intercalate " \\/ " (map (\f -> "(" ++ show f ++ ")") fs)
data SLDTree = Leaf Clause
| Branch [(Clause, SLDTree)]
showTree :: SLDTree -> String
showTree = showTree' 0
showTree' :: Int -> SLDTree -> String
showTree' _ (Leaf l) = "<" ++ show l ++ ">"
showTree' i (Branch b) = let indentation = replicate i '\t'
in concat $ map (\(n,t) -> "\n" ++ indentation ++ show n ++ ":" ++ showTree' (i+1) t) b
instance Show SLDTree where
show = showTree
-- Generates a SLD tree.
-- assumes one question clause only
genSLDTree :: Formula -> SLDTree
genSLDTree f = let clauses = formClauses f
question = getQuestion clauses
in Branch [(question, genSLDTree' question clauses)]
genSLDTree' :: Clause -> [Clause] -> SLDTree
genSLDTree' question clauses = let nextLevel = sldNextLevel question clauses
in case nextLevel of
[] -> Leaf question
cs -> Branch $ map (\c -> (c, genSLDTree' c clauses)) cs
sldNextLevel :: Clause -> [Clause] -> [Clause]
sldNextLevel question [] = []
sldNextLevel question (c:cs) = case resolutionStep question c of
Nothing -> sldNextLevel question cs
Just r -> r : sldNextLevel question cs
getQuestion :: [Clause] -> Clause
getQuestion [] = error "No question clause found!"
getQuestion ((C c):cs) | all isNegLiteral c = C c
| otherwise = getQuestion cs
isNegLiteral :: Literal -> Bool
isNegLiteral (L lit) = False
isNegLiteral (NEG lit) = True
resolutionStep :: Clause -> Clause -> Maybe Clause
resolutionStep (C ls) (C ms) = case (resolutionStep' (ressort ls) (ressort ms) 0) of
Just c -> Just $ C c
Nothing -> Nothing
ressort :: [Literal] -> [Literal]
ressort = sort
opposed :: Literal -> Literal -> Bool
opposed (L l1) (NEG l2) = l1 == l2
opposed (NEG l1) (L l2) = l1 == l2
opposed _ _ = False
resolutionStep' :: [Literal] -> [Literal] -> Int -> Maybe [Literal]
resolutionStep' ls [] _ = Nothing
resolutionStep' [] ms _ = Nothing
resolutionStep' ls ms i = if length ls == i
then Nothing
else case find (opposed (ls!!i)) ms of
Just m -> (Just . rmdups) $ (ls \\ [ls!!i]) ++ (ms \\ [m])
Nothing -> resolutionStep' ls ms (i + 1)
rmdups :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
rmdups = map head . group . sort
-- assumes CNF
formClauses :: Formula -> [Clause]
formClauses (OR xs) = [C $ map (\(LIT lit) -> lit) xs]
formClauses (AND xs) = concat $ map formClauses xs
formClauses (LIT l) = [C [l]]
lit :: String -> Bool -> Formula
lit str True = LIT (L str)
lit str False = LIT (NEG str)
example :: Formula
example = AND [
OR [lit "B" True, lit "C" False],
OR [lit "A" False, lit "B" False],
OR [lit "A" True, lit "B" False, lit "C" False],
lit "C" True
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