Display the Server
header from the response:
HttpResponse resp = requestResponse .response ();
if (resp != null ) {
String val = resp .headerValue ("Server" );
if (val != null ) {
return val ;
return "" ;
Display the GraphQL operation from the request (v1):
HttpRequest req = requestResponse .request ();
if (req != null ) {
String val = req .parameterValue ("operationName" , HttpParameterType .JSON );
if (val != null ) {
return val .split ("\\ {|\\ (" )[0 ];
return "" ;
Display the GraphQL operation from the request (v2):
HttpRequest req = requestResponse .request ();
if (req != null ) {
String val = req .parameterValue ("query" , HttpParameterType .JSON );
if (val != null ) {
return val .split ("\\ {" )[1 ];
return "" ;
Display the .NET Event Target:
HttpRequest req = requestResponse .request ();
if (req != null ) {
String val = req .parameterValue ("__EVENTTARGET" , HttpParameterType .BODY );
if (val != null ) {
return utilities .urlUtils ().decode (val );
return "" ;
Display the .NET Event Argument:
HttpRequest req = requestResponse .request ();
if (req != null ) {
String val = req .parameterValue ("__EVENTARGUMENT" , HttpParameterType .BODY );
if (val != null ) {
return utilities .urlUtils ().decode (val );
return "" ;