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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Naive pure rule engine
(ns carla.core
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))
(defn- fact-matches? [fact match]
(= match (select-keys fact (keys match))))
(defn make-rules [] [])
(defn make-session [] {:facts #{}})
(defn add-rule [rules match-map & conds-and-body]
(let [conds (butlast conds-and-body)
body (last conds-and-body)
match-keys (keys match-map)
match-vals (vals match-map)
rule (fn [session]
(->> match-vals
(map (fn [match] (filter #(fact-matches? % match) (:facts session))))
(apply combo/cartesian-product)
(map #(zipmap match-keys %))
(filter (fn [matched] (every? (fn [cnd] (cnd session matched)) conds)))
(reduce body session)))]
(conj rules rule)))
(defn insert-fact [session fact]
(update-in session [:facts] conj fact))
(defn retract-fact [session fact]
(update-in session [:facts] disj fact))
(defn match-facts [session match]
(filter #(fact-matches? % match) (:facts session)))
(defn fire-rules [session rules]
(reduce (fn [s rule] (rule s)) session rules))
(defn fire-rules* [session rules max-iter]
(loop [session session
c 0]
(let [new-session (fire-rules session rules)]
(if (or (= new-session session) (= c max-iter))
(recur new-session (inc c))))))
(defn doit []
(let [rules (-> (make-rules)
{:tick {:type :Tick}
:init {:type :Initialized}}
(fn [s {{stamp :stamp} :tick {timestamp :timestamp} :init}]
(= stamp timestamp))
(fn [s {{tick-boo :boo} :tick {init-boo :boo} :init}]
(and tick-boo init-boo))
(fn [s {{stamp :stamp boo :boo} :tick}]
(insert-fact s {:type :Tock :stamp stamp :boo boo}))))]
(insert-fact {:type :Tick :stamp 100 :boo false})
(insert-fact {:type :Tick :stamp 100 :boo true})
(insert-fact {:type :Tick :stamp 200 :boo true})
(insert-fact {:type :Initialized :timestamp 100 :boo true})
(insert-fact {:type :Initialized :timestamp 300 :boo false})
(fire-rules* rules 10)
(match-facts {:type :Tock}))))
(defproject carla "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.0.8"]])
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lantiga commented Nov 20, 2014

Accumulators (i.e. pre-filtering or accumulating individual matches before conditions are fired) could be added as

  {:tick [{:type :Tick} (fn [matches] 
                                 (let [max-stamp (max (map :stamp matches))]
                                   (filter #(= (:stamp %) max-stamp) matches)))]

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I’m surely missing something: why do you need to reduce over session twice? Once in fire-rules and then in the rule body?

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Also, I seem to remember that reduce is not lazy (in 1.6 at least)? OK, this is a naive rule engine but if you plan to build upon this experiment it could worth considering the implications.

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