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Reto MSDN AlphabeticalOrder
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace UnitTestProject8
public class AlphabeticalOrderCorrect
private static IComparer<string> comparer = Comparer<string>.Create(
(a, b) => (a + b).CompareTo(b + a));
public static IEnumerable<string> GetShortestConcatString(params string[] input)
return GetShortestConcatString(input as IEnumerable<string>);
public static IEnumerable<string> GetShortestConcatString(IEnumerable<string> input)
if (input == null || input.Any(x => x == null))
throw new ArgumentNullException("input", "must not be null or contains null elements");
return input.Select(GetShortestConcatString);
public static string GetShortestConcatString(string input)
if (input == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
return string.Join("", input.Split().OrderBy(x => x, comparer));
public class AlphabeticalOrderWrong
public static IEnumerable<string> GetShortestConcatString(params string[] input)
return GetShortestConcatString(input as IEnumerable<string>);
public static IEnumerable<string> GetShortestConcatString(IEnumerable<string> input)
if (input == null || input.Any(x => x == null))
throw new ArgumentNullException("input", "must not be null or contains null elements");
return input.Select(GetShortestConcatString);
public static string GetShortestConcatString(string input)
if (input == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
return string.Join("", input.Split().OrderBy(x => x));
public class AlphabeticalOrderTest
public void ShouldReturnEnumerableExceptForOneElement()
IEnumerable<string> strs0 = AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString();
string str1 = AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("");
IEnumerable<string> strs2 = AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("", "");
public void ShouldBeAbleToReceiveStringsOrEnumerable()
IEnumerable<string> it = new string[] { "hello", "bye" };
Assert.AreEqual(2, AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString(it).Count());
Assert.AreEqual(2, AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("hello", "bye").Count());
public void ShouldReturnOneElementPerInput()
Assert.AreEqual(0, AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString().Count());
var strs = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
Assert.AreEqual(10, AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString(strs).Count());
public void ShouldThrowExceptionIfAnyInputParamIsNull()
AssertArgumentNullException(() =>
AssertArgumentNullException(() =>
AssertArgumentNullException(() =>
AssertArgumentNullException(() =>
AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("hello", null, "bye");
public void ShouldReturnSameStringWhenJustOneElement()
Assert.AreEqual("a", AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("a"));
Assert.AreEqual("hello", AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("hello"));
public void ShouldReturnAlphabeticalConcatString()
Assert.AreEqual("ab", AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("a b"));
Assert.AreEqual("ab", AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("b a"));
Assert.AreEqual("aab", AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString("ab a"));
var strs = new string[] { "a b", "b a", "banana apple coconut" };
var expected = new string[] { "ab", "ab", "applebananacoconut" };
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString(strs).ToList());
public void ShouldReturnHarderCasesVERSION1()
var table = new string[][] {
new string[] { "rgh woqg dmabatgbt qrvpcrx eluunoi sy w wnthqxgkg aimallazuc", "aimallazucdmabatgbteluunoiqrvpcrxrghsywwnthqxgkgwoqg", "aimallazucdmabatgbteluunoiqrvpcrxrghsywnthqxgkgwoqgw" },
new string[] { "jg j uj ujnzdng nzdng nzdn e g ujnzdngj", "egjjgnzdnnzdngujujnzdngujnzdngj", "egjgjnzdngnzdnujnzdngjujnzdnguj" },
new string[] { "jibw ji jp bw jibw", "bwjijibwjibwjp", "bwjibwjibwjijp" },
new string[] { "nl jtdmdxu ux nlmnyzdxu mnyz jtdm nlmnyz dxu uxdxu", "dxujtdmjtdmdxumnyznlnlmnyznlmnyzdxuuxuxdxu", "dxujtdmdxujtdmmnyznlmnyzdxunlmnyznluxdxuux" },
new string[] { "dcn csmzj krnc vkcoume wvpva yqoexwujwp v cxepgptf xb", "csmzjcxepgptfdcnkrncvvkcoumewvpvaxbyqoexwujwp", "csmzjcxepgptfdcnkrncvkcoumevwvpvaxbyqoexwujwp" },
new string[] { "ksdzsjz bbio ja mvvyxzkmq zgdvxolmt xgvwdbfqzn rhubnqtaad qa eeb", "bbioeebjaksdzsjzmvvyxzkmqqarhubnqtaadxgvwdbfqznzgdvxolmt", "bbioeebjaksdzsjzmvvyxzkmqqarhubnqtaadxgvwdbfqznzgdvxolmt" },
new string[] { "iccrmcrm mwp sil iccrmcrm ic odo iccrm crm odocrm", "crmiciccrmiccrmcrmiccrmcrmmwpodoodocrmsil", "crmiccrmcrmiccrmcrmiccrmicmwpodocrmodosil" },
new string[] { "o zt da wv brorejctww fu phnej ynrdkylwys ekggrmehcl", "brorejctwwdaekggrmehclfuophnejwvynrdkylwyszt", "brorejctwwdaekggrmehclfuophnejwvynrdkylwyszt" },
new string[] {"a ab", "aab", "aab" },
new string[] {"b ba", "bba", "bab" }
var someFailure = false;
foreach (var elm in table)
var output = AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString(elm[0]);
var msg = "CORRECT. Result por {0} is correct: {1}";
if (output != elm[2])
someFailure = true;
msg = output == elm[1] ?
"ALMOST. Result por {0} is almost correct: {1}. You're very close but a word which appears before yours in a dictionary exists"
: "INCORRECT. Result por {0} is incorect: {1}";
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(msg, elm[0], output));
if (someFailure)
Assert.Fail("There is at least one failing test");
public void ShouldReturnHarderCasesVERSION2()
var table = new string[][] {
new string[] { "rgh woqg dmabatgbt qrvpcrx eluunoi sy w wnthqxgkg aimallazuc", "zOLuytilqRYh5scqwNk51l34sp9HbyHiRY3d8PvqWbI=", "G+vsRunRFDkm15fbpIKDkGnuM2cirbHjfn4DALPWUqg=" },
new string[] { "jg j uj ujnzdng nzdng nzdn e g ujnzdngj", "V191oJHcPL4FU+6ZCfTCdXUo69dI/V/TD0SkAl+IE4E=", "mXCd/wctbYe/pft4RWZMSbDXUBiPd5vA1py1B0G/NnQ=" },
new string[] { "jibw ji jp bw jibw", "fycg5r/sN/amHmWrpJeP0U9o71vSXQxoq2inaPulHqM=", "qQww2SnmJD0KOkWf7pFwfALcEFrXDo8MRKprVAPEHJo=" },
new string[] { "nl jtdmdxu ux nlmnyzdxu mnyz jtdm nlmnyz dxu uxdxu", "FOEIzRicYE2j/VuvoZZwRPnrLGxuEDkl2UV/DP0tM2I=", "/N7WQqzv6Opn5ZQzDI/NTYHCJ9xzIpq3gYwmHajKZ78=" },
new string[] { "dcn csmzj krnc vkcoume wvpva yqoexwujwp v cxepgptf xb", "m2uqRWP+pVdVralXFbaNXA+6UHiItbn6JTmfUw5C/DU=", "s2LhLnzUCfoTF4LLmk2rLZgEb3bevMvxO+2ykKRNG6w=" },
new string[] { "ksdzsjz bbio ja mvvyxzkmq zgdvxolmt xgvwdbfqzn rhubnqtaad qa eeb", "BC7IcPW2icWrZQU1Obx3LvJeYrZj6OneiOXhMTt2Oc8=", "BC7IcPW2icWrZQU1Obx3LvJeYrZj6OneiOXhMTt2Oc8=" },
new string[] { "iccrmcrm mwp sil iccrmcrm ic odo iccrm crm odocrm", "0utdQ1EV0HeN7matisJOP762yBjsNHQzQlEPzprtrRY=", "BrjOUX0IgWngKb9JzXrnz6WSxf2u4z1YavlsYjUlQTY=" },
new string[] { "o zt da wv brorejctww fu phnej ynrdkylwys ekggrmehcl", "jcp5zeZrmjznNMBMk8UBnvPDIl7uJhiJGnEOrxrvvKk=", "jcp5zeZrmjznNMBMk8UBnvPDIl7uJhiJGnEOrxrvvKk="},
new string[] {"a ab", "OHYOq7Zm6OYe5iihfECQzFByjglf8kIYEZ1RvSJHU2M=", "OHYOq7Zm6OYe5iihfECQzFByjglf8kIYEZ1RvSJHU2M=" },
new string[] {"b ba", "Mk6NVxav5HdRGP4SJW/T1IjM5XXjdc5vjrFstLW7tdM=", "7N2XQFx5tAjud5ECnQXStXiT2bBqEoJTHg33KdrvzvU=" }
var someFailure = false;
foreach (var elm in table)
var output = OnewayFunction( AlphabeticalOrder.GetShortestConcatString(elm[0]));
var msg = "CORRECT. Result por {0} is correct: {1}";
if (output != elm[2])
someFailure = true;
msg = output == elm[1] ?
"ALMOST. Result por {0} is almost correct: {1}. You're very close but a word which appears before yours in a dictionary exists"
: "INCORRECT. Result por {0} is incorect: {1}";
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(msg, elm[0], output));
if (someFailure)
Assert.Fail("There is at least one failing test");
private void AssertArgumentNullException(Action action)
Assert.Fail("should throw ArgumentNullException");
catch (ArgumentNullException)
private string OnewayFunction(string input)
return Convert.ToBase64String(new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input)));
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