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Created February 19, 2020 11:58
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# Name of our service
service: daily-instance-snapshot
# The required version of serverless we have to be using for this to work
frameworkVersion: ">=1.26.0 <2.0.0"
# Our service provider and runtime/region definitions
name: aws # Which provider to use
description: "AWS Automated Instance AMI Snapshots and Volumes"
stage: ${opt:stage, 'prod'} # Which stage to deploy to
runtime: python3.6 # Which Lambda runtime to use
logRetentionInDays: 30 # How many days we want to maintain logs in CloudWatch
region: 'ap-east-1' # Which AWS region to deploy in, eu-west-1 by default, but overridable
memorySize: 128 # In megabytes, 128 minimum in 64MB increments
timeout: 300 # In seconds
versionFunctions: true # We want to version our functions so we can revert if we need to
cfLogs: true # This allows us to customize our expiration time of our CloudWatch Log Buckets
DEFAULT_RETENTION_TIME: "7" # This is the number of days by default to store AMIs for
LIMIT_TO_REGIONS: "ap-east-1" # Use this to limit what region(s) you'd like this lambda to scan. Comma-delimited, by default scan all regions. Put in eg: "eu-west-1" here
DRY_RUN: "false" # If this env variable is set to true it will only print what it would do, not actually do it
KEY_TO_TAG_ON: "AWSAutomatedDailySnapshots" # This is the key we will scan for to detect if this script is managing a snapshot, by default this is "AWSAutomatedDailySnapshots". Warning: the first version of this plugin had this value at: FarleysBackupInstanceRotater but it has since changed. Please go manually delete any AMIs with the old name
# We must be able to do what this script needs to do...
- Effect: Allow
- ec2:CreateImage
- ec2:CreateSnapshot
- ec2:CreateTags
- ec2:DeleteSnapshot
- ec2:DeregisterImage
- ec2:DescribeImages
- ec2:DescribeInstances
- ec2:DescribeSnapshots
- ec2:DescribeVolumes
Resource: "*"
# Our function definition
description: This does a snapshot of all our instances we want to be manually backed up to AMIs and attempts to delete expired volumes
handler: handler.lambda_handler
- schedule:
description: Once a day for AMI backups
rate: rate(5 minutes)
enabled: true
- ".DS_Store"
- ".git"
- ".gitignore"
- ".serverless"
- "requirements.txt"
- "**.md"
- "*.png"
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