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Phoenix lanyusea

  • DJI
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tmux cheatsheet

As configured in my dotfiles.

start new:


start new with session name:

Ctrl + Alt + L 类似Windows下的Win + L 组合键,锁定桌面,不同在于同时启动屏幕保护程序
Ctrl + Alt + D组合键,显示桌面
Ctrl + Alt + → / ← 在不同工作台间切换
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + → / ← 移动当前窗口到不同工作
Ctrl+H 显示隐藏文件(切换键)

1.Install Ubuntu

2.Make sure Grub works although you cannot get into Windows

  • If Grub does not work, use liveUSB to repair, check the instruction here

3.Go to the Ubuntu and edit the /etc/grub.d/40_custom like that and update-grub


  • 3D-map should be a probability representation

  • representation of free and unknown space

  • should be efficiency (both read and write)

###Point Clouds

  1. fn -> function
  2. println!("") -> ! means macro
  3. semicolon
  4. let variable = 10i; -> i means integer
  5. cargo build -> similar to catkin_make
volatile uint16_t adc_values[3];
#define Q 1e-6f
#define R 1e-1f
volatile float kalman_value[3];
volatile float kalman_p[3];
void kalman_filter()
int i;
lanyusea /
Last active September 13, 2015 06:44
  1. For GS functions, you MUST install the develop-purpose firmware from, the latest official firmware does not allow you opening the groundstation. (while the camera can still be controlled when using the latest official firmware)

  2. if you want to OpenGS->uploadWP->StartWP in a sequence, there should be a delay between each of them because of the drone need time to finish it (system response time I think). Personally, to ensure success every time, I set it to Thread.sleep(2000).

    From @benwang0: delay is also required for downloading photos using SDK 2.0 from Phantom 3 when switch to preview mode (setCameraMode), select photos (selectFileAtIndex), and download photos (downloadAllSelectedFiles). I find that 0.5 second delay (Thread.sleep(500)) in the callback is good enough

    From @kenargo: use a Handler and call each step when the prior one completed with success. Wait is too risky and unreliable.

HOWEVER, the official confirmed it is a bug in SDK, they said there should not be th