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Last active May 21, 2018 08:16
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Convert Typecho to Jekyll & DuoShuo
* Typecho to Jekyll & DuoShuo
* @author
* Usage:
* 1. run `npm install dateformat`
* 2. export table `typecho_comments` and `typecho_contents` as two json files. you can do this with PHPMySQLAdmin
* 3. edit this file, especially line 15 - 20
* 4. run `node t2jd.js`
var fs = require('fs');
var df = require('dateformat');
var style = {
getDate: (date) => (df(date, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss')), //DO NOT CHANGE!
getThreadKey: (post) => ("/archives/" + post.slug),
getPermalink: (post) => ("/archives/" + post.slug),
getPostURL: (post) => ("" + style.getPermalink(post)),
var src_comments = JSONparse(fs.readFileSync('typecho_comments.json', 'utf-8'));
var src_contents = JSONparse(fs.readFileSync('typecho_contents.json', 'utf-8'));
/** phpMyAdmin non-standard JSON string will not work; use this to parse */
function JSONparse(str) {
var tmp;
tmp = eval(str.replace(/^\/\/.*$/g, '').trim().replace(/\n/g, '\\n'));
return tmp;
var duoshuo = { threads: [], posts: [] };
var comments = {};
var posts = {};
['_drafts', '_posts'].forEach((dir) => {
try { fs.mkdirSync(dir) } catch (error) { }
src_contents.forEach((post) => {
post.thread_key = style.getThreadKey(post);
post.url = style.getPostURL(post);
post.created = new Date(post.created * 1000);
var fdata, fn, fstatus;
fstatus = "_posts"
if (/draft$/.test(post.type)) fstatus = "_drafts"
if (/^page/.test(post.type)) fstatus = "."
fdata = [
"layout: " + (/^page/.test(post.type) ? "page" : "post"),
"title: " + JSON.stringify(post.title),
"date: " + style.getDate(post.created),
"categories: ", //TODO
"permalink: " + style.getPermalink(post),
post.text.replace(/^<!--markdown-->/g, '')
fn = fstatus + "/" + df(post.created, "yyyy-mm-dd") + "-" + post.slug + ".md";
fs.writeFile(fn, fdata);
posts[post.cid] = post;
thread_key: post.thread_key,
title: post.title,
url: post.url
src_comments.forEach((comment) => {
var post = posts[comment.cid];
var push = {
thread_key: post.thread_key,
post_key: "typecho_coid_" + comment.coid,
message: comment.text,
author_email: comment.mail,
author_url: comment.url,
ip: comment.ip,
agent: comment.agent,
created_at: style.getDate(new Date(comment.created * 1000))
if (comment.parent) push.parent_key = "typecho_coid_" + comment.parent;
fs.writeFile("duoshuo.json", JSON.stringify(duoshuo))
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