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Created July 14, 2014 06:58
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Output upscale_relperm July 11
Parsed command line option: points := 5
Parsing Eclipse file <parallel.grdecl> ... (0.05 secs)
Cells with permx truncated from below: 1560
Tesselating grid... (0.01 secs)
Pcmin: -1.00662e+15
Pcmax: 1.00662e+15
LF Pore volume: 780
LF Volume: 7800
Upscaled porosity: 0.1
Upscaled Swir: 0
Upscaled Swmax: 1
Saturation points to be computed: 5
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0.001
AMG::pre took 0.001
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
1.00662e+15 0 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0.001
AMG::pre took 0.001
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
2.68427e+13 0.25 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
0 0.5 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
-2.68427e+13 0.75 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0.001
AMG::pre took 0.001
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.01308e-24
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 6.1201e-25
Preprocessing Dirichlet took 0
Preprocessing smoothers took 0
AMG::pre took 0
Max mod = 1.31097e-23
-1.00662e+15 1 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12
Minimum upscaled relperm value is 1, larger than critRelpermThresh.
(voigtidx = 0)
Usage: upscale_relperm <options> <eclipsefile> stoneA.txt stoneB.txt ...
where the options are:
-bc <string> -- which boundary conditions to use.
Possible values are f (fixed), l (linear)
and p (periodic). Default f (fixed).
-points <integer> -- Number of saturation points to upscale for.
Uniformly distributed within saturation endpoints.
Default 30.
-relPermCurve <integer> -- For isotropic input, the column number in the stone-files
that represents the phase to be upscaled,
typically 2 (default) for water and 3 for oil.
-jFunctionCurve <integer> -- the column number in the stone-files that
represent the Leverett J-function. Default 4.
-upscaleBothPhases <bool> -- If this is true, relperm for both phases will be upscaled
and both will be outputted to Eclipse format. Default true.
For isotropic input, relPermCurves is assumed to be 2 and 3,
for anisotropic input, relPermCurves are assumed to be 3-5
and 6-8 respectively for the two phases
-gravity <float> -- use 9.81 for standard gravity. Default zero. Unit m/s^2.
-surfaceTension <float> -- Surface tension to use in J-function/Pc conversion.
Default 11 dynes/cm (oil-water systems). In absence of
a correct value, the surface tension for gas-oil systems
could be 22.5 dynes/cm.
-waterDensity <float> -- density of water, only applicable to non-zero
gravity, g/cm³. Default 1
-oilDensity <float> -- density of oil, only applicable to non-zero
gravity, g/cm³. Default 0.6
-output <string> -- filename for where to write upscaled values.
If not supplied, output will only go to
the terminal (standard out).
-interpolate <integer> -- If supplied, the output data points will be
interpolated using monotone cubic interpolation
on a uniform grid with the specified number of
points. Suggested value: 1000.
-maxPermContrast <float> -- maximal permeability contrast in model.
Default 10^7
-minPerm <float> -- Minimum floating point value allowed for
phase permeability in computations. If set to zero,
some models can end up singular. Default 10^-12
-maxPerm <float> -- Maximum floating point value allowed for
Default 100000. Unit Millidarcy.
-fluids <string> -- Either ow for oil/water systems or go for gas/oil systems. Default ow.
In case of go, the waterDensity option should be set to gas density
Also remember to specify the correct surface tension
-krowxswirr <float> -- Oil relative permeability in x-direction at Swirr(from SWOF table).
In case of oil/gas, this value is needed to ensure consistensy
between SWOF and SGOF tables. Only has affect if fluids is set to go
and upscaleBothPhases is true.
If not set, the point is not inserted into the final table.
-krowyswirr <float> -- Oil relative permeability in y-direction at Swirr(from SWOF table). See krowxswirr.
-krowzswirr <float> -- Oil relative permeability in z-direction at Swirr(from SWOF table). See krowxswirr.
-doEclipseCheck <bool> -- Default true. Check that input relperm curves includes relperms at critical
saturation points, i.e. that krw(swcrit)=0 and krow(swmax) = 0 and similar for oil/gas.
-critRelpermThresh <float> -- If minimum relperm values are less than this threshold, they are set to zero
and will pass the EclipseCheck. Default 10^-6
If only one stone-file is supplied, it is used for all stone-types defined
in the geometry. If more than one, it corresponds to the SATNUM-values.
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