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Created February 6, 2018 10:56
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def partition_list(a, k):
if k <= 1: return [a]
if k >= len(a): return [[x] for x in a]
partition_between = [(i+1)*len(a) // k for i in range(k-1)]
average_height = float(sum(a))/k
best_score = None
best_partitions = None
count = 0
while True:
starts = [0] + partition_between
ends = partition_between + [len(a)]
partitions = [a[starts[i]:ends[i]] for i in range(k)]
heights = list(map(sum, partitions))
abs_height_diffs = list(map(lambda x: abs(average_height - x), heights))
worst_partition_index = abs_height_diffs.index(max(abs_height_diffs))
worst_height_diff = average_height - heights[worst_partition_index]
if best_score is None or abs(worst_height_diff) < best_score:
best_score = abs(worst_height_diff)
best_partitions = partitions
no_improvements_count = 0
no_improvements_count += 1
if worst_height_diff == 0 or no_improvements_count > 5 or count > 100:
return best_partitions
count += 1
move = -1 if worst_height_diff < 0 else 1
bound_to_move = 0 if worst_partition_index == 0\
else k-2 if worst_partition_index == k-1\
else worst_partition_index-1 if (worst_height_diff < 0) ^ (heights[worst_partition_index-1] > heights[worst_partition_index+1])\
else worst_partition_index
direction = -1 if bound_to_move < worst_partition_index else 1
partition_between[bound_to_move] += move * direction
def print_best_partition(a, k):
print('Partitioning {0} into {1} partitions'.format(a, k))
p = partition_list(a, k)
print('The best partitioning is {0}\n With heights {1}\n'.format(p, list(map(sum, p))))
a = [1, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1, 7, 6, 4]
print_best_partition(a, 1)
print_best_partition(a, 2)
print_best_partition(a, 3)
print_best_partition(a, 4)
b = [1, 10, 10, 1]
print_best_partition(b, 2)
import random
c = [random.randint(0,20) for x in range(100)]
print_best_partition(c, 10)
d = [95, 15, 75, 25, 85, 5]
print_best_partition(d, 3)
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Hi @laowantong ,

for input
a = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
print_best_partition(a, 4)

we get output as
Partitioning [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] into 4 partitions
The best partitioning is [[1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]
With heights [1, 2, 2, 2]

But it should be [[1,1],[1,1],[1,1],[1]]

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Kaanbakircioglu commented Jun 14, 2022

Hello @GMishx, I could not use this function with the keys, I also need to see the separated Key names. What is the type of "ind" variable and how did you use the print_best_partition with the keys. Thank you for your contribute.

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