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Created October 20, 2019 21:26
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15puzzle in C++ Metaprogramming
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
* When an action (structs with its name in lower case), cannot do its operation,
* it returns Nothing.
* All actions returns a 'type'.
struct Nothing {};
template<uint64_t P>
using Long = std::integral_constant<uint64_t, P>;
* Kind of movements the hole can do
enum Movement: long {
template<uint64_t Puz, uint64_t Pos>
struct __get_hole_position {
using type = std::conditional_t<
(Puz & 0xf) == 0,
typename __get_hole_position<(Puz >> 4), Pos + 1>::type
template<uint64_t Puz>
struct __get_hole_position<Puz, 16> {
using type = Nothing;
template<class MaybePuzzle>
struct get_hole_position {
using type = typename __get_hole_position<MaybePuzzle::value, 0>::type;
struct get_hole_position<Nothing> {
using type = Nothing;
template<class MaybePuzzle>
using get_hole_position_t = typename get_hole_position<MaybePuzzle>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Nothing>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x123456789abcdef0>>, Long<0>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x123456789abcde0f>>, Long<1>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x123456789abcd0ef>>, Long<2>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x123456789abc0def>>, Long<3>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x123456789ab0cdef>>, Long<4>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x123456789a0bcdef>>, Long<5>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1234567890abcdef>>, Long<6>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1234567809abcdef>>, Long<7>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1234567089abcdef>>, Long<8>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1234560789abcdef>>, Long<9>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1234506789abcdef>>, Long<10>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1234056789abcdef>>, Long<11>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1230456789abcdef>>, Long<12>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1203456789abcdef>>, Long<13>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x1023456789abcdef>>, Long<14>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0x0123456789abcdef>>, Long<15>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<get_hole_position_t<Long<0xf123456789abcdef>>, Nothing>);
template<bool Condition, uint64_t Pos, Movement M, uint64_t Puz>
struct __move;
template<uint64_t Pos, uint64_t Puz>
struct __move<true, Pos, Up, Puz> {
using type = Long<
(Puz & ~(0xfull << (4 * (Pos + 4)))) |
((Puz & (0xfull << (4 * (Pos + 4)))) >> 16)
template<uint64_t Pos, uint64_t Puz>
struct __move<true, Pos, Right, Puz> {
using type = Long<
(Puz & ~(0xfull << (4 * (Pos - 1)))) |
((Puz & (0xfull << (4 * (Pos - 1)))) << 4)
template<uint64_t Pos, uint64_t Puz>
struct __move<true, Pos, Down, Puz> {
using type = Long<
(Puz & ~(0xfull << (4 * (Pos - 4)))) |
((Puz & (0xfull << (4 * (Pos - 4)))) << 16)
template<uint64_t Pos, uint64_t Puz>
struct __move<true, Pos, Left, Puz> {
using type = Long<
(Puz & ~(0xfull << (4 * (Pos + 1)))) |
((Puz & (0xfull << (4 * (Pos + 1)))) >> 4)
template<uint64_t Pos, Movement M, uint64_t Puz>
struct __move<false, Pos, M, Puz> {
using type = Nothing;
template<bool Condition, uint64_t Pos, Movement M, uint64_t Puz>
using __move_t = typename __move<Condition, Pos, M, Puz>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<__move_t<false, 0, Up, 0>, Nothing>);
template<Movement M, class MaybePuzzle>
struct move {
using type =
std::conditional_t<M == Up, __move_t<get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value / 4 != 3, get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value, Up , MaybePuzzle::value>,
std::conditional_t<M == Right, __move_t<get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value % 4 != 0, get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value, Right, MaybePuzzle::value>,
std::conditional_t<M == Down, __move_t<get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value / 4 != 0, get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value, Down , MaybePuzzle::value>,
/*M == Left*/ __move_t<get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value % 4 != 3, get_hole_position_t<MaybePuzzle>::value, Left , MaybePuzzle::value>
> > >;
static constexpr Movement direction = M;
/* Try to move nothing results nothing */
template<Movement M>
struct move<M, Nothing> {
using type = Nothing;
template<Movement M, class MaybePuzzle>
using move_t = typename move<M, MaybePuzzle>::type;
/* Move nothing results in nothing */
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Up , Nothing>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Right, Nothing>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Down , Nothing>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Left , Nothing>, Nothing>);
/* trying move corners */
/* bottom right */
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Up , Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'def0>>, Long<0x1234'5678'9ab0'defc>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Right, Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'def0>>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Down , Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'def0>>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Left , Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'def0>>, Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'de0f>>);
/* bottom left */
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Up , Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'0def>>, Long<0x1234'5678'0abc'9def>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Right, Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'0def>>, Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'd0ef>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Down , Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'0def>>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Left , Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'0def>>, Nothing>);
/* upper left */
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Up , Long<0x0123'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Right, Long<0x0123'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x1023'4567'89ab'cdef>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Down , Long<0x0123'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x4123'0567'89ab'cdef>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Left , Long<0x0123'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Nothing>);
/* upper right */
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Up , Long<0x1230'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Right, Long<0x1230'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Nothing>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Down , Long<0x1230'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x1237'4560'89ab'cdef>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Left , Long<0x1230'4567'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x1203'4567'89ab'cdef>>);
/* trying a element in the middle */
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Up , Long<0x1234'5067'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x1034'5267'89ab'cdef>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Right, Long<0x1234'5067'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x1234'5607'89ab'cdef>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Down , Long<0x1234'5067'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x1234'5967'80ab'cdef>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<move_t<Left , Long<0x1234'5067'89ab'cdef>>, Long<0x1234'0567'89ab'cdef>>);
/* List that stores types in compilation time. A empty list is Nothing */
template<class Type, class Next>
struct TList {
using type = Type;
using next = Next;
template<class Type, class List>
struct tlist_has_element : std::conditional_t<
std::is_same_v<Type, typename List::type>,
typename tlist_has_element<Type, typename List::next>::type
> {};
template<class Type>
struct tlist_has_element<Type, Nothing> : std::false_type {};
template<class Type, class List>
inline constexpr bool tlist_has_element_v = tlist_has_element<Type, List>::value;
static_assert(tlist_has_element_v<Long<0>, Nothing> == false);
static_assert(tlist_has_element_v<Long<0>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>> == true);
static_assert(tlist_has_element_v<Long<0>, TList<Long<0>, TList<Long<1>, Nothing>>> == true);
static_assert(tlist_has_element_v<Long<0>, TList<Long<1>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>>> == true);
static_assert(tlist_has_element_v<Long<0>, TList<Long<1>, TList<Long<2>, Nothing>>> == false);
static_assert(tlist_has_element_v<move_t<Right, Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'de0f>>, Nothing> == false);
static_assert(tlist_has_element_v<move_t<Right, Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'de0f>>, TList<Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'def0>, Nothing>> == true);
template<class List>
struct tlist_size {
static constexpr uint64_t value = 1 + tlist_size<typename List::next>::value;
struct tlist_size<Nothing> {
static constexpr uint64_t value = 0;
template<class List>
inline constexpr uint64_t tlist_size_v = tlist_size<List>::value;
static_assert(tlist_size_v<Nothing> == 0);
static_assert(tlist_size_v<TList<Long<0>, Nothing>> == 1);
static_assert(tlist_size_v<TList<Long<1>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>>> == 2);
template<class Type, class List>
struct tlist_add_unique {
using type = std::conditional_t<
tlist_has_element<Type, List>::type::value,
TList<Type, List>
template<class List>
struct tlist_add_unique<Nothing, List> {
using type = List;
template<class Type, class List>
using tlist_add_unique_t = typename tlist_add_unique<Type, List>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<tlist_add_unique_t<Long<0>, Nothing>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<tlist_add_unique_t<Long<1>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>>, TList<Long<1>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>>>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<tlist_add_unique_t<Long<0>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>>, TList<Long<0>, Nothing>>);
* Helper to solve a puzzle. It receive the actual puzzle
* to solve, the movements done to get to this puzzle and
* all the visited positions.
* All the __resolv types should have:
* * type: a type indicating it is a dead end path. In this case, type is Nothing.
* * moves: the list of moves used to get to the actual puzzle.
* * visited: all the puzzles visited during the resolution.
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv;
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
using __resolv_t = typename __resolv<MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>::type;
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
using __resolv_visited = typename __resolv<MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>::visited;
template<bool Choose, Movement M, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited, class Result, template<class, class, class> class Action>
struct __resolv_move_helper_selector {
using type = Action<
move_t<M, MaybePuzzle>,
move<M, MaybePuzzle>,
move_t<M, MaybePuzzle>,
template<Movement M, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited, class Result, template<class, class, class> class Action>
struct __resolv_move_helper_selector<true, M, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited, Result, Action> {
using type = Result;
template<bool Choose, Movement M, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited, class Result, template<class, class, class> class Action>
using __resolv_move_helper_selector_t = typename __resolv_move_helper_selector<Choose, M, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited, Result, Action>::type;
template<Movement M, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited, class Result, template<class, class, class> class Action>
using __resolv_move_helper = __resolv_move_helper_selector_t<
std::is_same_v<move_t<M, MaybePuzzle>, Nothing> || tlist_has_element_v<move_t<M, MaybePuzzle>, Visited>,
M, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited, Result, Action
template<Movement M, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_move {
using type = __resolv_move_helper<M, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited, Nothing , __resolv_t >;
using visited = __resolv_move_helper<M, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited, Visited , __resolv_visited>;
template<Movement M, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_move<M, Nothing, MoveList, Visited> {
using type = Nothing;
using visited = Visited;
template<Movement M, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
using __resolv_move_t = typename __resolv_move<M, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>::type;
template<Movement M, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
using __resolv_move_visited = typename __resolv_move<M, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>::visited;
template<bool Solved, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_left {
using type = __resolv_move<Left, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>;
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_left<true, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited> {
using type = Nothing;
template<bool Solved, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_down {
using type = __resolv_move<Down, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>;
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_down<true, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited> {
using type = typename __resolv_left<
std::is_same_v<move_t<Left, MaybePuzzle>, Nothing> || tlist_has_element_v<move_t<Left, MaybePuzzle>, Visited>,
__resolv_move_visited<Down, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>
template<bool Solved, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_right {
using type = __resolv_move<Right, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>;
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_right<true, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited> {
using type = typename __resolv_down<
std::is_same_v<move_t<Down, MaybePuzzle>, Nothing> || tlist_has_element_v<move_t<Down, MaybePuzzle>, Visited>,
__resolv_move_visited<Right, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>
template<bool Unsolved, class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_up {
using type = __resolv_move<Up, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>;
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv_up<true, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited> {
using type = typename __resolv_right<
std::is_same_v<move_t<Right, MaybePuzzle>, Nothing> || tlist_has_element_v<move_t<Right, MaybePuzzle>, Visited>,
__resolv_move_visited<Up, MaybePuzzle, MoveList, Visited>
template<class MaybePuzzle, class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv {
using type_temp = typename __resolv_up<
std::is_same_v<move_t<Up, MaybePuzzle>, Nothing> || tlist_has_element_v<move_t<Up, MaybePuzzle>, Visited>,
using type = typename type_temp::type;
using visited = typename type_temp::visited;
template<class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv<Nothing, MoveList, Visited> {
using type = Nothing;
using visited = Visited;
template<class MoveList, class Visited>
struct __resolv<Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'def0>, MoveList, Visited> {
using type = MoveList;
using visited = Visited;
/* */
template<class MaybePuzzle>
struct resolv : __resolv<MaybePuzzle, Nothing, tlist_add_unique_t<MaybePuzzle, Nothing>> {};
struct resolv<Nothing> {
using type = Nothing;
template<class MaybePuzzle>
using resolv_t = typename resolv<MaybePuzzle>::type;
template<class MaybePuzzle>
using resolv_moves = typename resolv<MaybePuzzle>::moves;
#include <iostream>
template<class Path>
struct __show_path {
__show_path() {
__show_path<typename Path::next>{};
if constexpr (Path::type::direction == Up) {
std::cout << "u";
else if constexpr (Path::type::direction == Right) {
std::cout << "r";
else if constexpr (Path::type::direction == Down) {
std::cout << "d";
else if constexpr (Path::type::direction == Left) {
std::cout << "l";
struct __show_path<Nothing> {};
int main() {
//using to_solve = Long<0x1230'5674'9ab8'defc>;
using to_solve = Long<0x5123'9674'dab8'0efc>;
//using to_solve = Long<0x01234'5678'9abc'def>;
//using to_solve = Long<0x1234'5678'9abc'def0>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<resolv_t<to_solve>, Nothing>) {
std::cout << "" << "hasn't got result" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
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