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Created October 5, 2015 16:19
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Installation Instructions for project clearwater


  • Atleast 7 VM's: 1 corresponding to each node and 1 for DNS Server.
  • Keep note of the IP's of each VM and assign them to a node.
  • A publicly accessible IP address of each of the above machines and a private IP address for each of them (these may be the same address depending on the machine environment). These will be referred to as <publicIP> and <privateIP> below.
  • The FQDN of the machine, which resolves to the machine's public IP address (if the machine has no FQDN, you should instead use the public IP). Referred to as <hostname> below.
  • A DNS root zone in which to install your repository and the ability to configure records within that zone. This root zone will be referred to as <zone> below. In setting of DNS, this is referred to as ims.hom

Setting up a DNS Server

We will be using Bind to configure a Private DNS Server

sudo apt-get update

Now install BIND:

sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc

###IPv4 Mode

Before continuing, let's set BIND to IPv4 mode. On both servers, edit the bind9 service parameters file:

sudo vi /etc/default/bind9

Add "-4" to the OPTIONS variable. It should look like the following:

OPTIONS="-4 -u bind"

###Configure Primary DNS Server

BIND's configuration consists of multiple files, which are included from the main configuration file, named.conf. These filenames begin with "named" because that is the name of the process that BIND runs. We will start with configuring the options file. Configure Options File

On the dns VM, open the named.conf.options file for editing:

sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options

Above the existing options block, create a new ACL block called "trusted". This is where we will define list of other VM's

acl "trusted" {;    # ns1 - DNS;  # host1;  # host2;  # host3;  # host4;  # host5;  # host6

Save and exit.

Now that BIND is installed, let's configure the primary DNS server.

Below the directory directive, add the highlighted configuration lines (and substitute in the proper ns1 IP address) so it looks something like this:

options {
        directory "/var/cache/bind";   # This should be already present Add the others
        recursion yes;                 # enables resursive queries
        allow-recursion { trusted; };  # allows recursive queries from "trusted" clients
        listen-on {; };   # ns1 private IP address - listen on private network only
        allow-transfer { none; };      # disable zone transfers by default


Now save and exit named.conf.options. The above configuration specifies that only your own servers (the "trusted" ones) will be able to query your DNS server.

Next, we will configure the local file, to specify our DNS zones.

###Configure Local File

On ns1, open the named.conf.local file for editing:

sudo vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Aside from a few comments, the file should be empty. Here, we will specify our forward and reverse zones.

Add the forward zone with the following lines (substitute the zone name with your own):

zone "ims.hom" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/zones/db.ims.hom"; # zone file path

Assuming that our private subnet is, add the reverse zone by with the following lines (note that our reverse zone name starts with "128.10" which is the octet reversal of "10.128"):

Create Forward Zone File

The forward zone file is where we define DNS records for forward DNS lookups. That is, when the DNS receives a name query, "bono.ims.hom" for example, it will look in the forward zone file to resolve bono's corresponding private IP address.

Let's create the directory where our zone files will reside. According to our named.conf.local configuration, that location should be /etc/bind/zones:

sudo mkdir /etc/bind/zones

We will base our forward zone file on the sample db.local zone file. Copy it to the proper location with the following commands:

cd /etc/bind/zones sudo cp ../db.local ./db.ims.hom

Now let's edit our forward zone file:

sudo vi /etc/bind/zones/db.ims.hom

Initially, it will look something like the following:

$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost. (
                              2         ; Serial
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN      NS      localhost.      ; delete this line
@       IN      A       ; delete this line
@       IN      AAAA    ::1             ; delete this line

Finally the file should look something like this:

; BIND data file for local loopback interface
$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     ns1.ims.hom. admin.ims.hom. (
                  7       ; Serial
             604800     ; Refresh
              86400     ; Retry
            2419200     ; Expire
             604800 )   ; Negative Cache TTL
; name servers - NS records
     IN      NS      ns1.ims.hom.

; name servers - A records
ns1.ims.hom.          IN      A

; - A records
; bono
; ====
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
bono.ims.hom.        IN      A
bono-1                 IN A
; Cluster A and AAAA records - UEs that don't support RFC 3263 will simply
; resolve the A or AAAA records and pick randomly from this set of addresses.
bono		       IN A
@                      IN A
; NAPTR and SRV records - these indicate a preference for TCP and then resolve
; to port 5060 on the per-node records defined above.
@                      IN NAPTR 1 1 "S" "SIP+D2T" "" _sip._tcp
@                      IN NAPTR 2 1 "S" "SIP+D2U" "" _sip._udp
_sip._tcp              IN SRV   0 0 5060 bono-1
_sip._udp              IN SRV   0 0 5060 bono-1

; sprout
; ======
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
sprout.ims.hom.        IN      A
sprout-1               IN A
; Cluster A and AAAA records - P-CSCFs that don't support RFC 3263 will simply
; resolve the A or AAAA records and pick randomly from this set of addresses.
sprout                 IN A
; NAPTR and SRV records - these indicate TCP support only and then resolve
; to port 5054 on the per-node records defined above.
sprout                 IN NAPTR 1 1 "S" "SIP+D2T" "" _sip._tcp.sprout
_sip._tcp.sprout       IN SRV   0 0 5054 sprout-1
; Per-node records for I-CSCF (if enabled) - not required to have both
; IPv4 and IPv6 records
; Cluster A and AAAA records - P-CSCFs that don't support RFC 3263 will simply
; resolve the A or AAAA records and pick randomly from this set of addresses.
; NAPTR and SRV records for I-CSCF (if enabled) - these indicate TCP
; support only and then resolve to port 5052 on the per-node records
; defined above.

; homestead
; =========
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
hs.ims.hom.        IN      A
homestead-1            IN A
; Cluster A and AAAA records - sprout picks randomly from these.
hs                     IN A
; (No need for NAPTR or SRV records as homestead doesn't handle SIP traffic.)

; homer
; =====
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
homer.ims.hom.        IN      A
homer-1                IN A
; Cluster A and AAAA records - sprout picks randomly from these.
homer                  IN A
; (No need for NAPTR or SRV records as homer doesn't handle SIP traffic.)

; ralf
; =====
; Per-node records - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
ralf.ims.hom.        IN      A
ralf-1                IN A
; Cluster A and AAAA records - sprout and bono pick randomly from these.
ralf                  IN A
; (No need for NAPTR or SRV records as ralf doesn't handle SIP traffic.)

; ellis
; =====
; ellis is not clustered, so there's only ever one node.
; Per-node record - not required to have both IPv4 and IPv6 records
ellis.ims.hom.        IN      A
ellis-1                IN A
; "Cluster"/access A and AAAA record
ellis                  IN A

###Create Reverse Zone File Reverse zone file are where we define DNS PTR records for reverse DNS lookups. That is, when the DNS receives a query by IP address, "" for example, it will look in the reverse zone file(s) to resolve the corresponding FQDN, "bono.ims.hom" in this case.

On ns1, for each reverse zone specified in the named.conf.local file, create a reverse zone file. We will base our reverse zone file(s) on the sample db.127 zone file. Copy it to the proper location with the following commands (substituting the destination filename so it matches your reverse zone definition):

cd /etc/bind/zones
sudo cp ../db.127 ./db.10.128

Edit the reverse zone file that corresponds to the reverse zone(s) defined in named.conf.local:

sudo vi /etc/bind/zones/db.10.128

Initially, it will look something like the following:

$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost. (
                              1         ; Serial
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN      NS      localhost.      ; delete this line
1.0.0   IN      PTR     localhost.      ; delete this line

Finally should look something like this:

; BIND reverse data file for local loopback interface
$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     ims.hom. admin.ims.hom. (
                              5         ; Serial
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
; name servers
      IN      NS      ns1.ims.hom.

; PTR Records
70.34 IN      PTR     ns1.ims.hom.    ;
51.34 IN      PTR     bono.ims.hom.  ;
61.34 IN      PTR     sprout.ims.hom.  ;
72.34 IN      PTR     homer.ims.hom.  ;
49.34 IN      PTR     hs.ims.hom.  ;
68.34 IN      PTR     ralf.ims.hom.  ;

###Check BIND Configuration Syntax

Run the following command to check the syntax of the named.conf* files:

sudo named-checkconf

If your named configuration files have no syntax errors, you will return to your shell prompt and see no error messages.

The named-checkzone command can be used to check the correctness of your zone files. Its first argument specifies a zone name, and the second argument specifies the corresponding zone file

sudo named-checkzone

sudo named-checkzone /etc/bind/zones/db.10.128

When all of your configuration and zone files have no errors in them, you should be ready to restart the BIND service. Restart BIND

###Restart BIND:

sudo service bind9 restart

Your primary DNS server is now setup and ready to respond to DNS queries.

Bootstrapping the Machines

There are a few steps that are common to all the Clearwater node installs - configuring the APT software sources and supplying the IP addresses/DNS hostnames to use for communicating within the deployment.

The following steps should be followed on all the machines that will make up the Clearwater deployment.

###Configuring the APT software sources

The machines need to be configured so that APT can use the Clearwater repository server.

###Project Clearwater

Under sudo, create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clearwater.list with the following contents:

deb binary/

Once this is created install the signing key used by the Clearwater server with:

curl -L | sudo apt-key add -

You should check the key fingerprint with:

sudo apt-key finger

The output should contain the following - check the fingerprint carefully.

pub   4096R/22B97904 2013-04-30
      Key fingerprint = 9213 4604 DE32 7DF7 FEB7  2026 111D BE47 22B9 7904
uid                  Project Clearwater Maintainers <>
sub   4096R/46EC5B7F 2013-04-30

###Finishing up

Once the above steps have been performed, run the following to re-index your package manager:

sudo apt-get update

Configuring the inter-node hostnames/IP addresses

On each machine, create the file /etc/clearwater/config with the following contents:

# Deployment definitions

# Local IP configuration

# Email server configuration
smtp_smarthost=<smtp server>

# Keys (you can change this secret to something else)

##Node specific installation instructions

At this point, you should decide (if you haven't already) which of the six machines will take on which of the Clearwater roles.

The six roles are:

  • ellis
  • bono - This role also hosts a restund STUN server
  • sprout
  • homer
  • homestead
  • ralf

Once this is determined, ssh onto each box in turn and follow the appropriate instructions below:


Install the Ellis package with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install ellis --yes

Provision a pool of numbers in Ellis. The command given here will generate 1000 numbers starting at sip:6505550000@, meaning none of the generated numbers will be routeable outside of the Clearwater deployment. For more details on creating numbers, see the documentation.

sudo bash -c "export PATH=/usr/share/clearwater/ellis/env/bin:$PATH ;
              cd /usr/share/clearwater/ellis/src/metaswitch/ellis/tools/ ;
              python --start 6505550000 --count 1000"

On success, you should see some output from python about importing eggs and then the following.

Created 1000 numbers, 0 already present in database

This command is idempotent, so it's safe to run it multiple times. If you've run it once before, you'll see the following instead.

Created 0 numbers, 1000 already present in database


Install the Bono and Restund packages with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install bono restund --yes


Install the Sprout package with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install sprout --yes

If you want the Sprout nodes to include a Memento Application server, then install the memento packages with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-cassandra --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install memento memento-nginx --yeS


Install the Homer and Cassandra packages with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-cassandra --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install homer --yes


Install the Homestead and Cassandra packages with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install clearwater-cassandra --yes
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install homestead homestead-prov --yes


Install the Ralf package with:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install ralf --yes

###Adding DNS Records (Client Configuration) Clearwater nodes need to know the identity of their DNS server. Ideally, this is achieved through DHCP. There are two main situations in which it might need to be configured manually.

  • When DNS configuration is not provided via DHCP.
  • When incorrect DNS configuration is provided via DHCP.

Either way, you must

  • create an /etc/dnsmasq.resolv.conf file containing the desired DNS configuration (probably just the single line nameserver <IP address>)
  • add RESOLV_CONF=/etc/dnsmasq.resolv.conf to /etc/default/dnsmasq
  • run service dnsmasq restart

(As background, dnsmasq is a DNS forwarder that runs on each Clearwater node to act as a cache. Local processes look in /etc/resolv.conf for DNS configuration, and this points them to localhost, where dnsmasq runs. In turn, dnsmasq takes its configuration from /etc/dnsmasq.resolv.conf. By default, dnsmasq would use /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf, but this is controlled by DHCP.)

###Firewall configuration

We need to make sure the Clearwater nodes can all talk to each other. To do this, you will need to open up some ports in the firewalls in your network. The ports used by Clearwater are listed in Clearwater IP Port Usage. Configure all of these ports to be open to the appropriate hosts before continuing to the next step. If you are running on a platform that has multiple physical or virtual interfaces and the option to apply different firewall rules on each, make sure that you open these ports on the correct interfaces.

For opening / closing ports in Ubuntu server, user UFW

##Bulk Provisioning To bulk-provision numbers, follow the following process. (There is an alternative bulk provisioning process documented here - while this is more complex to set up, it may be more suitable if you are provisioning very large sets of numbers.)

##Clustering For more information about clustering nodes, check the official documentation

###Sprout Node

###Checking DNS Propogation Once you've added relevant lines in the file, DNS should propagate. It takes some time. To improve the speed, install nscd using sudo apt-get install nscd on each Node. It basically clears the DNS cache, so new DNS entries get added.

sudo pkill -HUP $(pgrep dnsmasq) works like a charm to clear dns-cache


Following are the stuff to be done:

  • Add RSA keys (ssh without pass)
  • Add new user
  • scp the proxy script
  • Run the proxy script
  • sudo apt-get update
  • scp the resolv.conf
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