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Forked from andylolz/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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import election_data
from match import match
Match BBC constituency names with TheyWorkForYou constituency names,
using MP name and party as extra queues
twfy_data = election_data.get_twfy_data()
twfy_fields = ('party', 'name', 'constituency')
bbc_data = election_data.get_bbc_data()
bbc_fields = ('party', 'mp', 'constituency')
guardian_data = election_data.get_guardian_data()
guardian_fields = ('party', 'mp', 'constituency')
# the guardian data is missing a constituency! Add a stub
'party': u'',
'mp': u'',
'constituency': u'',
def blue(x): return '\033[94m%s\033[0m' % x
def yellow(x): return '\033[93m%s\033[0m' % x
# then perform the match
m = match(twfy_data, bbc_data, fields=zip(twfy_fields, bbc_fields))
for x, y in m:
print('TWFY: "%s"\n BBC: "%s"\n' % (blue(x['constituency']), yellow(y['constituency'])))
m = match(twfy_data, guardian_data, fields=zip(twfy_fields, guardian_fields))
for x, y in m:
print(' TWFY: "%s"\nGuardian: "%s"\n' % (blue(x['constituency']), yellow(y['constituency'])))
m = match(bbc_data, guardian_data, fields=zip(bbc_fields, guardian_fields))
for x, y in m:
print(' BBC: "%s"\nGuardian: "%s"\n' % (blue(x['constituency']), yellow(y['constituency'])))
import json, urllib2
load MP and constituency data from the TheyWorkForYou API
def get_twfy_data():
# TheyWorkForYou API key goes here
twfy_api_key = ''
# Setting the date to 1 June 2010 gets data for all constituencies
twfy_mps_url = '' % twfy_api_key
twfy_obj = urllib2.urlopen(twfy_mps_url)
return json.load(twfy_obj, 'latin-1')
load BBC election 2010 data, via a scraperwiki scraper
def get_bbc_data():
bbc_scraper_url = '*%20from%20%60swdata%60'
bbc_obj = urllib2.urlopen(bbc_scraper_url)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print 'Problem fetching data from scraperwiki. Trying mirror...'
backup_url = ''
bbc_obj = urllib2.urlopen(backup_url)
election_results = json.load(bbc_obj)
# figure out which MP won in each of the BBC constituencies
election_winners = {}
max_votes = {}
for x in election_results:
# there are some blank entries for some reason
if x['candidate'] is None:
seat = x['seat']
if seat not in election_winners:
election_winners[seat] = {'candidates': []}
election_winners[seat]['candidates'].append((x['candidate'], x['party']))
votes = int(x['votes'])
except ValueError:
# this fixes some gaps in the scraped data
if x['candidate'] in ['Teresa Pearce', 'Anne McIntosh']:
votes = 50000
votes = -1
if seat not in max_votes or votes > max_votes[seat]:
max_votes[seat] = votes
'mp': x['candidate'],
'party': x['party'],
'constituency': x['seat'],
return election_winners.values()
load Guardian election 2010 data, via google spreadsheet:
def get_guardian_data():
worksheet_fn = 'worksheet.json'
gdoc_key = '0AonYZs4MzlZbdGRMdXRfZ08wcW9fQzBKZXZJeG5aMmc'
worksheet_url = '' % gdoc_key
# load google spreadsheet a URL, with caching
def load_or_fetch(filename, url):
with open(filename) as f:
raw =
except IOError:
raw = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
return raw
worksheet_raw = load_or_fetch(worksheet_fn, worksheet_url)
worksheet_json = json.loads(worksheet_raw)['feed']['entry']
# pull data from google spreadsheet json
all_candidates = [{k[4:]: v['$t'] for k, v in x.items() if k[:4] == 'gsx$'} for x in worksheet_json]
results = {}
# the candidate properties we're interested in
can_props = ['candidate', 'sittingmember', 'vote', 'vote_2', 'party']
# mapping to custom naming convention
repl = {'seat': 'constituency', 'candidate': 'name', 'winner': 'party', 'vote_2': 'percent_vote'}
# the constituency properties we're interested in
con_props = ['candidate', 'winner', 'seat', 'change', 'turnout', 'majority', 'lab-ldswing', 'c-ldswing', 'lab-cswing', 'holder-winner']
# more renaming
con_repl = repl.copy()
con_repl.update({'candidate': 'mp'})
for x in all_candidates:
seat = x['seat']
if seat not in results:
results[seat] = {
'candidates': [],
(k, repl.get(k))[k in repl]: v for k, v in x.items() if k in can_props
if x['elected'] == '*':
(k, con_repl.get(k))[k in con_repl]: v for k, v in x.items() if k in con_props
return results.values()
import Levenshtein as edit
Python module for solving assignment problems:
Example usage:
m = match.match(mps, election_winners, fields=[('party', 'party'), ('name', 'mp'), ('constituency', 'constituency')], algorithm='greedy')
''' Compare similarity of two strings using Levenshtein distance. '''
def cmp_strs(x, y):
return edit.ratio(x, y)
''' Compare similarity of two dicts using Levenshtein distance between
dict values. '''
def cmp_dicts(x, y, fields):
if fields is None:
fields = zip(x.keys(), x.keys())
ratios = [edit.ratio(x[f], y[g]) for f, g in fields]
return sum(ratios) / len(ratios)
''' Greedy algorithm for solving the problem.
Unlike Hungarian, greedy is not guaranteed to find the best solution,
but it is O(n) rather than polynomial and is fine in most instances.
def compute_greedy(z):
from numpy import matrix
indexes = []
num_items = len(z)
m = matrix(z)
blank_row = matrix([-1] * num_items)
blank_col = blank_row.transpose()
while True:
max_index = m.argmax()
score = m.item(max_index)
if score == -1:
l = (max_index / num_items, max_index % num_items)
m[l[0],:] = blank_row
m[:, l[1]] = blank_col
return indexes
''' Given two lists of dicts that map 1:1, order them so they match up.
Returns a list of tuples. '''
def match(x, y, fields=None, algorithm='greedy'):
if type(x[0]) is type(''):
z = [[cmp_strs(a, b) for b in y] for a in x]
z = [[cmp_dicts(a, b, fields) for b in y] for a in x]
if algorithm == 'greedy':
indexes = compute_greedy(z)
elif algorithm == 'hungarian':
from munkres import Munkres
m = Munkres()
indexes = m.compute(z)
raise Exception('Unknown algorithm: "%s".' % algorithm)
# matches are ordered by confidence, most confident first
return [(x[a], y[b]) for a, b in indexes]
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