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Created September 1, 2016 02:37
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A transform function for Rollbar to remove text that creates new items
def transform_payload(opts)
ex_msg = opts[:payload]['data'][:body][:trace][:exception][:message] rescue nil
if ex_msg =~ /#<(.*)(:0x[a-f0-9]{8})>$/
# Convert
# "undefined method `blow_up!' for #<Customer:0x7b417d08>"
# to
# "undefined method `blow_up!' for #<Customer>"
# to prevent rollbar storms when each message has a different hash
opts[:payload]['data'][:body][:trace][:exception][:message].gsub! $2, ''
frames = opts[:payload]['data'][:body][:trace][:frames] rescue nil
frames.each do |f|
# Convert '/engine-5b4dd9344243/' to '/engine/' to prevent rollbar from creating new items after each update
if f[:filename] =~ /(\-[0-9a-z]{12})\//
f[:filename].gsub $1, ''
# This next one strips out the unique id in JRuby land that is in the first frame
# "org/jruby/gen/InterfaceImpl725942136.gen"
if f[:filename] =~ /InterfaceImpl([\d]{8,12})\.gen/
f[:filename].gsub $1, ''
# This is for our web app, which has the commit in the path, and also causes a new rollbar after each deploy
# "/home/user/app/releases/c4c9ac2c2e35a3e9b62a77f5105c22862726b701/Rakefile"
if f[:filename] =~ /releases\/([0-9a-f]{36,44})\//
f[:filename].gsub $1, 'redacted-commit-id'
end if frames
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