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Created August 28, 2014 18:35
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Phaser bpt.Prefab breadthfirst/depthfirst children searching (work in progress)
// Author Brad P. Taylor ( license MIT
///<reference path="../../../../bower_components/phaser-official/build/phaser.d.ts"/>
///<reference path="../../DefinitelyTyped/lodash/lodash.d.ts"/>
///<reference path="./prefab.ts"/>
///<reference path="./basic.ts"/>
// this really should just be a collection of utils
module bpt.prefab {
export function applyMixins_(derivedCtor:any, baseCtors:any[]):any {
baseCtors.forEach(baseCtor => {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseCtor.prototype).forEach(name => {
derivedCtor.prototype[name] = baseCtor.prototype[name];
return derivedCtor;
export class PrefabAuditData {
sources:any[] = [];
addToSourceChain( source:any ) {
this.sources.push( source );
export function prefabAuditTrail( target:any, source:any ) {
target.audit = target.audit || new PrefabAuditData();
target.audit.addToSourceChain( source );
export function createPrefab( prefab, ...args:any[] ) {
return Factory.create_( prefab, args );
export function createPrefab_( prefab, params:any[] ) {
return Factory.create_( prefab, params );
// return false to break loop
export interface IVisitFunction<T,O>{ (a:T,o:O): any; }
export function eachDepthFirst( parent:any, func:IVisitFunction<any,any>, result:any = {}, thisArg? ) {
var r:any = thisArg||parent, parent, result );
if ( (undefined !== r) && !r ) return r;
if ( ('undefined' !== typeof parent.children) && (0 != parent.children.length) ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = parent.children.length; i < l; ++i ) {
r = eachDepthFirst( parent.children[i], func, result, thisArg );
if ( (undefined !== r) && !r ) return r;
export function eachBreadthFirst( parent:any, func:IVisitFunction<any,any>, result:any = {}, thisArg?, clearCookies = true, cookie = "$c$o$o$k$i$e$" ) {
var queue:any[] = [ parent ];
var cookied:any[] = [];
var top:number = 0;
parent[cookie] = cookied.length;
clearCookies ? cookied.push( parent ) : ++cookied.length;
var r:any =||parent, parent, result);
if ( (undefined !== r) && !r ) return r;
while ( top < queue.length ) {
var current = queue[top++];
if ( ('undefined' !== typeof current.children) && (0 != current.children.length) ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = current.children.length; i < l; ++i ) {
var child:any = current.children[i];
if ( undefined === child[cookie] ) {
child[cookie] = cookied.length;
clearCookies ? cookied.push( child ) : ++cookied.length;
r =||child, child, result);
if ( (undefined !== r) && !r ) return r;
if ( ('undefined' !== typeof child.children) && (0 != child.children.length) ) {
queue.push( child );
if ( clearCookies ) for ( i = 0, l = cookied.length; i < l; ++i ) {
delete cookied[i][cookie];
export function testDepths( parent ) {
//eachBreadthFirst( parent, function(i){ console.log(, i ); }, {}, this, false );
eachBreadthFirst( parent, ()=>{}, {}, this, false );
var visit = 0;
eachDepthFirst( parent, (item) => {
console.log( visit++, item["$c$o$o$k$i$e$"], item );
delete item["$c$o$o$k$i$e$"];
} );
export function traceDecendents( parent:any, thisArg? ) {
eachDepthFirst( parent, console.log.bind(console), {}, thisArg );
export function getDecendents( parent:any, decendents:any[] = [], thisArg? ) {
eachDepthFirst( parent, (item:any, result:any[]) => { decendents.push( item ); }, decendents , thisArg );
return decendents;
export function findDecendantsOfType( parent:any, T:any, depthFirst = false ):any[] {
var fn:any = depthFirst ? eachDepthFirst : eachBreadthFirst;
var found:any[] = [];
fn( parent, (child) => {
if ( child instanceof T.prototype.constructor ) {
// console.log( child, T );
found.push( child );
return found;
// TODO - this probably should take a predicate function instead of a regex/field
export function findMatchingDecendantsOfType( parent:any, re:RegExp, field:string, T:any, depthFirst = false ):any[] {
var candidates:any[] = findDecendantsOfType( parent, T, depthFirst );
if ( undefined === candidates || 0 == candidates.length ) return;
var found:any[] = [];
for ( var i in candidates ) {
if ( re.test( candidates[i][field].toString() ) ) {
found.push( candidates[i] );
return found;
export function addOverlayAsChild( target, key, xCoeff, yCoeff ) {
var overlay = 0, 0, key );
overlay.anchor.setTo( 0.5, 0.5 );
var ow = overlay.width, oh = overlay.height;
overlay.x = (ow*0.5)+(target.width-ow)*xCoeff - target.width*target.anchor.x;
overlay.y = (oh*0.5)+(target.height-oh)*yCoeff - target.height*target.anchor.y;
overlay.alpha = 0.25;
target.addChild( overlay );
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