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public IActionResult Post(CreateEventDto m)
var organizer = new OrganizersService().GetOrganizerDetails( new AuthenticationService().GetCurrentUser());
if (m.Description == null) throw new ArgumentException();
if (m.Title == null) throw new ArgumentException();
if (m.Starts > m.Ends)
laribee / fizzbuzz-specs.js
Created April 15, 2020 20:17
FizzBuzz Mob Programming Workshop
'use strict';
const fizzBuzz = (inputNumber) => {
let returnVal = '';
if (inputNumber % 3 === 0) {
returnVal += 'Fizz';
laribee / fizzbuzz-specs.js
Created April 15, 2020 20:17
FizzBuzz Mob Programming Workshop
'use strict';
const fizzBuzz = (inputNumber) => {
let returnVal = '';
if (inputNumber % 3 === 0) {
returnVal += 'Fizz';

Fannie Mae Digital Products Engineering Dojo


3 Weeks, March 7th

Elevator Pitch

Our product engineering dojo is an immersive learning space where teams build a product mindset and best-in-class engineering skills. We do this by putting learning ahead of process by working on their actual product backlog, pairing teams with dedicated product and engineering coaches, and iterating rapidly twice a week.

Welcome to the DevOps Dojo

In 2016 I was hired as one of the head coaches of a massive DevOps transformation. The goal was to, in a 7000+ person IT organization, get teams fluent in topics such as CI/CD, automated testing, and product management. Our dojo team created a successful, impactful program at scale.

I’ll share experiences and learnings from my 6-month journey. Starting with the concept of a DevOps Dojo, we’ll then explore it from four, detailed perspectives: product, place, process, and people.

  • Product: Elaborating on the classic “coder’s dojo” - focused on building technical skills - to a “DevOps Dojo” where we perfect technical skills while delivering on product learning goals.
  • Place: A virtual tour through the engineering spaces that promote collaborative, rapid feedback, and high energy work.
  • Process: How we scaled to 12 concurrent dojo teams of 4-16 people with a custom pull system (kanban) featuring unusual-but-realistic WIP limits.
  • People: What skills (some s
### Keybase proof
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* I am laribee on github.
* I am laribee ( on keybase.
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laribee / Example.feature
Created November 6, 2017 20:24
Test-per-scenario with SpecFlow
Feature: Example
Can we bypass step definitions and use a single test
fixture instead? Yes we can!
Scenario: Spike
Now I can explain my scenario and examples
outside of the somewhat restrictive GWT-type
using System;
using NSubstitute;
using Xunit;
namespace tdd_mvvm
public class LoginPresenterTests
public void SubscribeToViewsLoginSubmit()
laribee /
Created March 12, 2017 06:51
Customize Git
git config --global alias.lg \
”log --color --graph \
--pretty=format:’%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit”
git lg
git lg -p
git clone