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Last active November 10, 2015 09:56
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Async International Show'n'tell 2015

Thursday 5th November, 2015

Speakers gist

Would you like to speak on the night? You'll have five minutes to tell us about something: a project, a library, a technique, a story, or anything else about JavaScript, related tech (HTML, CSS, SVG, etc), or the wider world of web.

Please leave a comment below (you can use Markdown if you want) and include:

  • Your name
  • Your main website, if you have one
  • Twitter username, if you have one
  • A sentence or two about your talk
  • Any relevant links
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Rosa-Fox commented Nov 5, 2015


Rosa Fox -
Potentially a quick Slackbots presentation... though they are made using Ruby so not sure!

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rishson commented Nov 5, 2015

Andy Richardson

Website: Sidekick

Twitter @iamthepeanut

I'd like to give a quick 5 min demo of the latest incarnation of our code quality tool for developers.

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Prem Rose, @premasagar

On creating a stable API from a smörgåsbord of disparate websites, in search of data on voting in Parliament. The sites are scraped with Noodle, glued together and served as a HAL JSON API with Hapi and Halacious. Queries pass through a waterfall of asynchronous functions, using ES2016 async/await and other techniques.

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Ben Foxall @benjaminbenben

I'm going to talk about something I made most of on the way here: -

I'm sorry if the live coding doesn't work.

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