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Created March 8, 2022 17:22
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// usage:
// $ npm install graphql-request table ts-node
// $ npm install -D @types/table
// $ ts-node fields_tvl.ts
import { request, gql } from "graphql-request";
import { table } from "table";
const ASTRO_GENERATOR = "terra1zgrx9jjqrfye8swykfgmd6hpde60j0nszzupp9";
const MARS_RED_BANK = "terra19dtgj9j5j7kyf3pmejqv8vzfpxtejaypgzkz5u";
const graphUrl = "";
type PoolResponse = {
assets: {
info: { token: { contract_addr: string } } | { native_token: { denom: string } };
amount: string;
total_share: string;
type BondResponse = string;
interface DebtResponse {
amount: string;
async function calculateStrategyTvl(strategy: string, pair: string, lpToken: string) {
const query = gql`
query fieldsTvl(
$poolQuery: String!,
$bondQuery: String!,
$debtQuery: String!,
) {
poolResponse: WasmContractsContractAddressStore(
ContractAddress: "${pair}",
QueryMsg: $poolQuery
) {
bondResponse: WasmContractsContractAddressStore(
ContractAddress: "${ASTRO_GENERATOR}",
QueryMsg: $bondQuery
) {
debtResponse: WasmContractsContractAddressStore(
ContractAddress: "${MARS_RED_BANK}",
QueryMsg: $debtQuery
) {
const results = await request(graphUrl, query, {
poolQuery: JSON.stringify({
pool: {},
bondQuery: JSON.stringify({
deposit: {
lp_token: lpToken,
user: strategy,
debtQuery: JSON.stringify({
user_asset_debt: {
user_address: strategy,
asset: {
native: {
denom: "uusd",
const poolResponse: PoolResponse = JSON.parse(results.poolResponse.Result);
const bondResponse: BondResponse = JSON.parse(results.bondResponse.Result);
const debtResponse: DebtResponse = JSON.parse(results.debtResponse.Result);
const assetDepth = parseInt(
(asset) => JSON.stringify( != '{"native_token":{"denom":"uusd"}}',
const uusdDepth = parseInt(
(asset) => JSON.stringify( == '{"native_token":{"denom":"uusd"}}',
const bondedShares = parseInt(bondResponse);
const totalShares = parseInt(poolResponse.total_share);
const uusdBorrowed = parseInt(debtResponse.amount);
const assetBonded = (assetDepth * bondedShares) / totalShares;
const uusdBonded = (uusdDepth * bondedShares) / totalShares;
const assetPrice = uusdDepth / assetDepth;
const bondValue = (assetBonded * assetPrice + uusdBonded * 1) / 1e6;
const debtValue = (uusdBorrowed * 1) / 1e6;
return { bondValue, debtValue };
const formatInteger = (x: number) => x.toFixed(0).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
const formatPercentage = (x: number) => (100 * x).toFixed(1) + "%";
(async function () {
const lunaStrategyTvl = await calculateStrategyTvl(
"terra1kztywx50wv38r58unxj9p6k3pgr2ux6w5x68md", // Fields of Mars LUNA-UST strategy
"terra1m6ywlgn6wrjuagcmmezzz2a029gtldhey5k552", // Astroport LUNA-UST pair
"terra1m24f7k4g66gnh9f7uncp32p722v0kyt3q4l3u5", // Astroport LUNA-UST LP token
const ancStrategyTvl = await calculateStrategyTvl(
"terra1vapq79y9cqghqny7zt72g4qukndz282uvqwtz6", // Fields of Mars ANC-UST strategy
"terra1qr2k6yjjd5p2kaewqvg93ag74k6gyjr7re37fs", // Astroport ANC-UST pair
"terra1wmaty65yt7mjw6fjfymkd9zsm6atsq82d9arcd", // Astroport ANC-UST LP token
const mirStrategyTvl = await calculateStrategyTvl(
"terra12dq4wmfcsnz6ycep6ek4umtuaj6luhfp256hyu", // Fields of Mars MIR-UST strategy
"terra143xxfw5xf62d5m32k3t4eu9s82ccw80lcprzl9", // Astroport MIR-UST pair
"terra17trxzqjetl0q6xxep0s2w743dhw2cay0x47puc", // Astroport MIR-UST LP token
["strategy", "asset_value", "debt_value", "overall_ltv"],
formatPercentage(lunaStrategyTvl.debtValue / lunaStrategyTvl.bondValue),
formatPercentage(ancStrategyTvl.debtValue / ancStrategyTvl.bondValue),
formatPercentage(mirStrategyTvl.debtValue / mirStrategyTvl.bondValue),
formatInteger(lunaStrategyTvl.bondValue + ancStrategyTvl.bondValue + mirStrategyTvl.bondValue),
formatInteger(lunaStrategyTvl.debtValue + ancStrategyTvl.debtValue + mirStrategyTvl.debtValue),
drawHorizontalLine: (lineIndex, rowCount) => {
return lineIndex === 0 || lineIndex === 1 || lineIndex === rowCount - 1 || lineIndex === rowCount;
columns: [
{ alignment: "left" },
{ alignment: "right" },
{ alignment: "right" },
{ alignment: "right" },
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