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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon, xbmcvfs
import re
import sys, os
import unicodedata
import time
import sqlite3
import mysql.connector
import buggalo
buggalo.GMAIL_RECIPIENT = ""
# buggalo.SUBMIT_URL = ''
import resources.lib.utils as utils
if utils.getSetting('dbbackup') == 'true':
import zipfile
import datetime
# Main class of the add-on
class WatchedList:
def __init__(self):
self.watchedmovielist_wl = list([]) # 0imdbnumber, 1empty, 2empty, 3lastPlayed, 4playCount, 5title, 6lastChange
self.watchedepisodelist_wl = list([]) # 0imdbnumber, 1season, 2episode, 3lastplayed, 4playcount, 5empty, 6lastChange
self.watchedmovielist_xbmc = list([]) # 0imdbnumber, 1empty, 2empty, 3lastPlayed, 4playCount, 5title, 6empty, 7movieid
self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc = list([]) # 0imdbnumber, 1season, 2episode, 3lastplayed, 4playcount, 5name, 6empty, 7episodeid
self.tvshows = {} # dict: key=xbmcid, value=[imdbnumber, showname]
self.tvshownames = {} #dict: key=imdbnumber, value=showname
self.sqlcon = 0
self.sqlcursor = 0
self.db_method = 'file' # either 'file' or 'mysql'
# flag to remember copying the databasefile if requested
self.dbcopydone = False
self.watch_user_changes_count = 0
# normal access of files or access over the xbmc virtual file system (on unix)
self.dbfileaccess = 'normal'
self.dbpath = ''
self.dbdirectory = ''
# infinite loop for periodic database update
def runProgram(self):
# return codes:
# 0 success
# 3 error/exit
# workaround to disable autostart, if requested
if utils.getSetting("autostart") == 'false':
return 0
if self.sqlcursor == 0 or self.sqlcon == 0:
if self.load_db():
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32601))
return 3
if len(self.tvshownames) == 0: self.sync_tvshows()
if len(self.watchedmovielist_wl) == 0: self.get_watched_wl(1)
if len(self.watchedmovielist_xbmc) == 0: self.get_watched_xbmc(1)
executioncount = 0
idletime = 0
# wait the delay time after startup
delaytime = float(utils.getSetting("delay")) * 60 # in seconds
utils.log(u'Delay time before execution: %d seconds' % delaytime, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32101), utils.getString(32004)%float(utils.getSetting("delay")))
if utils.sleepsafe(delaytime):
return 0
if utils.getSetting("watch_user") == 'true': utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32101), utils.getString(32005))
# handle the periodic execution
while float(utils.getSetting("starttype")) > 0 or utils.getSetting("watch_user") == 'true':
starttime = time.time()
# determine sleeptime before full watched-database update
if float(utils.getSetting("starttype")) > 0:
if utils.getSetting("starttype") == '2':
sleeptime = float(utils.getSetting("interval")) * 3600 # wait interval until next startup in [seconds]
# wait and then update again
utils.log(u'wait %d seconds until next update' % sleeptime)
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32101), utils.getString(32003)%(sleeptime/3600))
sleeptime = 3600 # arbitrary time for infinite loop
sleeptime = 3600 # arbitrary time for infinite loop
# workaround to sleep the requested time. When using the sleep-function, xbmc can not exit
while 1:
if xbmc.abortRequested: return 1
# check if user changes arrived
if utils.getSetting("watch_user") == 'true':
idletime_old = idletime
idletime = xbmc.getGlobalIdleTime() # xbmc idletime in seconds
# check if user could have made changes and process these changes to the wl database
self.watch_user_changes(idletime_old, idletime)
# check if time for update arrived
if time.time() > starttime + sleeptime:
xbmc.sleep(1000) # wait 1 second until next check if xbmc terminates
if utils.getSetting("starttype") == '1' and executioncount == 0 or utils.getSetting("starttype") == '2':
executioncount += 1
if float(utils.getSetting("starttype")) < 2 and utils.getSetting("watch_user") == 'false':
return 0 # the program may exit. No purpose for background process
# do not use the periodic update
return 0
# entry point for manual start.
# perform the update step by step
def runUpdate(self, manualstart):
# return codes:
# 0 success
# 3 Error opening database
# 4 Error getting watched state from addon database
# 5 Error getting watched state from xbmc database
# 6 Error writing WL Database
# 7 Error writing XBMC database
# check if player is running before doing the update. Only do this check for automatic start
while xbmc.Player().isPlaying() == True and not manualstart:
if utils.sleepsafe(60*1000): return 1 # wait one minute until next check for active playback
if xbmc.Player().isPlaying() == False:
if utils.sleepsafe(180*1000): return 1 # wait 3 minutes so the dialogue does not pop up directly after the playback ends
# load the addon-database
if self.load_db(True): # True: Manual start
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32601))
return 3
if self.sync_tvshows():
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32604))
return 5
# get the watched state from the addon
if self.get_watched_wl(0):
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32602))
return 4
# get watched state from xbmc
if self.get_watched_xbmc(0):
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32603))
return 5
if self.sync_tvshows():
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32604))
return 5
# import from xbmc into addon database
res = self.write_wl_wdata()
if res == 2: # user exit
return 0
elif res == 1: # error
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32604))
return 6
# close the sqlite database (addon)
self.close_db() # should be closed by the functions directly accessing the database
# export from addon database into xbmc database
res = self.write_xbmc_wdata((utils.getSetting("progressdialog") == 'true'), 2)
if res == 2: # user exit
return 0
elif res == 1: # error
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32605))
return 7
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32101), utils.getString(32107))
utils.log(u'runUpdate exited with success', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
return 0
def load_db(self, manualstart=False):
# return codes:
# 0 successfully opened database
# 1 error
# 2 shutdown (serious error in subfunction)
# if manualstart, only retry opening db once
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0:
if True:
# SQlite3 database in a file
# load the db path
if utils.getSetting("extdb") == 'false':
# use the default file
self.dbdirectory = xbmc.translatePath( utils.data_dir() ).decode('utf-8')
buggalo.addExtraData('dbdirectory', self.dbdirectory);
self.dbpath = os.path.join( self.dbdirectory , "watchedlist.db" )
wait_minutes = 1 # retry waittime if db path does not exist/ is offline
while xbmc.abortRequested == False:
# use a user specified file, for example to synchronize multiple clients
self.dbdirectory = xbmc.translatePath( utils.getSetting("dbpath") ).decode('utf-8')
self.dbfileaccess = utils.fileaccessmode(self.dbdirectory)
self.dbdirectory = utils.translateSMB(self.dbdirectory)
self.dbpath = os.path.join( self.dbdirectory , utils.getSetting("dbfilename").decode('utf-8') )
# xbmc.validatePath(self.dbdirectory) # does not work for smb
if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.dbdirectory): # do not use os.path.exists to access smb:// paths
if manualstart:
utils.log(u'db path does not exist: %s' % self.dbdirectory, xbmc.LOGWARNING)
return 1 # error
utils.log(u'db path does not exist, wait %d minutes: %s' % (wait_minutes, self.dbdirectory), xbmc.LOGWARNING)
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32002) % self.dbdirectory )
# Wait "wait_minutes" minutes until next check for file path (necessary on network shares, that are offline)
wait_minutes += wait_minutes # increase waittime until next check
if utils.sleepsafe(wait_minutes*60): return 2
break # directory exists, continue below
# on unix, smb-shares can not be accessed with sqlite3 --> copy the db with xbmc file system operations and work in mirror directory
buggalo.addExtraData('dbfileaccess', self.dbfileaccess);
buggalo.addExtraData('dbdirectory', self.dbdirectory);
buggalo.addExtraData('dbpath', self.dbpath);
if self.dbfileaccess == 'copy':
self.dbdirectory_copy = self.dbdirectory
self.dbpath_copy = self.dbpath # path to db file as in the settings (but not accessable)
buggalo.addExtraData('dbdirectory_copy', self.dbdirectory_copy);
buggalo.addExtraData('dbpath_copy', self.dbpath_copy);
# work in copy directory in the xbmc profile folder
self.dbdirectory = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath( utils.data_dir() ).decode('utf-8'), 'dbcopy')
if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.dbdirectory):
utils.log(u'created directory %s' % str(self.dbdirectory))
self.dbpath = os.path.join( self.dbdirectory , "watchedlist.db" )
if xbmcvfs.exists(self.dbpath_copy):
success = xbmcvfs.copy(self.dbpath_copy, self.dbpath) # copy the external db file to local mirror directory
utils.log(u'copied db file %s -> %s. Success: %d' % (self.dbpath_copy, self.dbpath, success), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
buggalo.addExtraData('dbdirectory', self.dbdirectory);
buggalo.addExtraData('dbpath', self.dbpath);
#connect to the database. create database if it does not exist
self.sqlcon = sqlite3.connect(self.dbpath);
self.sqlcursor = self.sqlcon.cursor()
# MySQL Database on a server
self.sqlcon = mysql.connector.connect(user=utils.getSetting("mysql_user"), password=utils.getSetting("mysql_pass"), database=utils.getSetting("mysql_db"), host=utils.getSetting("mysql_server"), port=utils.getSetting("mysql_port"))
self.sqlcursor = self.sqlcon.cursor()
# create tables if they don't exist
if True: # sqlite file
sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS movie_watched (idMovieImdb INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,playCount INTEGER,lastChange INTEGER,lastPlayed INTEGER,title TEXT)"
sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS episode_watched (idShow INTEGER, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, playCount INTEGER,lastChange INTEGER,lastPlayed INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (idShow, season, episode))"
sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tvshows (idShow INTEGER, title TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (idShow))"
else: # mysql network database
sql = ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `movie_watched` ("
"`idMovieImdb` int unsigned NOT NULL,"
"`playCount` tinyint unsigned DEFAULT NULL,"
"`lastChange` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,"
"`lastPlayed` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,"
"`title` text,"
"PRIMARY KEY (`idMovieImdb`)"
sql = ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `episode_watched` ("
"`idShow` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',"
"`season` smallint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',"
"`episode` smallint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',"
"`playCount` tinyint unsigned DEFAULT NULL,"
"`lastChange` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,"
"`lastPlayed` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY (`idShow`,`season`,`episode`)"
sql = ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tvshows` ("
"`idShow` int unsigned NOT NULL,"
"`title` text,"
"PRIMARY KEY (`idShow`)"
buggalo.addExtraData('db_connstatus', 'connected')
except sqlite3.Error as e:
errstring = e.args[0] # TODO: Find out, why this does not work some times
errstring = ''
utils.log(u"Database error while opening %s. '%s'" % (self.dbpath, errstring), xbmc.LOGERROR)
buggalo.addExtraData('db_connstatus', 'sqlite3 error, closed')
return 1
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
# Catch common mysql errors and show them to guide the user
utils.log(u"Database error while opening mySQL DB %s [%s:%s@%s]. %s" % (utils.getSetting("mysql_db"), utils.getSetting("mysql_user"), utils.getSetting("mysql_pass"), utils.getSetting("mysql_db"), err), xbmc.LOGERROR)
if err.errno == mysql.connector.errorcode.ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32103), utils.getString(32210) % (utils.getSetting("mysql_user"), utils.getSetting("mysql_db")))
elif err.errno == mysql.connector.errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32103), utils.getString(32208))
elif err.errno == mysql.connector.errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR:
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32103), utils.getString(32209) % utils.getSetting("mysql_db") )
buggalo.addExtraData('db_connstatus', 'mysql error, closed')
return 1
utils.log(u"Error while opening %s: %s" % (self.dbpath, sys.exc_info()[2]), xbmc.LOGERROR)
buggalo.addExtraData('dbpath', self.dbpath)
buggalo.addExtraData('db_connstatus', 'error, closed')
return 1
# only commit the changes if no error occured to ensure database persistence
return 0
def close_db(self):
if self.sqlcon:
self.sqlcon = 0
# copy the db file back to the shared directory, if needed
if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0 and self.dbfileaccess == 'copy':
if xbmcvfs.exists(self.dbpath):
success = xbmcvfs.copy(self.dbpath, self.dbpath_copy)
utils.log(u'copied db file %s -> %s. Success: %d' % (self.dbpath, self.dbpath_copy, success), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
if not success:
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32606) % self.dbpath )
return 1
buggalo.addExtraData('db_connstatus', 'closed')
return 0
# cursor is not changed -> error
def get_watched_xbmc(self, silent):
# first tv shows with TheTVDB-ID, then tv episodes
if utils.getSetting("w_episodes") == 'true':
# get imdb tv-show id from xbmc database
utils.log(u'get_watched_xbmc: Get all episodes from xbmc database', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
json_response = utils.executeJSON({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows",
"params": {
"properties": ["title", "imdbnumber"],
"sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "title" }
"id": 1})
if json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'] != None and json_response['result'].has_key('tvshows'):
for item in json_response['result']['tvshows']:
tvshowId_xbmc = int(item['tvshowid'])
# check if series number is in imdb-format (scraper=imdb?)
res = re.compile('tt(\d+)').findall(item['imdbnumber'])
if len(res) == 0:
# number in thetvdb-format
tvshowId_imdb = int(item['imdbnumber'])
# number in imdb-format
tvshowId_imdb = int(res[0])
utils.log(u'get_watched_xbmc: tv show "%s" has no imdb-number in database. tvshowid=%d Try rescraping.' % (item['title'], tvshowId_xbmc), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
self.tvshows[tvshowId_xbmc] = list([tvshowId_imdb, item['title']])
self.tvshownames[tvshowId_imdb] = item['title']
# Get all watched movies and episodes by unique id from xbmc-database via JSONRPC
self.watchedmovielist_xbmc = list([])
self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc = list([])
for modus in ['movie', 'episode']:
buggalo.addExtraData('modus', modus);
if modus == 'movie' and utils.getSetting("w_movies") != 'true':
if modus == 'episode' and utils.getSetting("w_episodes") != 'true':
utils.log(u'get_watched_xbmc: Get all %ss from xbmc database' % modus, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
if modus == 'movie':
# use the JSON-RPC to access the xbmc-database.
json_response = utils.executeJSON({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies",
"params": {
"properties": ["title", "year", "imdbnumber", "lastplayed", "playcount"],
"sort": { "order": "ascending", "method": "title" }
"id": 1
json_response = utils.executeJSON({
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes",
"params": {
"properties": ["tvshowid", "season", "episode", "playcount", "showtitle", "lastplayed"]
"id": 1
if modus == 'movie': searchkey = 'movies'
else: searchkey = 'episodes'
if json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'] != None and json_response['result'].has_key(searchkey):
# go through all watched movies and save them in the class-variable self.watchedmovielist_xbmc
for item in json_response['result'][searchkey]:
if modus == 'movie':
name = item['title'] + ' (' + str(item['year']) + ')'
res = re.compile('tt(\d+)').findall(item['imdbnumber'])
if len(res) == 0:
# no imdb-number for this movie in database. Skip
utils.log(u'get_watched_xbmc: Movie %s has no imdb-number in database. movieid=%d Try rescraping' % (name, int(item['movieid'])), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
imdbId = int(res[0])
else: # episodes
tvshowId_xbmc = item['tvshowid']
name = '%s S%02dE%02d' % (item['showtitle'], item['season'], item['episode'])
tvshowId_imdb = self.tvshows[tvshowId_xbmc][0]
utils.log(u'get_watched_xbmc: xbmc tv showid %d is not in table xbmc-tvshows. Skipping %s' % (item['tvshowid'], name), xbmc.LOGWARNING)
lastplayed = utils.sqlDateTimeToTimeStamp(item['lastplayed']) # convert to integer-timestamp
playcount = int(item['playcount'])
# add data to the class-variables
if modus == 'movie':
self.watchedmovielist_xbmc.append(list([imdbId, 0, 0, lastplayed, playcount, name, 0, int(item['movieid'])]))# 0imdbnumber, 1empty, 2empty, 3lastPlayed, 4playCount, 5title, 6empty, 7movieid
self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc.append(list([tvshowId_imdb, int(item['season']), int(item['episode']), lastplayed, playcount, name, 0, int(item['episodeid'])]))
if not silent: utils.showNotification( utils.getString(32101), utils.getString(32299)%(len(self.watchedmovielist_xbmc), len(self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc)) )
return 0
utils.log(u'get_watched_xbmc: error getting the xbmc database : %s' % sys.exc_info()[2], xbmc.LOGERROR)
return 1
def get_watched_wl(self, silent):
# return codes:
# 0 successfully got watched states from WL-database
# 1 unknown error (programming related)
# 2 shutdown (error in subfunction)
# 3 error related to opening the database
buggalo.addExtraData('self_sqlcursor', self.sqlcursor); buggalo.addExtraData('self_sqlcon', self.sqlcon);
if self.sqlcursor == 0 or self.sqlcon == 0:
if self.load_db():
return 2
# get watched movies from addon database
self.watchedmovielist_wl = list([])
if utils.getSetting("w_movies") == 'true':
utils.log(u'get_watched_wl: Get watched movies from WL database', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0: # SQLite3 File. Timestamp stored as integer
if True: # SQLite3 File. Timestamp stored as integer
self.sqlcursor.execute("SELECT idMovieImdb, lastPlayed, playCount, title, lastChange FROM movie_watched ORDER BY title")
else: # mySQL: Create integer timestamp with the request
self.sqlcursor.execute("SELECT `idMovieImdb`, strftime('%s', `lastPlayed`), `playCount`, `title`, strftime('%s', `lastChange`) FROM `movie_watched` ORDER BY `title`")
rows = self.sqlcursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
self.watchedmovielist_wl.append(list([int(row[0]), 0, 0, int(row[1]), int(row[2]), row[3], int(row[4])])) # 0imdbnumber, 1empty, 2empty, 3lastPlayed, 4playCount, 5title, 6lastChange
# get watched episodes from addon database
self.watchedepisodelist_wl = list([])
if utils.getSetting("w_episodes") == 'true':
utils.log(u'get_watched_wl: Get watched episodes from WL database', xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0: # SQLite3 File. Timestamp stored as integer
if True: # SQLite3 File. Timestamp stored as integer
self.sqlcursor.execute("SELECT idShow, season, episode, lastPlayed, playCount, lastChange FROM episode_watched ORDER BY idShow, season, episode")
else: # mySQL: Create integer timestamp with the request
self.sqlcursor.execute("SELECT `idShow`, `season`, `episode`, strftime('%s', `lastPlayed`), `playCount`, strftime('%s', `lastChange`) FROM `episode_watched` ORDER BY `idShow`, `season`, `episode`")
rows = self.sqlcursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
name = '%s S%02dE%02d' % (self.tvshownames[int(row[0])], int(row[1]), int(row[2]))
name = 'tvdb-id %d S%02dE%02d' % (int(row[0]), int(row[1]), int(row[2]))
self.watchedepisodelist_wl.append(list([int(row[0]), int(row[1]), int(row[2]), int(row[3]), int(row[4]), name, int(row[5])]))# 0imdbnumber, 1season, 2episode, 3lastplayed, 4playcount, 5name, 6lastChange
if not silent: utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32101), utils.getString(32298)%(len(self.watchedmovielist_wl), len(self.watchedepisodelist_wl)))
return 0
except sqlite3.Error as e:
errstring = e.args[0] # TODO: Find out, why this does not work some times
errstring = ''
utils.log(u'get_watched_wl: SQLite Database error getting the wl database. %s' % errstring, xbmc.LOGERROR)
# error could be that the database is locked (for tv show strings). This is not an error to disturb the other functions
return 3
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
utils.log(u'get_watched_wl: MySQL Database error getting the wl database. %s' % err, xbmc.LOGERROR)
return 3
utils.log(u'get_watched_wl: Error getting the wl database : %s' % sys.exc_info()[2], xbmc.LOGERROR)
return 1
def sync_tvshows(self):
# return codes:
# 0 successfully synched tv shows
# 1 database access error
# 2 database loading error
utils.log(u'sync_tvshows: sync tvshows with wl database : %s' % sys.exc_info()[2], xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
if self.sqlcursor == 0 or self.sqlcon == 0:
if self.load_db():
return 2
# write eventually new tv shows to wl database
for xbmcid in self.tvshows:
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0: # sqlite3
if True:
sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tvshows (idShow,title) VALUES (?, ?)"
else: # mysql
sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO tvshows (idShow,title) VALUES (%s, %s)"
values = self.tvshows[xbmcid]
self.sqlcursor.execute(sql, values)
# get all known tv shows from wl database
self.sqlcursor.execute("SELECT idShow, title FROM tvshows")
rows = self.sqlcursor.fetchall()
for i in range(len(rows)):
self.tvshownames[int(rows[i][0])] = rows[i][1]
except sqlite3.Error as e:
errstring = e.args[0] # TODO: Find out, why this does not work some times
errstring = ''
utils.log(u'sync_tvshows: SQLite Database error accessing the wl database: ''%s''' % errstring, xbmc.LOGERROR)
# error could be that the database is locked (for tv show strings).
return 1
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
utils.log(u"sync_tvshows: MySQL Database error accessing the wl database: ''%s''" % (err), xbmc.LOGERROR)
return 1
utils.log(u'sync_tvshows: Error getting the wl database: ''%s''' % sys.exc_info()[2], xbmc.LOGERROR)
return 1
return 0
def write_wl_wdata(self):
# Go through all watched movies from xbmc and check whether they are up to date in the addon database
# return codes:
# 0 successfully written WL
# 1 program exception
# 2 database loading error
buggalo.addExtraData('self_sqlcursor', self.sqlcursor); buggalo.addExtraData('self_sqlcon', self.sqlcon);
if self.sqlcursor == 0 or self.sqlcon == 0:
if self.load_db():
return 2
for modus in ['movie', 'episode']:
buggalo.addExtraData('modus', modus);
if modus == 'movie' and utils.getSetting("w_movies") != 'true':
if modus == 'episode' and utils.getSetting("w_episodes") != 'true':
utils.log(u'write_wl_wdata: Write watched %ss to WL database' % modus, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
count_insert = 0
count_update = 0
if utils.getSetting("progressdialog") == 'true':
DIALOG_PROGRESS = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
DIALOG_PROGRESS.create( utils.getString(32101) , utils.getString(32105))
if modus == 'movie':
list_length = len(self.watchedmovielist_xbmc)
list_length = len(self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc)
for i in range(list_length):
if xbmc.abortRequested: break # this loop can take some time in debug mode and prevents xbmc exit
if utils.getSetting("progressdialog") == 'true' and DIALOG_PROGRESS.iscanceled():
if modus == 'movie': strno = 32202
else: strno = 32203;
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(strno), utils.getString(32301)%(count_insert, count_update))
return 2
if modus == 'movie':
row_xbmc = self.watchedmovielist_xbmc[i]
row_xbmc = self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc[i]
if utils.getSetting("progressdialog") == 'true':
DIALOG_PROGRESS.update(100*(i+1)/list_length, utils.getString(32105), utils.getString(32610) % (i+1, list_length, row_xbmc[5]) )
count = self.wl_update_media(modus, row_xbmc, 0, 0)
count_insert += count[0]; count_update += count[1];
except sqlite3.Error as e:
errstring = e.args[0] # TODO: Find out, why this does not work some times
errstring = ''
utils.log(u'write_wl_wdata: SQLite Database error ''%s'' while updating %s %s' % (errstring, modus, row_xbmc[5]), xbmc.LOGERROR)
# error at this place is the result of duplicate movies, which produces a DUPLICATE PRIMARY KEY ERROR
return 1
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
utils.log(u'write_wl_wdata: MySQL Database error ''%s'' while updating %s %s' % (err, modus, row_xbmc[5]), xbmc.LOGERROR)
return 1 # error while writing. Do not continue with episodes, if movies raised an exception
utils.log(u'write_wl_wdata: Error while updating %s %s: %s' % (modus, row_xbmc[5], sys.exc_info()[2]), xbmc.LOGERROR)
if utils.getSetting("progressdialog") == 'true': DIALOG_PROGRESS.close()
buggalo.addExtraData('count_update', count_update); buggalo.addExtraData('count_insert', count_insert);
return 1
if utils.getSetting("progressdialog") == 'true': DIALOG_PROGRESS.close()
# only commit the changes if no error occured to ensure database persistence
if count_insert > 0 or count_update > 0:
if modus == 'movie': strno = [32202, 32301]
else: strno = [32203, 32301];
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(strno[0]), utils.getString(strno[1])%(count_insert, count_update))
return 0
# update the xbmc database.
# progressdialogue
# notifications: 0= no, 1=only changed info, 2=all
def write_xbmc_wdata(self, progressdialogue, notifications):
# Go through all watched movies/episodes from the wl-database and check, if the xbmc-database is up to date
# return codes:
# 0 successfully written XBMC database
# 1 program exception
# 2 cancel by user interaction
for modus in ['movie', 'episode']:
buggalo.addExtraData('modus', modus);
if modus == 'movie' and utils.getSetting("w_movies") != 'true':
if modus == 'episode' and utils.getSetting("w_episodes") != 'true':
utils.log(u'write_xbmc_wdata: Write watched %ss to xbmc database (pd=%d, noti=%d)' % (modus, progressdialogue, notifications), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
count_update = 0
if progressdialogue:
DIALOG_PROGRESS = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
DIALOG_PROGRESS.create( utils.getString(32101), utils.getString(32106))
# list to iterate over
if modus == 'movie':
list_length = len(self.watchedmovielist_wl)
list_length = len(self.watchedepisodelist_wl)
# iterate over wl-list
for j in range(list_length):
if xbmc.abortRequested: break # this loop can take some time in debug mode and prevents xbmc exit
if progressdialogue and DIALOG_PROGRESS.iscanceled():
if notifications > 0: utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32204), utils.getString(32302)%(count_update))
return 2
# get media-specific list items
if modus == 'movie':
row_wl = self.watchedmovielist_wl[j]
row_wl = self.watchedepisodelist_wl[j]
season = row_wl[1]
episode = row_wl[2]
imdbId = row_wl[0]
name = row_wl[5]
if progressdialogue:
DIALOG_PROGRESS.update(100*(j+1)/list_length, utils.getString(32106), utils.getString(32610) % (j+1, list_length, name) )
# search the unique movie/episode id in the xbmc-list
if modus == 'movie':
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.watchedmovielist_xbmc) if x[0] == imdbId] # the movie can have multiple entries in xbmc
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc) if x[0] == imdbId and x[1] == season and x[2] == episode]
lastplayed_wl = row_wl[3]
playcount_wl = row_wl[4]
lastchange_wl = row_wl[6]
if len(indices) > 0:
# the movie/episode is already in the xbmc-list
for i in indices:
if modus == 'movie':
row_xbmc = self.watchedmovielist_xbmc[i]
row_xbmc = self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc[i]
lastplayed_xbmc = row_xbmc[3]
playcount_xbmc = row_xbmc[4]
change_xbmc_db = False
# check if movie/episode is set as unwatched in the wl database
if playcount_wl != playcount_xbmc and lastchange_wl > lastplayed_xbmc:
change_xbmc_db = True
# compare playcount and lastplayed (update if xbmc data is older)
if playcount_xbmc < playcount_wl or (lastplayed_xbmc < lastplayed_wl and playcount_wl > 0):
change_xbmc_db = True
if not change_xbmc_db:
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
# utils.log(u'write_xbmc_wdata: xbmc database up-to-date for tt%d, %s' % (imdbId, row_xbmc[2]), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
# check if the lastplayed-timestamp in wl is useful
if playcount_wl == 0:
lastplayed_new = 0
if lastplayed_wl == 0:
lastplayed_new = lastplayed_xbmc
lastplayed_new = lastplayed_wl
# update database
mediaid = row_xbmc[7]
if modus == 'movie': jsonmethod = "VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails"; idfieldname = "movieid"
else: jsonmethod = "VideoLibrary.SetEpisodeDetails"; idfieldname = "episodeid"
jsondict = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": jsonmethod,
"params": {idfieldname: mediaid, "playcount": playcount_wl, "lastplayed": utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_new)},
"id": 1
json_response = utils.executeJSON(jsondict)
if (json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'] == 'OK'):
utils.log(u'write_xbmc_wdata: xbmc database updated for %s. playcount: {%d -> %d}, lastplayed: {"%s" -> "%s"} (%sid=%d)' % (name, playcount_xbmc, playcount_wl, utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_xbmc), utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_new), modus, mediaid), xbmc.LOGINFO)
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
if playcount_wl == 0:
if notifications > 0: utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32404), name)
if notifications > 0: utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32401), name)
count_update += 1
# update the xbmc-db-mirror-variable
if modus == 'movie':
self.watchedmovielist_xbmc[i][3] = lastplayed_new
self.watchedmovielist_xbmc[i][4] = playcount_wl
self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc[i][3] = lastplayed_new
self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc[i][4] = playcount_wl
utils.log(u'write_xbmc_wdata: error updating xbmc database. %s. json_response=%s' % (name, str(json_response)), xbmc.LOGERROR)
# the movie is in the watched-list but not in the xbmc-list -> no action
# utils.log(u'write_xbmc_wdata: movie not in xbmc database: tt%d, %s' % (imdbId, row_xbmc[2]), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
utils.log(u"write_xbmc_wdata: Error while updating %s %s: %s" % (modus, name, sys.exc_info()[2]), xbmc.LOGERROR)
if progressdialogue: DIALOG_PROGRESS.close()
buggalo.addExtraData('count_update', count_update);
return 1
if progressdialogue: DIALOG_PROGRESS.close()
if notifications > 1:
if modus == 'movie': strno = [32204, 32302]
else: strno = [32205, 32303];
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(strno[0]), utils.getString(strno[1])%(count_update))
return 0
# create a copy of the database, in case something goes wrong (only if database file is used)
def database_copy(self):
# return codes:
# 0 successfully copied database
# 1 file writing error
# 2 program exception
if utils.getSetting("db_format") != 0:
return 0 # no backup needed since we are using mysql database
if utils.getSetting('dbbackup') == 'false':
return 0 # no backup requested in the addon settings
if not self.dbcopydone:
if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.dbpath):
utils.log(u'database_copy: directory %s does not exist. No backup possible.' % self.dbpath, xbmc.LOGERROR)
return 1
now =
timestr = u'%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d' % (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
zipfilename = os.path.join(self.dbdirectory, utils.decode(timestr + u''))
zf = False
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'w')
zf.write(self.dbpath, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
self.dbcopydone = True
utils.log(u'database_copy: database backup copy created to %s' % zipfilename, xbmc.LOGINFO)
# copy the zip file with xbmc file system, if needed
if self.dbfileaccess == 'copy':
xbmcvfs.copy(zipfilename, os.path.join(self.dbdirectory_copy, utils.decode(timestr + u'')))
return 0
if zf:
buggalo.addExtraData('zipfilename', zipfilename);
return 2
# check if the user made changes in the watched states. Especially setting movies as "not watched". This can not be
# recognized by the functions above
def watch_user_changes(self, idletime_old, idletime):
# return codes: Not defined
if xbmc.Player().isPlaying() == True:
if idletime > idletime_old:
# the idle time increased. No user interaction probably happened
utils.log(u'watch_user_changes: Check for user changes (no. %d)' % self.watch_user_changes_count, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
self.watch_user_changes_count = self.watch_user_changes_count + 1
# save previous state
old_watchedmovielist_xbmc = self.watchedmovielist_xbmc
old_watchedepisodelist_xbmc = self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc
# get new state
#save exception information
buggalo.addExtraData('len_old_watchedmovielist_xbmc', len(old_watchedmovielist_xbmc))
buggalo.addExtraData('len_old_watchedepisodelist_xbmc', len(old_watchedepisodelist_xbmc))
buggalo.addExtraData('len_self_watchedmovielist_xbmc', len(self.watchedmovielist_xbmc))
buggalo.addExtraData('len_self_watchedepisodelist_xbmc', len(self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc))
# separate the change detection and the change in the database to prevent circle reference
indices_changed = list([])
# compare states of movies/episodes
for modus in ['movie', 'episode']:
buggalo.addExtraData('modus', modus);
if modus == 'movie' and utils.getSetting("w_movies") != 'true':
if modus == 'episode' and utils.getSetting("w_episodes") != 'true':
if modus == 'movie':
list_new = self.watchedmovielist_xbmc
list_old = old_watchedmovielist_xbmc
list_new = self.watchedepisodelist_xbmc
list_old = old_watchedepisodelist_xbmc
if len(list_old) == 0 or len(list_new) == 0:
# one of the lists is empty: nothing to compare. No user changes noticable
for i_n, row_xbmc in enumerate(list_new):
if xbmc.abortRequested: return
mediaid = row_xbmc[7]
lastplayed_new = row_xbmc[3]
playcount_new = row_xbmc[4]
# index of this movie/episode in the old database (before the change by the user)
if (len(list_old) > i_n) and (list_old[i_n][7] == mediaid): i_o = i_n # db did not change
else: # search the movieid
i_o = [i for i, x in enumerate(list_old) if x[7] == mediaid]
if len(i_o) == 0: continue #movie is not in old array
i_o = i_o[0] # convert list to int
lastplayed_old = list_old[i_o][3]
playcount_old = list_old[i_o][4]
if playcount_new != playcount_old or lastplayed_new != lastplayed_old:
if playcount_new == playcount_old and playcount_new == 0:
continue # do not add lastplayed to database, when placount = 0
# The user changed the playcount or lastplayed.
# update wl with new watched state
indices_changed.append([i_n, i_o, row_xbmc])
# go through all movies changed by the user
for icx in indices_changed:
if xbmc.abortRequested: return 1
i_o = icx[1]; row_xbmc = icx[2]
i_n = icx[0];
lastplayed_old = list_old[i_o][3]; playcount_old = list_old[i_o][4];
lastplayed_new = row_xbmc[3]; playcount_new = row_xbmc[4]; mediaid = row_xbmc[7]
utils.log(u'watch_user_changes: %s "%s" changed playcount {%d -> %d} lastplayed {"%s" -> "%s"}. %sid=%d' % (modus, row_xbmc[5], playcount_old, playcount_new, utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_old), utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_new), modus, mediaid))
self.wl_update_media(modus, row_xbmc, 1, 1)
except sqlite3.Error as e:
errstring = e.args[0] # TODO: Find out, why this does not work some times
errstring = ''
utils.log(u'write_wl_wdata: SQLite Database error (%s) while updating %s %s' % (errstring, modus, row_xbmc[5]))
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32606) % ('(%s)' % errstring))
# error because of db locked or similar error
except mysql.connector.Error as err:
# Catch common mysql errors and show them to guide the user
utils.log(u'write_wl_wdata: MySQL Database error (%s) while updating %s %s' % (err, modus, row_xbmc[5]))
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32102), utils.getString(32606) % ('(%s)' % err))
# update xbmc watched status, e.g. to set duplicate movies also as watched
if len(indices_changed) > 0:
self.write_xbmc_wdata(0, 1) # this changes self.watchedmovielist_xbmc
self.close_db() # keep the db closed most of the time (no access problems)
# update the wl database for one movie/episode with the information in row_xbmc.
# Use saveanyway to skip checks whether not to save the changes. With commit, the db change is committed directly (slow with many movies, but safe)
def wl_update_media(self, mediatype, row_xbmc, saveanyway, commit):
# return codes:
# 2 error loading database
buggalo.addExtraData('self_sqlcursor', self.sqlcursor); buggalo.addExtraData('self_sqlcon', self.sqlcon);
buggalo.addExtraData('len_self_watchedmovielist_wl', len(self.watchedmovielist_wl))
buggalo.addExtraData('len_self_watchedepisodelist_wl', len(self.watchedepisodelist_wl))
buggalo.addExtraData('len_self_tvshownames', len(self.tvshownames))
buggalo.addExtraData('row_xbmc', row_xbmc)
buggalo.addExtraData('saveanyway', saveanyway)
if self.sqlcursor == 0 or self.sqlcon == 0:
if self.load_db():
return 2
for modus in [mediatype]:
buggalo.addExtraData('modus', modus)
# row_xbmc: 0imdbnumber, 1empty, 2empty, 3lastPlayed, 4playCount, 5title, 6empty, 7movieid
imdbId = row_xbmc[0]
lastplayed_xbmc = row_xbmc[3]
playcount_xbmc = row_xbmc[4]
name = row_xbmc[5]
if modus == 'episode':
season = row_xbmc[1]
episode = row_xbmc[2]
count_return = list([0, 0])
if self.sqlcursor == 0 or self.sqlcon == 0:
if self.load_db():
return count_return
if not saveanyway and playcount_xbmc == 0:
# playcount in xbmc-list is empty. Nothing to save
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
# utils.log(u'wl_update_%s: not watched in xbmc: tt%d, %s' % (modus, imdbId, name), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
return count_return
if modus == 'movie':
j = [ii for ii, x in enumerate(self.watchedmovielist_wl) if x[0] == imdbId]
if modus == 'episode':
j = [ii for ii, x in enumerate(self.watchedepisodelist_wl) if x[0] == imdbId and x[1] == season and x[2] == episode]
if len(j) > 0:
j = j[0] # there can only be one valid index j, since only one entry in wl per imdbId
# the movie is already in the watched-list
if modus == 'movie':
row_wl = self.watchedmovielist_wl[j]
row_wl = self.watchedepisodelist_wl[j]
lastplayed_wl = row_wl[3]
playcount_wl = row_wl[4]
lastchange_wl = row_wl[6]
if not saveanyway:
# compare playcount and lastplayed
# check if an update of the wl database is necessary (xbmc watched status newer)
if lastchange_wl > lastplayed_xbmc:
return count_return
if playcount_wl >= playcount_xbmc and lastplayed_wl >= lastplayed_xbmc:
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
# utils.log(u'wl_update_movie: wl database up-to-date for movie tt%d, %s' % (imdbId, moviename), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
return count_return
# check if the lastplayed-timestamp in xbmc is useful
if lastplayed_xbmc == 0:
lastplayed_new = lastplayed_wl
lastplayed_new = lastplayed_xbmc
lastplayed_new = lastplayed_xbmc
lastchange_new = int(time.time())
if modus == 'movie':
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0: # sqlite3
if True: # sqlite3
sql = 'UPDATE movie_watched SET playCount = ?, lastplayed = ?, lastChange = ? WHERE idMovieImdb LIKE ?'
else: # mysql
sql = 'UPDATE movie_watched SET playCount = %s, lastplayed = %s, lastChange = FROM_UNIXTIME(%s) WHERE idMovieImdb LIKE %s'
values = list([playcount_xbmc, lastplayed_new, lastchange_new, imdbId])
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0: # sqlite3
if True: # sqlite3
sql = 'UPDATE episode_watched SET playCount = ?, lastPlayed = ?, lastChange = ? WHERE idShow LIKE ? AND season LIKE ? AND episode LIKE ?'
else: # mysql
sql = 'UPDATE episode_watched SET playCount = %s, lastPlayed = FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), lastChange = FROM_UNIXTIME(%s) WHERE idShow LIKE %s AND season LIKE %s AND episode LIKE %s'
values = list([playcount_xbmc, lastplayed_new, lastchange_new, imdbId, season, episode])
self.sqlcursor.execute(sql, values)
count_return[1] = 1
# update the local mirror variable of the wl database: # 0imdbnumber, season, episode, 3lastPlayed, 4playCount, 5title, 6lastChange
if modus == 'movie':
self.watchedmovielist_wl[j] = list([imdbId, 0, 0, lastplayed_new, playcount_xbmc, name, lastchange_new])
self.watchedepisodelist_wl[j] = list([imdbId, season, episode, lastplayed_new, playcount_xbmc, name, lastchange_new])
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
utils.log(u'wl_update_%s: updated wl db for "%s" (tt%d). playcount: {%d -> %d}. lastplayed: {"%s" -> "%s"}. lastchange: "%s"' % (modus, name, imdbId, playcount_wl, playcount_xbmc, utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_wl), utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_new), utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastchange_new)))
if playcount_xbmc > 0:
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32403), name)
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32405), name)
# the movie is not in the watched-list -> insert the movie
# order: idMovieImdb,playCount,lastChange,lastPlayed,title
lastchange_new = int(time.time())
if modus == 'movie':
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0: # sqlite3
if True: # sqlite3
sql = 'INSERT INTO movie_watched (idMovieImdb,playCount,lastChange,lastPlayed,title) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
else: # mysql
sql = 'INSERT INTO movie_watched (idMovieImdb,playCount,lastChange,lastPlayed,title) VALUES (%s, %s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s)'
values = list([imdbId, playcount_xbmc, lastchange_new, lastplayed_xbmc, name])
#if utils.getSetting("db_format") == 0: # sqlite3
if True: # sqlite3
sql = 'INSERT INTO episode_watched (idShow,season,episode,playCount,lastChange,lastPlayed) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
else: # mysql
sql = 'INSERT INTO episode_watched (idShow,season,episode,playCount,lastChange,lastPlayed) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), FROM_UNIXTIME(%s))'
values = list([imdbId, season, episode, playcount_xbmc, lastchange_new, lastplayed_xbmc])
self.sqlcursor.execute(sql, values)
utils.log(u'wl_update_%s: new entry for wl database: "%s", lastChange="%s", lastPlayed="%s", playCount=%d' % (modus, name, utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastchange_new), utils.TimeStamptosqlDateTime(lastplayed_xbmc), playcount_xbmc))
count_return[0] = 1
# update the local mirror variable of the wl database
if modus == 'movie':
self.watchedmovielist_wl.append(list([imdbId, 0, 0, lastplayed_xbmc, playcount_xbmc, name, lastchange_new]))
self.watchedepisodelist_wl.append(list([imdbId, season, episode, lastplayed_xbmc, playcount_xbmc, name, lastchange_new]))
if utils.getSetting("debug") == 'true':
if playcount_xbmc > 0:
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32402), name)
utils.showNotification(utils.getString(32405), name)
if commit:
return count_return
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