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Last active September 16, 2022 03:59
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check the plugin usage in jenkins

Introduction is used to generate statics for jenkins server, so far it display the plugin's usage in each job, see related stackoverflow question:how can I know whether the plugin is used by any jobs in jenkins

Sample result


python-requests module is required

$ pip install requests

DataTables is required, extract it and put it under DataTables


$ ./ --task plugins -l <url> -u <user> -p # list all plugins 
$ ./ --task jobs -l <url> -u <user> -p    # list all jobs 
$ ./ --task dump --dir jenkinsBackup -l <url> -u <user> -p  # dump all the jobs' config.xml 
$ ./ --task scan --dir jenkinsBackup -l <url> -u <user> -p  # scan the config.xml and generate index.html

Then you can open the browser to see index.html

Command Usage in detail

In order to check jenkins server, probably you need related permission for it, please log in and get the token in advance check the plugin usage in jenkins  
Usage: [options] 

  -d,   --dir=CONFIG_DIR            file directory to store or fetch config.xml
  -c,   --config=JENKINS_CFG        keywork mapping file, default is jenkins.cfg
  -u,   --user=<your id>			user to access jenkins

  -o,   --token=xxx                 token for access user
  -p,   --passwd 					enter password in stdin

  -l,   --url=<JENKINS SERVER>      start with http:// or https://
  -t,   --task=TASK                 plugins (default), scan, dump, jobs

  -h                                this help

    $ ./ --task plugins --token xxxx --user rdccaiy  --config_dir=tmp/jenkinsBackup --url https://jenkins_url
    $ ./ --task plugins --passwd --user rdccaiy  --config_dir=tmp/jenkinsBackup --url https://jenkins_url
    $ ./ --task plugins # list all plugins 
    $ ./ --task jobs    # list all jobs 
    $ ./ --task dump --dir jenkinsBackup # dump all the jobs' config.xml 
    $ ./ --task scan --dir jenkinsBackup # scan the config.xml and generate index.html

JENKINS config

The keyword mapping is put into jenkins.cfg (using --config=), it is JSON format to be easily loaded into script, please help to add more information.

   "jobs" : {
   		"simple" : ["git","copyartifact","external-monitor-job","subversion","cvs","javadoc"]
   "views" : {
   		"simple" : ["hudson-pview-plugin","nested-view","console-column-plugin"]

   "system" : ["ssh-slaves","backup","ldap"]
  • jobs is the list of jobs plugins, which mostly can be found in config.xml in each job
  • views is the list of views related plugins, it can be found in views of system config.xml
  • system is the list of global plugings, which mostly will not be used in each jobs, like ssh-slaves plugin (here use short name)

Mechanism to check

In order to find the whether the plugin is used, below pattern is common in config.xml as well which indicate html5-notifier-plugin is used in this job, therefore plugin="<plugin short name>" will be checked as default, it will be overwritten by jenkins config file.

# < plugin="html5-notifier-plugin@1.2">

This is called simple in config

keyword is the dictonary to put each plugin's keyword there, it is not used so far.


Python scripts

Lots of information can be fetched via jenkins remote API access, and python language is chosen as favorite.

So far python-requests module is used, and later if issue 154 is fixed, jenkinsapi will be used instead to access jenkins remotely.

python-jenkins is not considered since jenkinsapi is more active and listed in jenkins remote API access

HTML output

The html table is powered by DataTables, please check Getting started with DataTables: First steps

#!/bin/env python
""" check the plugin usage in jenkins
Usage: [options]
-d, --dir=CONFIG_DIR file directory to store or fetch config.xml
-c, --config=JENKINS_CFG keywork mapping file, default is jenkins.cfg
-u, --user=<your id> user to access jenkins
-o, --token=xxx token for access user
-p, --passwd enter password in stdin
-l, --url=<JENKINS SERVER> start with http:// or https://
-t, --task=TASK plugins (default), scan, dump, jobs
-h this help
$ ./ --task plugins --token xxxx --user rdccaiy --config_dir=tmp/jenkinsBackup --url https://jenkins_url
$ ./ --task plugins --passwd --user rdccaiy --config_dir=tmp/jenkinsBackup --url https://jenkins_url
$ ./ --task plugins # list all plugins
$ ./ --task jobs # list all jobs
$ ./ --task dump --dir jenkinsBackup # dump all the jobs' config.xml
$ ./ --task scan --dir jenkinsBackup # scan the config.xml and generate index.html
Mail bug reports and suggestion to : Larry Cai
import getopt, sys
import os,time
import logging
import glob
import codecs
import getpass
#import vcr
import requests
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("\nError: please install python requests module first:\n")
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from string import Template
import getpass
import json
currenttime = time.asctime(time.localtime())
LARRY_TOKEN = "a2310b1f6b7d584495ebbf9b347244e9fee"
TEMPLATE_FILE = "plugin_usage_template.html"
DETAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE = "detail_plugin_jobs_template.html"
INDEX_HTML = "index.html"
DETAIL_DIR = "detail"
SYSTEM_VIEW_CFG = "views.config_xml"
prop = {
"user" : "larry", # will set to current user as default
"token" : LARRY_TOKEN,
"dir" : "jenkinsBackup",
"config" : "jenkins.cfg",
"passwd" : False,
"url" : "https://jenkins-server/",
def get_job_config(url,name):
config_url = "%s/job/%s/config.xml" % (url,name)
#with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/debug3.yaml'):
# j = jenkins.Jenkins(url, 'rdccaiy', 'a231094d044ca829d367f35829085036')
r = requests.get(config_url,verify=False,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(prop["user"], prop["token"]))
if r.ok:
return r.text
raise Exception("can't fetch data from %s using user: %s, token: %s" % (config_url,prop["user"], prop["token"]))
def get_jobs_from_view(url,view):
jobs_url = "%s/view/%s/api/json" % (url, view)
r = requests.get(jobs_url, verify=False,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(prop["user"], prop["token"]))
if r.ok:
return r.json()
raise Exception("can't fetch data from %s using user: %s, token: %s" % (jobs_url,prop["user"], prop["token"]))
def get_views_config(url):
config_url = "%s/config.xml" % (url)
#with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/debug3.yaml'):
# j = jenkins.Jenkins(url, 'rdccaiy', 'a231094d044ca829d367f35829085036')
r = requests.get(config_url,verify=False,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(prop["user"], prop["token"]))
if r.ok:
return r.text
raise Exception("can't fetch data from %s using user: %s, token: %s" % (config_url,prop["user"], prop["token"]))
def get_plugins(url):
plugin_url = "%s/pluginManager/api/json?depth=1" % url
#with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/debug_jobs.yaml'):
r = requests.get(plugin_url, verify=False, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(prop["user"], prop["token"]))
if r.ok:
return r.json()["plugins"]
raise Exception("can't fetch data from %s using user: %s, token: %s" % (plugin_url,prop["user"], prop["token"]))
def get_jobs(url):
jobs_url = "%s/api/json" % url
r = requests.get(jobs_url, verify=False,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(prop["user"], prop["token"]))
if r.ok:
return r.json()["jobs"]
raise Exception("can't fetch data from %s using user: %s, token: %s" % (jobs_url,prop["user"], prop["token"]))
def list_plugins(url):
print ("start to list installed plugins in url:", url)
plugin_list = get_plugins(url)
for plugin in plugin_list:
#print ("%s (%s): version : %s") % (plugin["longName"],plugin["shortName"], plugin["version"])
print ("{0} ({1}): version : {2}".format(plugin["longName"],plugin["shortName"], plugin["version"]))
# if plugin["shortName"] == "git":
# print plugin
#print ("total %d plugins") % len(plugin_list)
print ("total %{0} plugins".format(len(plugin_list)))
def list_jobs(url):
print ("start to list all jobs in url:", url)
job_list = get_jobs(url)
for job in job_list:
print (job["name"],job["color"]) #,job
print ("\nTotal {0} jobs".format(len(job_list)))
return job
def load_plugin_keywords():
config = json.load(open(prop["config"]))
plugins_config = {}
for plugin in config["jobs"]["simple"]:
plugins_config[plugin] = ["jobs",""]
for plugin in config["views"]["simple"]:
plugins_config[plugin] = ["views",""]
for plugin in config["system"]:
plugins_config[plugin] = ["system",""]
#print plugins_config
return plugins_config
def check_jobs(url,name,key,config_files,plugin):
count = 0
detail_table_data = ""
for fl in config_files:
#print fl
if key in,encoding="utf-8",errors="ignore").read():
jobname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fl))[0]
count = count +1
if count < LIMIT_JOBS:
job_url = "<a href='%s/job/%s/' target='_blank'>%s</a>, " % (url, jobname,jobname)
detail_html += job_url
elif count == LIMIT_JOBS:
detail_html += "..."
pass # don't append more
detail_table_data += ' \
<tr class="gradeA"> \n \
<td><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n \
<td class="center"><a href="%s/job/%s" target="_blank">%s</a></td>\n \
</tr>\n' % (plugin["url"],plugin["longName"],url,jobname,jobname)
if count and SHALL_DETAIL:
DETAIL_INDEX_HTML = "%s/%s.html" % (DETAIL_DIR,name)
detailTemplateFilename = DETAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE
detailTemplate = open(detailTemplateFilename).read()
detail_html_contents = Template(detailTemplate).safe_substitute(detail_table_data=detail_table_data,currenttime=currenttime)
with open(DETAIL_INDEX_HTML,"w") as fp:
detail_url = "0"
if count:
detail_url = '<a href="%s/%s.html" target="_blank">%d</a>' % (DETAIL_DIR,name,count)
cell_data = '<td class="center hide" details="%s">%s</td>' % (detail_html,detail_url)
jobs_url = "%s/api/json?pretty=true" % url
type_data = '<td class="center"><a href="%s" title="list all jobs" target="_blank">jobs</a></td>' % jobs_url
return count, cell_data, type_data
def check_views(url,key):
count = 0
config_dir = prop["dir"]
config_url = "%s/config.xml" % url
detail_url = "0"
config_file = os.path.join(config_dir + "/" + SYSTEM_VIEW_CFG)
if key in,encoding="utf-8",errors="ignore").read():
count = 1
detail_url = '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%d</a>' % (config_url,count)
cell_data = '<td class="center hide" details="">%s</td>' % (detail_url)
type_data = '<td class="center"><a href="%s" title="list all views" target="_blank">views</a></td>' % config_url
return count, cell_data, type_data
def check_systems():
count = 1
cell_data = '<td class="center">1</td>'
type_data = '<td class="center">system</td>'
return count, cell_data, type_data
def scan_plugins(url):
config_dir = prop["dir"]
config_files = glob.glob(config_dir + "/*.xml")
print ("start to scan the config files for installed plugins")
print ("1. start to check the plugins in url:", url)
print ("2. scan {0} the config files under {1}".format(len(config_files),config_dir))
if len(config_files) == 0:
print ("no config.xml are found, please dump first")
global_plugins = load_plugin_keywords()
if not os.path.exists(DETAIL_DIR):
print ("create dir: ", DETAIL_DIR)
plugin_list = get_plugins(url)
total = len(plugin_list)
table_data = ""
for idx, plugin in enumerate(plugin_list):
name = plugin["shortName"]
#print ("plugin %3d/%d: %s (%s)") % (idx+1, total, plugin["longName"], name) ,
print ("plugin {0:3d}/{1}: {2} ({3})".format(idx+1, total, plugin["longName"], name))
# < plugin="html5-notifier-plugin@1.2">
plugin_cfg = ["",""]
status = "?"
if name in global_plugins:
plugin_cfg = global_plugins[name]
status = "="
plugin_type, key = plugin_cfg
if plugin_type == "":
plugin_type = "jobs"
if key == "":
key = 'plugin="' + name #
status = "*"
count = 0
cell_data = '<td class="center">0</td>'
type_cell_data = '<td class="center">jobs</td>'
if plugin_type == "system":
count,number_cell_data,type_cell_data = check_systems()
elif plugin_type == "views":
count,number_cell_data,type_cell_data = check_views(url,key)
elif plugin_type == "jobs":
count,number_cell_data,type_cell_data = check_jobs(url,name,key,config_files,plugin)
if count and status == "?":
status = "="
if status == "?":
type_cell_data = '<td title="need to add information in jenkins.cfg" class="center">unknown</td>'
table_data += ' \
<tr class="gradeA"> \n \
<td><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n \
<td class="shortname">%s</td>\n \
%s \n \
<td class="center">%s</td>\n \
%s \n \
</tr>\n' % (plugin["url"],plugin["longName"], name, number_cell_data, plugin["version"],type_cell_data)
print ("found {0} jobs".format(count))
templateFilename = TEMPLATE_FILE
template = open(templateFilename).read()
html_contents = Template(template).safe_substitute(table_data=table_data,currenttime=currenttime)
with open(INDEX_HTML,"w") as fp:
print ("\nThe result is output to {0}, enjoy".format(INDEX_HTML))
print ("\nThe detail result is output to {0}, enjoy".format("detail"))
def dump_config(url):
dest_dir = prop["dir"]
print ("start to dump all jobs' config.xml to {0} in url: {1}".format(dest_dir, url))
job_list = []
if "view" in prop:
job_list = view_jobs_list(url)
job_list = get_jobs(url)
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
print ("create dir: ", dest_dir)
total = len(job_list)
print ("total {0} jobs' config will be dumpped".format(total))
for idx, job in enumerate(job_list):
name = job["name"]
config = get_job_config(url, name).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
output_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dest_dir, name + ".xml"))
#print (" %4d/%d dump output file %s") % (idx+1, total, output_file)
print ("{0:4d}/{1} dump output file {2}".format(idx+1, total, output_file))
# loop for all variables to print out
with open(output_file,"w") as fp:
print ("total {0} jobs' config are dumpped".format(len(job_list)))
config = get_views_config(url).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
output_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dest_dir, SYSTEM_VIEW_CFG))
print ("views config.xml file is save to file {0}".format(output_file))
# loop for all variables to print out
with open(output_file,"w") as fp:
def get_jobs_list_from_view(url,view):
print ("==> check view:", view)
cfg = get_jobs_from_view(url,view)
jobs = cfg["jobs"]
if "views" in cfg:
views = cfg["views"]
print (view, ":", views)
for vw in views:
print (vw,vw["name"])
jobs.extend(get_jobs_list_from_view(url, view + "/view/" + vw["name"]))
print (jobs)
return jobs
print ("======> got jobs list:", jobs)
return jobs
def view_jobs_list(url):
view = prop["view"]
job_list = get_jobs_list_from_view(url,view)
print (job_list)
#for job in job_list:
# print job["name"],job["color"] #,job
print ("\nTotal {0} jobs".format(len(job_list)))
unique_job_list = { v['name']:v for v in job_list }.values()
print ("\nTotal {0} jobs".format(len(unique_job_list)))
return unique_job_list
#return job
def jenkins_stat(task):
url = prop["url"]
#print ("[task]: %s %s (user=%s)") % (task,url,prop["user"])
print ("[task]: {0} {1} (user={2})".format(task,url,prop["user"]))
if task == "plugins":
elif task == "dump":
#config = get_job_config(url, "ADM_LABEL_SBA").encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
#print config
elif task == "jobs":
elif task == "scan":
elif task == "debug": # this is internal for debug of hidden features
print ("task", task, "is not supported")
def main():
global prop
task = "plugins"
prop["user"] = getpass.getuser().lower()
cmdlineOptions, args= getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'hu:a:t:o:c:d:l:pv:',
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
print ("Error in a command-line option:\n\t" ,e)
for (optName,optValue) in cmdlineOptions:
if optName in ("-h","--help"):
print (__doc__)
elif optName in ("-d","--dir"):
prop["dir"] = optValue
elif optName in ("-c","--config"):
prop["config"] = optValue
elif optName in ("-t","--task"):
task = optValue
elif optName in ("-p","--passwd"):
prop["passwd"] = True
elif optName in ("-u","--user"):
prop["user"] = optValue
elif optName in ("-l","--url"):
prop["url"] = optValue
elif optName in ("-o","--token"):
prop["token"] = optValue
elif optName in ("-v","--view"):
prop["view"] = optValue
print ('Option %s not recognized' % optName)
if prop["passwd"]:
prop["token"] = getpass.getpass("Enter your ({0}) windows password: ".format(prop["user"]))
elif prop["token"] == LARRY_TOKEN:
print ("\n\t!!! Please use your own token to access jenkins server or use -p to enter your passwd !!! \n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
"jobs" : {
"simple" : ["git","copyartifact","external-monitor-job","subversion","cvs","javadoc"]
"views" : {
"simple" : ["hudson-pview-plugin","nested-view","console-column-plugin"]
"system" : ["ssh-slaves","backup","ldap"]
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="" />
<title>Jenkins Plugin's Usage</title>
<style type="text/css" title="currentStyle">
@import "DataTables/media/css/demo_page.css";
@import "DataTables/media/css/demo_table.css";
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="DataTables/media/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="DataTables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
jQuery.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
"num-html-pre": function ( a ) {
var x = String(a).replace( /<[\s\S]*?>/g, "" );
return parseFloat( x );
"num-html-asc": function ( a, b ) {
return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0));
"num-html-desc": function ( a, b ) {
return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0));
} );
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').dataTable( {
"aaSorting": [[ 2, "desc" ]],
"aoColumns": [null,null,{ "sType": "num-html" },null,null],
"iDisplayLength": 20,
"aLengthMenu": [[10, 20, 50, 100, -1], [10, 20, 50, 100, "All"]]
} );
$('.gradeA td').live('click',function (e) {
links = $(this).parents('tr').find('.hide').attr("details")
name = $(this).parents('tr').find('.shortname').text()
// alert(name)
// // alert(bc.attr("id"))
/* $("#plugins").find("tr th").val(bc) */
$("#plugins").find(".name").text(name + ":")
} );
<body id="dt_example">
<div id="container">
<div class="full_width big">
Jenkins Server Statistics
<p><font face="Arial" size="2">$currenttime</font></p></td>
<h1>Jenkins Plugins list</h1>
<table class="display" id="plugins">
<th>Plugin name</th>
<th>Job lists</th>
<tr class="gradeC">
<td class="name">shortname:</td>
<td class="links">jobs</td>
<div id="demo">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="example">
<th>Plugin name</th>
<th>short name</th>
<th>Used Jobs</th>
<div id="footer" class="clear" style="text-align:center;">
Please read the <code>README.markdown</code> in the git repository for more information
<span style="font-size:10px;">
This is designed by <a href="">Larry Cai</a>,Vivian Yang<br>
and powered by <a href="">DataTables</a>.
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klm1 commented Sep 4, 2015

Updated project with missing files here: (Can't do pull requests with gists, apparently).

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This URL returns a 404

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How can I found the Plugin is used by how many jobs (list of jobs) by using Command line ?

I think by using 'find' command will work. Please explain me if you guys anyone knows that procedure.

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Alxkkor commented May 17, 2017

Hi, guys, is somebody use\adapt this script for jenkins within Folder plugin? Script is analyse only "root" jobs.

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where is the detail_plugin_jobs_template.html?
I can not find it!

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