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Created July 12, 2019 15:12
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Terraform example
locals {
"winscript" = "powershell iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) ;powershell choco install --ignore-checksums -y microsoftazurestorageexplorer ;powershell choco install -y IIS-WebServer --source windowsfeatures ;powershell choco install webdeploy -y; choco install azure-cli -y; powershell exit 0"
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "bootstrapwin" {
count = "${length(local.winvmlist)}"
name = "Xbootstrapwin${count.index}"
location = "${var.Location}"
resource_group_name = "${}"
virtual_machine_name = "winvm${count.index}"
publisher = "Microsoft.Compute"
type = "CustomScriptExtension"
type_handler_version = "1.9"
//depends_on = ["winvm${count.index}"]
depends_on = ["azurerm_virtual_machine.winvm" ]
protected_settings = <<PSETTINGS
"commandToExecute": "${local.winscript}"
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