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Last active March 13, 2019 11:52
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  • Save larryhou/e0131d953ef1d407d72a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save larryhou/e0131d953ef1d407d72a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package com.larrio.dump.flash.display.shape.canvas
import com.larrio.dump.utils.padding;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.InterpolationMethod;
import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
* @author larryhou
* @createTime Sep 4, 2015 10:48:57 PM
public class SVGImageCanvas implements ICanvas
private var _data:Vector.<String>;
private var _gradIndex:uint;
private var _image:XML;
private var _path:XML;
private var _bounds:Rectangle;
private var _frame:Rectangle;
* 构造函数
* create a [SVGImageCanvas] object
public function SVGImageCanvas(imageWidth:int = 1024, imageHeight:int = 768)
_frame = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
_image = new XML("<svg/>");
_image.@version = "1.1";
_image.@xmlns = "";
_bounds = new Rectangle();
private function getRGBColor(color:uint):String
var b:String = padding((color >> 0 & 0xFF).toString(16), 2, "0", false);
var g:String = padding((color >> 8 & 0xFF).toString(16), 2, "0", false);
var r:String = padding((color >> 16 & 0xFF).toString(16), 2, "0", false);
return "#" + r.toUpperCase() + g.toUpperCase() + b.toUpperCase();
public function export():String
var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(_bounds.left,, _bounds.right - _bounds.left, _bounds.bottom -;
_image.@["width"] = _frame.width;
_image.@["height"] = _frame.height;
const MARGIN:Number = 20.0;
var scale:Number = Math.min((_frame.width - MARGIN)/rect.width, (_frame.height - MARGIN) / rect.height);
var translateX:Number = -(rect.x + rect.width / 2) + _frame.width / 2 / scale;
var translateY:Number = -(rect.y + rect.height / 2) + _frame.height / 2 / scale;
_image.g.@["transform"] =
"scale(" + scale.toFixed(2) + "," + scale.toFixed(2) + ") " +
"translate(" + translateX.toFixed(2) + "," + translateY.toFixed(2) + ")";
XML.prettyPrinting = true;
XML.prettyIndent = 4;
return _image.toXMLString();
private function flushContext():void
if (_path && _data)
if (_data.length)
_path.@["d"] = _data.join(" ");
if (_image.g.length() == 0)
_image.appendChild(new XML("<g/>"));
_data = null;
_path = null;
public function lineStyle(thickness:Number = NaN, color:uint = 0, alpha:Number = 1.0, pixelHinting:Boolean = false, scaleMode:String = LineScaleMode.NORMAL, caps:String = null, joints:String = null, miterLimit:Number = 3):void
_data = new Vector.<String>();
_path = new XML("<path/>");
_path.@["stroke"] = getRGBColor(color);
_path.@["stroke-width"] = (thickness || 0).toFixed(2);
_path.@["stroke-opacity"] = alpha.toFixed(2);
_path.@["stroke-linecap"] = (!caps || caps == "none")? "butt" : caps;
_path.@["stroke-linejoin"] = joints || "round";
_path.@["stroke-miterlimit"] = miterLimit.toFixed(2);
_path.@["fill"] = "transparent";
private function unitBoundsWithPoint(x:Number, y:Number):void
_bounds.left = Math.min(x, _bounds.left);
_bounds.right = Math.max(x, _bounds.right); = Math.min(y,;
_bounds.bottom = Math.max(y, _bounds.bottom);
public function moveTo(x:Number, y:Number):void
_data.push("M" + x.toFixed(2) + "," + y.toFixed(2));
unitBoundsWithPoint(x, y);
public function lineTo(x:Number, y:Number):void
_data.push("L" + x.toFixed(2) + "," + y.toFixed(2));
unitBoundsWithPoint(x, y);
public function curveTo(controlX:Number, controlY:Number, anchorX:Number, anchorY:Number):void
_data.push("Q" + controlX.toFixed(2) + "," + controlY.toFixed(2) + " " + anchorX.toFixed(2) + "," + anchorY.toFixed(2));
unitBoundsWithPoint(controlX, controlY);
unitBoundsWithPoint(anchorX, anchorY);
public function beginFill(color:uint, alpha:Number = 1.0):void
_data = new Vector.<String>();
_path = new XML("<path/>");
_path.@["fill"] = getRGBColor(color);
_path.@["fill-opacity"] = alpha.toFixed(2);
public function beginBitmapFill(bitmap:BitmapData, matrix:Matrix = null, repeat:Boolean = true, smooth:Boolean = false):void
beginFill(0xFF0000, 1.0);
private function createGradientStyle(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:Matrix, spreadMethod:String, interpolationMethod:String, focalPointRatio:Number):String
matrix ||= new Matrix();
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(matrix.b, matrix.a);
var scaleX:Number = matrix.a / Math.cos(angle);
var scaleY:Number = matrix.d / Math.cos(angle);
var width:Number = scaleX * 1638.4, height:Number = scaleY * 1638.4;
var gradient:XML;
if (type == "radial")
gradient = new XML("<radialGradient/>");
var radius:Number = Math.max(width / 2, height / 2);
var focalPoint:Point = new Point(
width / 2 * Math.cos(angle) * focalPointRatio + matrix.tx,
height / 2 * Math.sin(angle) * focalPointRatio + matrix.ty);
var center:Point = new Point(matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
gradient.@["cx"] = center.x.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["cy"] = center.y.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["fx"] = focalPoint.x.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["fy"] = focalPoint.y.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["r"] = radius.toFixed(2);
gradient = new XML("<linearGradient/>");
var sp:Point = new Point(-819.2 * scaleX, 0);
var startPoint:Point = new Point(
sp.x * Math.cos(angle) - sp.y * Math.sin(angle) + matrix.tx,
sp.x * Math.sin(angle) + sp.y * Math.cos(angle) + matrix.ty);
var ep:Point = new Point( 819.2 * scaleX, 0);
var endPoint:Point = new Point(
ep.x * Math.cos(angle) - ep.y * Math.sin(angle) + matrix.tx,
ep.x * Math.sin(angle) + ep.y * Math.cos(angle) + matrix.ty);
gradient.@["x1"] = startPoint.x.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["y1"] = startPoint.y.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["x2"] = endPoint.x.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["y2"] = endPoint.y.toFixed(2);
gradient.@["gradientUnits"] = "userSpaceOnUse";
gradient.@["spreadMethod"] = spreadMethod || "pad";
gradient.@["id"] = "G" + (++_gradIndex);
for (var i:int = 0; i < colors.length; i++)
var stop:XML = new XML("<stop/>");
stop.@["offset"] = (ratios[i] / 0xFF).toFixed(2);
stop.@["stop-color"] = getRGBColor(colors[i]);
stop.@["stop-opacity"] = alphas[i].toFixed(2);
if (_image.defs.length() == 0)
_image.prependChild(new XML("<defs/>"));
return "url(#" + gradient.@id + ")";
public function beginGradientFill(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:Matrix = null, spreadMethod:String = SpreadMethod.PAD, interpolationMethod:String = InterpolationMethod.RGB, focalPointRatio:Number = 0):void
_data = new Vector.<String>();
_path = new XML("<path/>");
_path.@["fill"] = createGradientStyle.apply(null, arguments);
public function lineGradientStyle(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:Matrix = null, spreadMethod:String = SpreadMethod.PAD, interpolationMethod:String = InterpolationMethod.RGB, focalPointRatio:Number = 0):void
_data = new Vector.<String>();
_path = new XML("<path/>");
_path.@["stroke"] = createGradientStyle.apply(null, arguments);
_path.@["fill"] = "transparent";
public function endFill():void
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