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Created January 22, 2012 02:08
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open import FRP.JS.Nat
open import FRP.JS.String hiding (length) renaming (_++_ to _++s_)
open import FRP.JS.List hiding (_++_; [_]) renaming (map to mapl)
open import FRP.JS.Behaviour renaming (map to mapb)
open import FRP.JS.DOM renaming (_++_ to _++d_)
open import FRP.JS.RSet
module Li where
join : ∀ {A} → ⟦ Beh (Beh A) ⇒ Beh A ⟧
natList : ⟦ Beh ⟨ List ℕ ⟩ ⟧
natList = [ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ List.[] ]
strList : ⟦ Beh ⟨ String ⟩ ⟧
strList = mapb showList natList where
showList : List ℕ → String
showList = foldr (λ n acc → show n ++s acc ) ""
li : ∀ {w} n → ⟦ Beh (DOM w) ⟧
li n = element "li" (text [ show n ])
liList : ∀ {w} → ⟦ Beh (DOM w) ⟧
liList = join result where
lis : ∀ {w} → List ℕ → ⟦ Beh (DOM w) ⟧
lis xs = foldr (λ n acc → acc) FRP.JS.DOM.[] xs
result : ∀ {w} → ⟦ Beh ( Beh (DOM w) ) ⟧
result = mapb (λ xs → lis xs {_}) natList
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