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Larry Diehl larrytheliquid

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larrytheliquid / LocalProps.agda
Last active December 15, 2015 03:09
How does local completeness generalize to eliminators?
How does local completeness ( generalize to eliminators?
Below is the eliminator for `ℕ` that does not include the inductive hypothesis `P n` in the `suc n` branch.
It still passes local completeness because the `suc n` branch still includes the `n` index, it merely omits the inductive hypothesis.
1. `ℕ` is a datatype rather than a standard logical proposition, and it has many proofs/inhabitants for the same type.
2. I'm being more strict here by requiring the expansion to equal the input, rather than merely proving the same proposition.
larrytheliquid / HypotheticalFunMatching.agda
Created June 29, 2013 19:49
What goes wrong if you were to allow matching against value/neutral forms of functions? Are there any good references on this?
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
module HypotheticalFunMatching where
Imagine that the expressions in the pattern positions are first evaluated to values/neutrals.
So for example, "not" really becomes elimBool and "_+_" becomes two nested elimℕ's.
A wildcard match is always necessary because there are infinitely many intentionally different
larrytheliquid / LabelledAdd1.agda
Last active May 13, 2018 15:52
Labelled types demo ala "The view from the left" by McBride & McKinna. Labels are a cheap alternative to dependent pattern matching. You can program with eliminators but the type of your goal reflects the dependent pattern match equation that you would have done. Inductive hypotheses are also labeled, and hence you get more type safety from usin…
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.String
open import Function
open import LabelledTypes
module LabelledAdd1 where
add : (m n : ℕ) → ⟨ "add" ∙ m ∙ n ∙ ε ∶ ℕ ⟩
add m n = elimℕ (λ m' → ⟨ "add" ∙ m' ∙ n ∙ ε ∶ ℕ ⟩)
λ A m n →
(`Arg (Tag ("nil" ∷ "cons" ∷ []))
(λ t →
(λ _ →
(`Arg (Tag ("zero" ∷ "suc" ∷ []))
(λ t₁ → case (λ _ → Desc ⊤) (`End tt , `Rec tt (`End tt) , tt) t₁))
larrytheliquid / Foo.agda
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Positivity checker
module Foo where
open import Level using ( Lift )
data ℕ : Set where
zero : ℕ
suc : ℕ → ℕ
elimℕ : ∀{ℓ} (P : ℕ → Set ℓ)
(pzero : P zero)
(psuc : (n : ℕ) → P n → P (suc n))
There are a lot of resources to learn from, and it's hard to pick just one. Below are links to learning about dependently typed programming. I think that the most comfortable path is to learn DT programming first, and then learn more of the pure math and type theory behind it along the way as you get more experienced.
Basically, Coq is the most mature and oldest, but is more tedious to do dependently typed programming with.
Agda is not as mature, but it supports dependently typed programming very well.
Idris is an even newer language that also supports dependently typed programming well, and IMO has the best chance of being a practically used language.
Personally, I mostly use Agda.
Software foundations -
Certified programming with dependent types -
{-# OPTIONS --copatterns #-}
module CoList where
{- High-level intuition:
codata CoList (A : Set) : Set where
nil : CoList A
cons : A → CoList A → CoList A
append : ∀{A} → CoList A → CoList A → CoList A
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
module _ where
This odd approach gives you 2 choices when defining an indexed type:
1. Use a McBride-Dagand encoding so your datatype
"need not store its indices".
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product
module _ where
data Desc (I : Set) (O : I → Set) : Set₁ where
`ι : (i : I) (o : O i) → Desc I O
`δ : (A : Set) (i : A → I) (D : (o : (a : A) → O (i a)) → Desc I O) → Desc I O
`σ : (A : Set) (D : A → Desc I O) → Desc I O
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
module _ where
data Desc (I : Set) : Set₁ where
`ι : I → Desc I