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Created May 8, 2012 03:07
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Save larryv/2632239 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Completed COOL lexical analyzer
* The scanner definition for COOL.
* Stuff enclosed in %{ %} in the first section is copied verbatim to the
* output, so headers and global definitions are placed here to be visible
* to the code in the file. Don't remove anything that was here initially
#include <cool-parse.h>
#include <stringtab.h>
#include <utilities.h>
/* The compiler assumes these identifiers. */
#define yylval cool_yylval
#define yylex cool_yylex
/* Max size of string constants */
#define MAX_STR_CONST 1025
#define YY_NO_UNPUT /* keep g++ happy */
extern FILE *fin; /* we read from this file */
/* define YY_INPUT so we read from the FILE fin:
* This change makes it possible to use this scanner in
* the Cool compiler.
#undef YY_INPUT
#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) \
do { \
if ((result = fread((char*)buf, sizeof(char), max_size, fin)) < 0) \
YY_FATAL_ERROR("read() in flex scanner failed"); \
} while (0)
char string_buf[MAX_STR_CONST]; /* to assemble string constants */
char *string_buf_ptr;
extern int curr_lineno;
extern int verbose_flag;
extern YYSTYPE cool_yylval;
* Add your own definitions here
#define RETURN_ERROR(msg) \
do { \
cool_yylval.error_msg = (msg); \
return ERROR; \
} while (0)
#define EXTEND_STR(c) \
do { \
if (string_buf_ptr + 1 > &string_buf[MAX_STR_CONST - 1]) { \
RETURN_ERROR("String constant too long"); \
} \
*string_buf_ptr++ = (c); \
} while (0)
int comment_level;
* Define names for regular expressions here.
/* tab, newline, vertical tab, formfeed, carriage return, and space */
WS [\t\n\v\f\r ]
/* Operators and other symbols */
"(" return '(';
")" return ')';
"." return '.';
"@" return '@';
"~" return '~';
"*" return '*';
"/" return '/';
"+" return '+';
"-" return '-';
"<=" return LE;
"<" return '<';
"=" return '=';
"<-" return ASSIGN;
"{" return '{';
"}" return '}';
":" return ':';
"," return ',';
";" return ';';
"=>" return DARROW;
* Keywords are case-insensitive except for the values true and false,
* which must begin with a lower-case letter.
[cC][lL][aA][sS][sS] return CLASS;
[iI][fF] return IF;
[tT][hH][eE][nN] return THEN;
[eE][lL][sS][eE] return ELSE;
[fF][iI] return FI;
[iI][nN] return IN;
[iI][nN][hH][eE][rR][iI][tT][sS] return INHERITS;
[iI][sS][vV][oO][iI][dD] return ISVOID;
[lL][eE][tT] return LET;
[lL][oO][oO][pP] return LOOP;
[pP][oO][oO][lL] return POOL;
[wW][hH][iI][lL][eE] return WHILE;
[cC][aA][sS][eE] return CASE;
[eE][sS][aA][cC] return ESAC;
[nN][eE][wW] return NEW;
[oO][fF] return OF;
[nN][oO][tT] return NOT;
t[rR][uU][eE] {
cool_yylval.boolean = true;
return BOOL_CONST;
f[aA][lL][sS][eE] {
cool_yylval.boolean = false;
return BOOL_CONST;
/* Identifiers and integers */
[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* {
cool_yylval.symbol = idtable.add_string(yytext);
return TYPEID;
[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* {
cool_yylval.symbol = idtable.add_string(yytext);
return OBJECTID;
[0-9]+ {
cool_yylval.symbol = inttable.add_string(yytext);
return INT_CONST;
* String constants (C syntax)
* Escape sequence \c is accepted for all characters c. Except for
* \n \t \b \f, the result is c.
\" {
string_buf_ptr = string_buf;
\" {
*string_buf_ptr = '\0';
cool_yylval.symbol = stringtable.add_string(string_buf);
return STR_CONST;
\\?\0 {
RETURN_ERROR("String contains null character");
\n {
RETURN_ERROR("Unterminated string constant");
<<EOF>> {
BEGIN(INITIAL); /* Prevent EOF loop */
RETURN_ERROR("EOF in string constant");
\\b EXTEND_STR('\b'); /* backspace */
\\f EXTEND_STR('\f'); /* formfeed */
\\t EXTEND_STR('\t'); /* tab */
\\n EXTEND_STR('\n'); /* newline */
\\\n { /* escaped newline */
\\. EXTEND_STR(yytext[1]);
[^\\\n\0\"]+ {
if (string_buf_ptr + yyleng >
&string_buf[MAX_STR_CONST - 1]) {
RETURN_ERROR("String constant too long");
strcpy(string_buf_ptr, yytext);
string_buf_ptr += yyleng;
\n {
\\\n ++curr_lineno;
\\. ;
[^\\\n\"]+ ;
/* Comments */
"--".* ;
"*)" RETURN_ERROR("Unmatched *)");
"*"+")" {
if (--comment_level < 1)
<<EOF>> {
BEGIN(INITIAL); /* Prevent EOF loop */
RETURN_ERROR("EOF in comment");
\\\n ++curr_lineno;
\\. ;
[^(*\\\n]* ;
"("+[^(*\\\n]* ;
"*"+[^)*\\\n]* ;
\n ++curr_lineno;
/* Whitespace and leftovers */
[\t\v\f\r ]+ ;
\n+ curr_lineno += yyleng;
. RETURN_ERROR(yytext);
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