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Created November 13, 2014 10:56
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<?php namespace LarryWeya\FormbuilderToJSONSchema\FormbuilderToJSONSchema;
class FormbuilderParser {
* @var array the formbuilder schema we are working with
protected $schema;
* @var int Cached nextFieldId
private $nextFieldId;
* Set the schema to work off
* @param array $builderSchema
* @return FormbuilderParser
public function setFormbuilderSchema($builderSchema)
// reset nextFieldId's value
$this->nextFieldId = null;
$this->schema = $builderSchema;
return $this;
* Get the next field id
* Loops through the fields in our schema and extracts the id from the field'd id, finds the max and returns max + 1
* @returns int
public function getNextFieldId()
$this->nextFieldId = array_reduce($this->schema['fields'], function($carry, $field){
$id = $field['id'];
$matches = [];
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]([0-9]+)$/', $id, $matches))
return max(intval($matches[1]), $carry);
return $carry;
}, 1);
return ++$this->nextFieldId;
* Parse the schema with the aim of attaching field ids where they don't exist
protected function parse()
$this->schema['fields'] = array_map(function($field) {
$field['id'] = 'f' . ($this->getNextFieldId());
return $field;
}, $this->schema['fields']);
* Return the parsed schema - useful to return to formbuilder's save XHR call to have id's properly set
* @return array
public function getParsedSchema()
return $this->schema;
* Runs through the options array and builds a new array with the labels
* @param $options
* @return array
public static function enumFromOptions($options)
return array_map(function ($option) {
return $option['label'];
}, $options);
* Runs through the options array and builds a new array of options where checked is set to true
* @param $options
* @return mixed
public static function selectedOptionsFromOptions($options)
return array_reduce($options, function($carry, $option){
$carry[] = $option['label'];
return $carry;
}, array());
* Determines if the type is an integer or a general number and sets the type on the schema
* @param array $field The number field we are processing
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function numberHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = isset($field['field_options']['integer_only']) && $field['field_options']['integer_only']?'integer':'number';
//$schema['minimum'] = 18;
return array($schema, $form);
* Sets the type to string for the text type
* @param array $field The text field we are processing
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function textHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = 'string';
return array($schema, $form);
* Sets the form type to textarea and uses the text handler to set the schema type
* @param array $field The number field we are processing
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function paragraphHandler($field, $schema, $form)
list($schema, $form) = static::textHandler($field, $schema, $form);
$form['type'] = 'textarea';
return array($schema, $form);
public static function dropdownHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = 'string';
$checked_options = static::selectedOptionsFromOptions($field['field_options']['options']);
$schema['default'] = empty($checked_options)?'':$checked_options[0];
$enum = array();
if(isset($field['field_options']['include_blank_option']) && $field['field_options']['include_blank_option'])
$enum = array('');
$schema['enum'] = array_merge($enum, static::enumFromOptions($field['field_options']['options']));
return array($schema, $form);
* Handles adding options and setting checked values on a checkbox group
* @param array $field The number field we are processing
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function checkboxesHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = 'array';
$schema['items'] = array(
'type' => 'string',
'title' => $field['title'],
'enum' => static::enumFromOptions($field['field_options']['options'])
// check for a dn set any default values
$schema['default'] = static::selectedOptionsFromOptions($field['field_options']['options']);
$form['type'] = 'checkboxes';
return array($schema, $form);
* @param array $field The number field we are processing
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function radioHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = 'string';
$checked_options = static::selectedOptionsFromOptions($field['field_options']['options']);
$schema['default'] = empty($checked_options)?'':$checked_options[0];
$schema['enum'] = static::enumFromOptions($field['field_options']['options']);
$form['type'] = 'radios';
return array($schema, $form);
* @param array $field
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function dateHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = 'string';
$form['htmlClass'] = $form['htmlClass'] . ' date-picker';
return array($schema, $form);
* @param array $field
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function timeHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = 'string';
$form['htmlClass'] = $form['htmlClass'] . ' time-picker';
return array($schema, $form);
* @param array $field
* @param array $schema the jsonform schema
* @param array $form the field's form data where we can specify jsonform display options
* @returns array
public static function fileHandler($field, $schema, $form)
$schema['type'] = 'string';
$form['type'] = 'file';
return array($schema, $form);
* Generate a JSON schema from the form-builder schema
public function toJsonFormFromSchema()
$fields = $this->schema != null?$this->schema['fields']:[];
$class = get_class($this);
return array_reduce($fields, function($carry, $field) use($class) {
//if id already exists in $accumulator, raise an exception
if(array_key_exists($field['id'], $carry['schema']))
throw new \Exception($field['id'] . " already exists");
// initialize the values we can handle
$schema = array(
'title' => $field['title'],
'required' => $field['required']
$form = array(
'key' => $field['id'],
'htmlClass' => 'form-group'
// create the expected handler name
$method_name = $field['type'] . 'Handler';
if(method_exists($class, $method_name))
list($schema, $form) = call_user_func(array($class, $method_name), $field, $schema, $form);
print_r("Method " . $method_name . " doesnt exist.");
$schema['type'] = 'string';
$carry['schema'][$field['id']] = $schema;
$carry['form'][] = $form;
return $carry;
}, array( 'schema' => array(), 'form' => array() ));
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uovidiu commented Nov 13, 2014

Thanks for sharing this.

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Instantiate the class, call setFormbuilderSchema with the JSON from formbuilder then call toJsonFormFromSchema to get back the json-form compatible JSON

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Daanishh commented Dec 4, 2014

Hey Larryweya,
I am new to the developing world, Can you help me to save the generated form ? nothing seems working,
I have never used node.js or any .js, I have familiar with php and

Help is appreciated :)

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