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Created July 7, 2014 08:24
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GraphLab my_first_app.cpp
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <graphlab.hpp>
struct web_page {
std::string pagename;
double pagerank;
web_page():pagerank(0.0) { }
explicit web_page(std::string name):pagename(name),pagerank(0.0){ }
void save(graphlab::oarchive& oarc) const {
oarc << pagename << pagerank;
void load(graphlab::iarchive& iarc) {
iarc >> pagename >> pagerank;
typedef graphlab::distributed_graph<web_page, graphlab::empty> graph_type;
bool line_parser(graph_type& graph,
const std::string& filename,
const std::string& textline) {
std::stringstream strm(textline);
graphlab::vertex_id_type vid;
std::string pagename;
// first entry in the line is a vertex ID
strm >> vid;
strm >> pagename;
// insert this web page
graph.add_vertex(vid, web_page(pagename));
// while there are elements in the line, continue to read until we fail
graphlab::vertex_id_type other_vid;
strm >> other_vid;
if (
return true;
graph.add_edge(vid, other_vid);
return true;
class pagerank_program :
public graphlab::ivertex_program<graph_type, double>,
public graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {
// we are going to gather on all the in-edges
edge_dir_type gather_edges(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) const {
return graphlab::IN_EDGES;
// for each in-edge gather the weighted sum of the edge.
double gather(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,
edge_type& edge) const {
return edge.source().data().pagerank / edge.source().num_out_edges();
// Use the total rank of adjacent pages to update this page
void apply(icontext_type& context, vertex_type& vertex,
const gather_type& total) {
double newval = total * 0.85 + 0.15; = newval;
// No scatter needed. Return NO_EDGES
edge_dir_type scatter_edges(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) const {
return graphlab::NO_EDGES;
class dynamic_pagerank_program :
public graphlab::ivertex_program<graph_type, double>,
public graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {
// a variable local to this program
bool perform_scatter;
// no changes to gather_edges and gather
edge_dir_type gather_edges(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) const {
return graphlab::IN_EDGES;
double gather(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,
edge_type& edge) const {
return edge.source().data().pagerank / edge.source().num_out_edges();
// Use the total rank of adjacent pages to update this page
void apply(icontext_type& context, vertex_type& vertex,
const gather_type& total) {
double newval = total * 0.85 + 0.15;
double prevval =; = newval;
perform_scatter = (std::fabs(prevval - newval) > 1E-3);
// The scatter edges depend on whether the pagerank has converged
edge_dir_type scatter_edges(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) const {
if (perform_scatter) return graphlab::OUT_EDGES;
else return graphlab::NO_EDGES;
void scatter(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,
edge_type& edge) const {
class graph_writer {
std::string save_vertex(graph_type::vertex_type v) {
std::stringstream strm;
// remember the \n at the end! This will provide a line break
// after each page.
strm << << "\t" << << "\n";
return strm.str();
std::string save_edge(graph_type::edge_type e) { return ""; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
graphlab::mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);
graphlab::distributed_control dc;
graph_type graph(dc);
graph.load("graph.txt", line_parser);
// graphlab::omni_engine<dynamic_pagerank_program> engine(dc, graph, "sync");
graphlab::omni_engine<pagerank_program> engine(dc, graph, "sync");
false, // set to true if each output file is to be gzipped
true, // whether vertices are saved
false); // whether edges are saved
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