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Created July 5, 2012 09:28
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MatchData.begin(n) always returns 0 on jruby with chinese/japanese characters in it
$ jruby --1.9 -S test.rb
==== Text in English ====
#<MatchData "@chichi dog dog" 1:"@" 2:"chichi" 3:" dog dog">
1. 11
2. 12
3. 18
==== Text in Chinese ====
#<MatchData "@chichi 狗狗" 1:"@" 2:"chichi" 3:" 狗狗">
1. 0
2. 0
3. 0
==== Text in Japanese ====
#<MatchData "@chichi ドッグ" 1:"@" 2:"chichi" 3:" ドッグ">
1. 0
2. 0
3. 0
$ ruby test.rb
==== Text in English ====
#<MatchData "@chichi dog dog" 1:"@" 2:"chichi" 3:" dog dog">
1. 11
2. 12
3. 18
==== Text in Chinese ====
#<MatchData "@chichi 狗狗" 1:"@" 2:"chichi" 3:" 狗狗">
1. 6
2. 7
3. 13
==== Text in Japanese ====
#<MatchData "@chichi ドッグ" 1:"@" 2:"chichi" 3:" ドッグ">
1. 12
2. 13
3. 19
# encoding: utf-8
text = 'i love dog @chichi dog dog'
text_cn = '我爱你狗狗 @chichi 狗狗'
text_jp = '私はあなたの犬を愛して @chichi ドッグ'
reg = /([@@])([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20})(.*)/o
puts "==== Text in English ===="
text.scan(reg) do |before, at, screen_name, list_slug|
puts $~.inspect
puts "1. #{$~.begin(1)}"
puts "2. #{$~.begin(2)}"
puts "3. #{$~.begin(3)}"
puts "==== Text in Chinese ===="
text_cn.scan(reg) do |before, at, screen_name, list_slug|
puts $~.inspect
puts "1. #{$~.begin(1)}"
puts "2. #{$~.begin(2)}"
puts "3. #{$~.begin(3)}"
puts "==== Text in Japanese ===="
text_jp.scan(reg) do |before, at, screen_name, list_slug|
puts $~.inspect
puts "1. #{$~.begin(1)}"
puts "2. #{$~.begin(2)}"
puts "3. #{$~.begin(3)}"
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