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Created March 18, 2017 22:16
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Simple support class for using Umbraco.Tests unobtrusively
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Moq;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Configuration.UmbracoSettings;
using Umbraco.Core.Models;
using Umbraco.Core.Persistence;
using Umbraco.Core.Services;
using Umbraco.Tests.TestHelpers;
using Umbraco.Web;
using Umbraco.Web.Mvc;
using Umbraco.Web.Routing;
namespace Umb.Testing.Tests.Support
public class UmbracoSupport : BaseRoutingTest
public UmbracoContext UmbracoContext => umbracoContext;
public new ServiceContext ServiceContext => serviceContext;
public IPublishedContent CurrentPage => currentPage;
public RouteData RouteData => routeData;
public UmbracoHelper UmbracoHelper => umbracoHelper;
public HttpContextBase HttpContext => umbracoContext.HttpContext;
public string ContentCacheXml { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a stubbed Umbraco request context. Generally called from [SetUp] methods.
/// Remember to call UmbracoSupport.DisposeUmbraco from your [TearDown].
/// </summary>
public void SetupUmbraco()
/// <summary>
/// Cleans up the stubbed Umbraco request context. Generally called from [TearDown] methods.
/// Must be called before another UmbracoSupport.SetupUmbraco.
/// </summary>
public void DisposeUmbraco()
/// <summary>
/// Attaches the stubbed UmbracoContext et. al. to the Controller.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="controller"></param>
public void PrepareController(Controller controller)
var controllerContext = new ControllerContext(HttpContext, RouteData, controller);
controller.ControllerContext = controllerContext;
routeData.Values.Add("controller", controller.GetType().Name.Replace("Controller", ""));
routeData.Values.Add("action", "Dummy");
protected override string GetXmlContent(int templateId)
if (ContentCacheXml != null)
return ContentCacheXml;
return base.GetXmlContent(templateId);
private UmbracoContext umbracoContext;
private ServiceContext serviceContext;
private IUmbracoSettingsSection settings;
private RoutingContext routingContext;
private IPublishedContent currentPage;
private RouteData routeData;
private UmbracoHelper umbracoHelper;
private PublishedContentRequest publishedContentRequest;
protected override ApplicationContext CreateApplicationContext()
// Overrides the base CreateApplicationContext to inject a completely stubbed servicecontext
serviceContext = MockHelper.GetMockedServiceContext();
var appContext = new ApplicationContext(
new DatabaseContext(Mock.Of<IDatabaseFactory>(), Logger, SqlSyntax, GetDbProviderName()),
return appContext;
private void TryBaseInitialize()
// Delegates to Umbraco.Tests initialization. Gives a nice hint about disposing the support class for each test.
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
if (ex.Message.StartsWith("Resolution is frozen"))
throw new Exception("Resolution is frozen. This is probably because UmbracoSupport.DisposeUmbraco wasn't called before another UmbracoSupport.SetupUmbraco call.");
private void InitializeSettings()
// Stub up all the settings in Umbraco so we don't need a big app.config file.
settings = SettingsForTests.GenerateMockSettings();
private void CreateCurrentPage()
// Stubs up the content used as current page in all contexts
currentPage = Mock.Of<IPublishedContent>();
private void CreateRouteData()
// Route data is used in many of the contexts, and might need more data throughout your tests.
routeData = new RouteData();
private void CreateContexts()
// Surface- and RenderMvcControllers need a routing context to fint the current content.
// Umbraco.Tests creates one and whips up the UmbracoContext in the process.
routingContext = GetRoutingContext("http://localhost", -1, routeData, true, settings);
umbracoContext = routingContext.UmbracoContext;
private void CreateHelper()
umbracoHelper = new UmbracoHelper(umbracoContext, currentPage);
private void InitializePublishedContentRequest()
// Some deep core methods fetch the published content request from routedata
// others access it through the context
// in any case, this is the one telling everyone which content is the current content.
publishedContentRequest = new PublishedContentRequest(new Uri("http://localhost"), routingContext, settings.WebRouting, s => new string[0])
PublishedContent = currentPage,
Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
umbracoContext.PublishedContentRequest = publishedContentRequest;
var routeDefinition = new RouteDefinition
PublishedContentRequest = publishedContentRequest
routeData.DataTokens.Add("umbraco-route-def", routeDefinition);
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