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Created July 3, 2020 12:03
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def dice_example_l():
Example with a biased dice with a previously observed mean
The lagrange multiplier l is optimized rather than p
def entropy(l, *args):
Entropy of p
p = analytical(l)
return sum(p*np.log(p))
def mean_constraint(l, *args):
Constraint that the weighted mean is fixed
mean = args[0]
x = np.arange(1,7)
p = analytical(l)
return - mean
def analytical(l):
Convert the lagrange multiplier l to p
x = np.arange(1,7)
p = np.exp(-l*x)
return p/sum(p)
# Observed mean
mean = 3
# Starting guess
l = -1
# Set constraints
constraints = [{'type':'eq',
'args': (mean,)}
opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(entropy, l, constraints=constraints)
def dice_example_p():
Example with a biased dice with a previously observed mean
p is optimized directly, rather than the lagrange multiplier l
def entropy(p, *args):
Entropy of p
return sum(p*np.log(p))
def sum_constraint(p, *args):
Constraint that p sum to 1
return sum(p) - 1
def mean_constraint(p, *args):
Constraint that the weighted mean is fixed
mean = args[0]
x = np.arange(1,7)
return - mean
# Observed mean
mean = 3
# Starting guess
p = np.ones(6)/6
# Set constraints
constraints = [{'type':'eq',
'args': (mean,)}
opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(entropy, p, bounds=[[1e-9,None] for _ in range(6)],
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