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Created July 19, 2011 14:02
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Save larscwallin/1092461 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SIMPLX Debugger Alpha
1. Create a new Snippet called simplx_debugger
2. Copy and paste the contents of "simplx_debugger.php" and save.
3. Create a new Chunk called simplx.debugger.js
4. Copy and paste the contents of "simplx.debugger.js" and save.
5. Create a new Plugin called codemirror_debugger
6. Copy and paste the contents of "codemirror_debugger_plugin.php" and save.
7. Go to "System Events" and check all *FormPrerender events you like (snippet,plugin etc). Set Priority to something like 20.
8. Install/update your SIMPLX_RPC to version 0.6.5 from my gist (
9. Install NuSOAP for PHP 5.3 using my gist ( or from SourceForge. Put it in Assets/Components/nusoap
Now everything should work :)
$simplx_debugger_js = $modx->getChunk('simplx.debugger.js');
$simplx_rpc_js = $modx->getChunk('simplx.jsonrpc.js');
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
simplx.debugger = {
var compilingMask;
compilingMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), {msg:"Compiling... Press ESC to cancel."});
var map = new Ext.KeyMap(Ext.getBody(), {
key: Ext.EventObject.ESC,
fn: function(){
simplxRPCObject.callback = function(){return true;}
var rpcOptions = {
// Create and init the simplx.jsonrpc helper object.
simplxRPCObject = new simplx.jsonrpc();
simplxRPCObject.init(rpcOptions); // Call the init method passing the rpcOptions json
simplxRPCObject.callback = function(jsobject){
}; // Assign the function reference for success responses
simplxRPCObject.errorcallback= function(jsobject){
}; // Assign the function reference for error responses
simplxRPCObject.execute(); // Now lets fire away the query.
simplx.view = {
setup: function(){
//Add button
var sibling = $("#cm-replace");
$(sibling).after(" <button id=\"simplx_debugger_run\" type=\"button\" class=\"x-btn x-btn-text bmenu x-btn-noicon\" style=\"padding: 6px\">Debug</button>");
openDialog: function(content){
var win = new Ext.Window({
,title:"Debugger result"
templateResponse: function(data){
var output = data.output ? data.output : "Execution returned no errors :)";
return data.output;
Download the NUSOAP library from
class simplx_debugger{
public $proxyhost = '';
public $proxyport = '';
public $proxyusername = '';
public $proxypassword = '';
public $serviceuri = '';
public $username = '';
public $password = '';
public $timeout = 5;
private $client = null;
function __construct($debugServiceURI){
$this->serviceuri = $debugServiceURI;
$this->client = new nusoap_client($this->serviceuri, 'wsdl', $this->proxyhost, $this->proxyport, $this->proxyusername, $this->proxypassword);
public function createSubmission($sourceCode='', $language = 29, $input='',$run=true,$private=true){
$iterator = 0;
return false;
$createSubmissionIn = array(
'language'=> $language,
$result = $this->client->call('createSubmission', $createSubmissionIn, '', '', false, true);
$link = $result['link'];
// Was a link returned from the ideone service? If not, the query probably failed.
if($link != ''){
// Before we return we wait for the web service to return a status code of 0 which means that compilation is finished.
$status = $this->checkSubmissionStatus($link);
// While compilation status is not 0 AND the timeout limit is not exceeded.
while($status != 0 && $iterator < $this->timeout){
$status = $this->getSubmissionStatus($link);
// Wait 1 sec between queries.
// Iterate the iterator which servers to check the compilation timeout.
return false;
// Ok, the web service is done compiling so lets return the array which holds link and error information.
return $result;
public function checkSubmissionStatus($link){
$getSubmissionStatusIn = array(
$result = $this->client->call('getSubmissionStatus', $getSubmissionStatusIn, '', '', false, true);
return $result['status'];
public function getSubmissionStatus($link){
$getSubmissionStatusIn = array(
return $this->client->call('getSubmissionStatus', $getSubmissionStatusIn, '', '', false, true);
public function getSubmissionDetails($link,$withSource=true,$withInput=true,$withOutput=true,$withStderr=true,$withCmpinfo=true){
//return false;
$getSubmissionDetailsIn = array(
return $this->client->call('getSubmissionDetails', $getSubmissionDetailsIn, '', '', false, true);
$username = isset($username) ? $username : 'larscwallin';
$password = isset($password) ? $password : 'ideone';
$sourcecode = isset($sourcecode) ? $sourcecode : '';
$template = isset($template) ? $template : '';
Ada gnat-4.3.2 12768 7
Assembler nasm-2.07 12425 13
Assembler gcc-4.3.4 4251 45
AWK (gawk) gawk-3.1.6 3993 104
AWK (mawk) mawk-1.3.3 1412 105
Bash bash 4.0.35 34063 28
bc bc-1.06.95 2111 110
Brainf**k bff- 33658 12
C gcc-4.3.4 503323 11
C# mono-2.8 94408 27
C++ gcc-4.3.4 903965 1
C++0x gcc-4.5.1 31038 44
C99 strict gcc-4.3.4 23210 34
CLIPS clips 6.24 3002 14
Clojure clojure 1.1.0 6070 111
COBOL open-cobol-1.0 5932 118
COBOL 85 tinycobol-0.65.9 6313 106
Common Lisp (clisp) clisp 2.47 13927 32
D (dmd) dmd-2.042 11633 102
Erlang erl-5.7.3 5531 36
F# fsharp-2.0.0 4659 124
Factor factor-0.93 803 123
Falcon falcon- 710 125
Forth gforth-0.7.0 3368 107
Fortran gfortran-4.3.4 21228 5
Go gc-2010-07-14 7069 114
Groovy groovy-1.7 2658 121
Haskell ghc-6.8.2 28102 21
Icon iconc 9.4.3 2111 16
Intercal c-intercal 28.0-r1 2693 9
Java sun-jdk- 489295 10
JavaScript (rhino) rhino-1.6.5 15520 35
JavaScript (spidermonkey) spidermonkey-1.7 16015 112
Lua luac 5.1.4 9042 26
Nemerle ncc 0.9.3 2191 30
Nice nicec 0.9.6 1829 25
Nimrod nimrod-0.8.8 431 122
Objective-C gcc-4.5.1 4990 43
Ocaml ocamlopt 3.10.2 4312 8
Oz mozart-1.4.0 1504 119
Pascal (fpc) fpc 2.2.0 95291 22
Pascal (gpc) gpc 20070904 14177 2
Perl perl 5.12.1 63235 3
Perl 6 rakudo-2010.08 3184 54
PHP php 5.2.11 140522 29
Pike pike 7.6.86 8658 19
Prolog (gnu) gprolog-1.3.1 4141 108
Prolog (swi) swipl 5.6.64 44476 15
Python python 2.6.4 127081 4
Python 3 python-3.1.2 32151 116
R R-2.11.1 5240 117
Ruby ruby-1.9.2 35929 17
Scala 7978 39
Scheme (guile) guile 1.8.5 9384 33
Smalltalk gst 3.1 3617 23
SQL sqlite3-3.7.3 11968 40
Tcl tclsh 8.5.7 5601 38
Text text 6.10 7355 62
Unlambda unlambda-2.0.0 1118 115
Visual Basic .NET mono- 19949 101
Whitespace wspace 0.3 7881 6
$language = isset($language) ? $language : 29; // Default to PHP
$input= isset($input) ? $input : '';
$run = isset($input) ? (bool)$run : true;
$private = isset($private) ? (bool)$private : true;
$client = new simplx_debugger();
$client->username = $username;
$client->password = $password;
$result = $client->createSubmission($sourcecode,$language,$input,$run,$private);
$result = $client->getSubmissionDetails($result['link']);
if($template != ''){
print $modx->parseChunk($template,$result);
print json_encode($result);
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