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Created May 24, 2011 16:34
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Save larscwallin/989074 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Inkscape extension to export svg to misc formats. Will focus on xhtml
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script was written by Lars Wallin to facilitate export from svg to any output basically.
# For now only bitmap rendering is supported (to some degree...)
# Future versions should include rendering of canvas documents (css, html, ddh, ...)
# Please note that i have not run this script since i added this verbose commenting, so i might have broken some tab position or something...
import inkex
import sys, os, commands,subprocess
import string
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
from xml.dom.minidom import DocumentType
# This line is only needed if you don't put the script directly into
# the installation directory
# The simplestyle module provides functions for style parsing.
from simplestyle import *
# Generic class to handle object meta data.
class imageMetaData():
id = ""
background = ""
width = ""
height = ""
path = ""
area = ""
x = 0
y = 0
# Effect main class
class ExportToAny(inkex.Effect):
parserProcessHandle = None
saveLocation = ""
where = ""
what = ""
svg_file = ""
renderHistory = []
def __init__(self):
Defines the "--what" option of a script.
# Call the base class constructor.
# The OptionParser stuff below are Inkscape specific code which sets up the dialog for the extension GUI.
# The current options are just lab stuff and should be substituted with something more usefull.
# Define string option "--what" with "-w" shortcut.
self.OptionParser.add_option('-w', '--what', action = 'store',
type = 'string', dest = 'what', default = 'World',
help = '')
self.OptionParser.add_option('--where', action = 'store',
type = 'string', dest = 'where', default = 'c:\\',
help = 'Where to save?')
# exportImage takes as argument the current svg element id. This is then used to select which element the Inkscape exe should export.
def exportImage(self,id,parent_id):
# The easiest way to name rendered elements is by using their id since we can trust that this is always unique.
# The id will later be used as reference by the canvas document (html, ddh, css, ...)
filename = os.path.join(self.where, id+'.png')
# Inkscape has many really usefull cmd line arguments which can be used to query for data, and render bitmaps.
# Please not that Inkscape supports shell execution and should really be started as such at the beginning of parsing.
# The shell spawning stuff is commented out at the bottom of this script.
# The current command will start/close a new instance of the app for every element parsed.
command = "inkscape --without-gui --export-area-snap --export-id %s --export-png %s %s " % (id, filename, self.svg_file) #create the command that will be use to export
processHandle = subprocess.Popen(command,
# Inkscape is gracious enough to return some metadata regarding the exported bitmap.
stdout_value = processHandle.communicate()[0]
# Inkscapes element metadata is not a pleasant format. parseImageMetaData data tries to remedy this.
imageMetaData = self.parseImageMetaData(
return ((id + ";" + parent_id) + (";" + imageMetaData))
# exportImage takes as argument the current svg element id. This is then used to select which element the Inkscape exe should export.
def getImage(self,id,parent_id):
# Inkscape has many really useful cmd line arguments which can be used to query for data, and render bitmaps.
# Please not that Inkscape supports shell execution and should really be started as such at the beginning of parsing.
# The shell spawning stuff is commented out at the bottom of this script.
# The current command will start/close a new instance of the app for every element parsed.
command = "inkscape --without-gui --export-area-snap --export-id %s --export-png %s %s " % (id, filename, self.svg_file) #create the command that will be use to export
processHandle = subprocess.Popen(command,
# Inkscape is gracious enough to return some metadata regarding the exported bitmap.
stdout_value = processHandle.communicate()[0]
# Inkscapes element metadata is not a pleasant format. parseImageMetaData data tries to remedy this.
imageMetaData = self.parseImageMetaData(
return ((id + ";" + parent_id) + (";" + imageMetaData))
def parseImageMetaData(self,metaDataString):
# Inkscape exports information about svg objects in a pretty ugly format. Lets do a quick and dirty solution to this problem :)
# NOTE: The input format of the metaDataString may very well change in future Inkscape releases.
if(metaDataString != ''):
metaDataString = metaDataString.replace('Background RRGGBBAA: ','')
metaDataString = metaDataString.replace('Area ',';')
metaDataString = metaDataString.replace(' exported to ',';')
metaDataString = metaDataString.replace('Bitmap saved as: ','')
metaDataString = metaDataString.replace(' x ',';')
metaDataString = metaDataString.replace(' pixels (90 dpi)',';')
metaDataString += ''
return metaDataString
# parseDoc is the first level of parsing.
def parseDoc(self):
# As you can see in the xpath query below we select all groups at the first level of the document.
layers = self.document.xpath('//svg:svg/svg:g',namespaces=inkex.NSS)
# For each group (which at this level is actually an Inkscape layer) call parseLayer.
for node in layers:
layerStr = self.exportImage(node.get('id'),'svg')
def parseLayer(self,rootElement):
# I have chosen to call the level above layer "panel".
panels = rootElement.xpath('svg:g',namespaces=inkex.NSS)
# Hey ho here we go
for node in panels:
def parsePanel(self,rootElement):
# A panel is an area of the layer which we want to define. This area will not be rendered as a bitmap but saved as model data to be used when
# rendering the canvas document (html, ddh, ...)
elements = rootElement.xpath('svg:g',namespaces=inkex.NSS)
# Loop through all *grouped elements*, which will be rendered as png bitmaps. Ungrouped elements will be ignored.
for node in elements:
def parseElement(self,node):
element_metadata = ""
id = node.get('id')
# Do actual export
element_metadata = self.exportImage(id,'svg')
element_metadata = element_metadata.split(';')
element_metadata[3] = element_metadata[3].split(':')
# Assign the element_metadata values to an elementData struct which we later can query for element data. This will be used for rendering of content documents.
elementData = {
'background': element_metadata[2],
# Here we simply add the new struct to the renderHistory array.
# And just for debug sake write some stuff back to the document.
# Sub-optimal function just as "proof-of-concept"
def renderDDHDoc(self):
bitmapSchemaString = ''
bitmapDBString = ''
ddhDocString = ''
iterator = 0
# Ok lets render the bitmap schema section of the ddh
bitmapSchemaString = '<BitmapSchema><SchemaId>1</SchemaId><DayMode><BitmapDirectory>%s</BitmapDirectory>'%(self.where)
for node in self.renderHistory:
bitmapSchemaString += '<Bitmap>\n<BitmapId>%s</BitmapId>\n<DefaultBitmapFileName>%s</DefaultBitmapFileName>\n</Bitmap>\n'%(node['id'],node['path'].replace('\n',''))
# Add the end tag
bitmapSchemaString += '</BitmapSchema>\n'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ok lets render the bitmap database section of the ddh
for node in self.renderHistory:
iterator = iterator + 1
bitmapDBString += '<Bitmap ddh:Name="%s">\n<BitmapId>%s</BitmapId>\n<BitmapRenderValue>FixedSize</BitmapRenderValue>\n</Bitmap>\n'%(iterator,node['id'])
ddhDocString = ('<BitmapDatabase ddh:NextIdForDatabase="">\n' + bitmapSchemaString + bitmapDBString + '</BitmapDatabase>')
# Let's create a file and write it to disk.
filename = os.path.join(self.where, "ddh_sections.xml")
# Create a file object:
# in "write" mode
FILE = open(filename,"w")
# Sub-optimal function just as "proof-of-concept"
def renderCSSDoc(self):
docString = ''
iterator = 0
# Ok lets render the bitmap schema section of the ddh
docString = '<style>\n'
topPos = 0
for node in self.renderHistory:
topPos = 1#(node['area']['y'] + node['height'])
docString += '.%s {position:relative;top:%spx;left:%spx;}\n'%(node['id'],topPos,node['area']['y'])
# Add the end tag
docString += '</style>\n'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Let's create a file and write it to disk.
filename = os.path.join(self.where, "css.css")
# Create a file object:
# in "write" mode
FILE = open(filename,"w")
def effect(self):
Effect behaviour.
Overrides base class method
self.svg_file = self.args[-1]
# Get script's "--what" option value.
self.what = self.options.what
# Get script's "--where" option value.
self.where = self.options.where
# Get the handle for the parser process. In this case Inkscape is used.
#self.parserProcessHandle = self.getParserSession()
def debugLogger(self,textStr):
debugLayer = self.document.xpath('//svg:svg/svg:g',namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0]
# Create text element
text = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('text','svg'))
text.text = str(textStr)
# Set text position to center of document.
text.set('x', str(300 / 2))
text.set('y', str(300 / 2))
# Center text horizontally with CSS style.
style = {'text-align' : 'center', 'text-anchor': 'middle'}
text.set('style', formatStyle(style))
# Connect elements together.
# Create effect instance and apply it.
effect = ExportToAny()
def getParserSession(self):
command = "inkscape --shell"
processHandle = subprocess.Popen(command,
return processHandle
def endParserSession(self):
command = "exit"
stdout_value = self.parserProcessHandle.communicate(command)
return repr(stdout_value)
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