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Last active December 18, 2018 01:29
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Wii Remotes have a date engraved in them if you open the battery cover. Type in the 7-character code engraved (or just the first 3 characters) and it'll tell you what the date is.
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python <date string>")
if len(sys.argv[1]) < 3:
print("Invalid string")
if sys.argv[1][0] == "Z":
year = "2006"
year = ord(sys.argv[1][0]) + 1942
if ord(sys.argv[1][1]) >= 49 and ord(sys.argv[1][1]) <= 57:
month = sys.argv[1][1]
elif sys.argv[1][1] == "O":
month = "10"
elif sys.argv[1][1] == "N":
month = "11"
elif sys.argv[1][1] == "D":
month = "12"
if ord(sys.argv[1][2]) >= 49 and ord(sys.argv[1][2]) <= 57:
day = sys.argv[1][2]
day = ord(sys.argv[1][2]) - 55
if int(year) > 2016:
print("Your year is probably incorrect: " + str(year))
if int(month) > 12:
print("Your month is probably incorrect: " + str(month))
if int(day) > 31:
print("Your day is probably incorrect: " + str(day))
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