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Last active November 20, 2017 11:23
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* Unlocking the super-powers of the Erlang VM
Lars Hesel Christensen
VerneMQ Engineer
twitter: @larshesel
* The Erlang VM
A virtual machine built to support Erlang and applications in the
Telco domain.
Other languages on the Erlang VM:
- Elixir
- Efene
- Alpaca
- ...
* Erlang VM Features
- Hot code (re)loading
- Millions of processes
- Pattern matching
- Links and monitors
- Supervisors
- Logging
- Metrics
- Tracing
- Different schedulers available
- Async threads for IO
- Different memory allocators
- Thread pinning
* What are the super-powers?
- Hot code (re)loading
- Processes
- Links and monitors
- Pattern matching
- Tracing
* Tracing
- Allows to instrument the VM to emit messages on certain events at
Traceable events:
- function calls (and returns)
- process events (messages, exits)
- ...
* Tracing support
- `erlang:trace_pattern/3` and `erlang:trace/3`
- `dbg`
- erlyberly (
- redbug (
- recon (
* The `dbg` module
Function call example
#+begin_src erlang
(algol@algol)1> dbg:tracer(). %% Start a tracer process
(algol@algol)2> dbg:p(all, c). %% Trace calls on all processes
(algol@algol)3> dbg:tp(lists, seq, x).
(algol@algol)4> lists:seq(1,10).
(<0.65.0>) call lists:seq(1,10)
(<0.65.0>) returned from lists:seq/2 -> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
* The `dbg` module
Trace process events
#+begin_src erlang
18> Pid = spawn(fun() -> receive {From,Msg} -> From ! Msg end end).
19> dbg:tracer().
20> dbg:p(Pid,[m,procs]).
21> Pid ! {self(),hello}.
(<0.121.0>) << {<0.95.0>,hello}
(<0.121.0>) <0.95.0> ! hello
(<0.121.0>) exit normal
* Using `recon`
#+begin_src erlang
1> recon_trace:calls({lists,seq, fun(_) -> return_trace() end}, 10).
2> lists:seq(1,10).
17:38:10.194721 <0.71.0> lists:seq(1, 10)
17:38:10.195357 <0.71.0> lists:seq/2 --> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
#+begin_src erlang
recon_trace:calls({lists, seq, fun(_) -> return_trace() end},
{10,100}, [{scope, local}]).
* Building an MQTT session tracer
In VerneMQ we wanted to log specific events for an MQTT session. We
- Something fast
- Something safe
- Something where we could control formatting
- Try to use lager metadata
- Add log statements
- Use the tracing subsystem ...
* The architecture
Trace System (VM) ->
Rate Limiter (rate_tracer process) ->
Trace Formatter (vmq_tracer process)
* Show code and demo
* The end
Tracing is a fantastic tool. Can completely replace `printf` type
debugging. It is invaluable for determining issues in running systems.
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