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Created October 12, 2023 06:27
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abapGit, user exit, encourage adding topics
METHOD zif_abapgit_exit~wall_message_repo.
DATA(lv_url) = is_repo_meta-url.
DATA(lo_agent) = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_http_agent( ).
IF zcl_abapgit_login_manager=>get( lv_url ) IS NOT INITIAL.
lo_agent->global_headers( )->set(
iv_key = 'Authorization'
iv_val = zcl_abapgit_login_manager=>get( lv_url ) ).
lv_url = replace(
val = is_repo_meta-url
sub = ''
with = '' ).
lv_url = lv_url && '/topics'.
lo_agent->global_headers( )->set(
iv_key = 'Accept'
iv_val = 'application/vnd.github+json' ).
DATA(li_json) = lo_agent->request( lv_url )->json( ).
DATA(lt_topics) = li_json->array_to_string_table( '/names/' ).
READ TABLE lt_topics WITH KEY table_line = |sap-{ to_lower( sy-sysid ) }| TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
ii_html->add( |<div class="form-container">Please add topic "sap-{ to_lower( sy-sysid ) }" to the repository on github</div>| ).
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