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Created March 3, 2021 07:32
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METHOD zif_abapgit_exit~change_tadir.
* this cherry picks objects from different packages into a dummy package
* make sure to enable write protection for the repository
* and dont do this setup :)
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_object_and_name,
type TYPE tadir-object,
name TYPE tadir-obj_name,
END OF ty_object_and_name.
TYPES: ty_cherry TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_object_and_name WITH EMPTY KEY.
IF iv_package = '$SOMETHING'.
ASSERT lines( ct_tadir ) = 1. " it contains the dummy package
DATA(lt_cherry) = VALUE ty_cherry( (
type = 'PROG'
name = 'ZSOMETHING' ) ).
LOOP AT lt_cherry INTO DATA(ls_cherry).
pgmid = 'R3TR'
object = ls_cherry-type
obj_name = ls_cherry-name
devclass = iv_package
path = '/src/' ) TO ct_tadir.
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