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Created April 30, 2022 13:47
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This script deletes production deployments with no aliases. This means that a current live production build should not be deleted.
As an extra precaution, it only gets deployments that are more than 7 days old.
Use at your own risk
import axios, { AxiosError } from "axios"
const token = process.env.VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN
if (!token) {
throw new Error("No token")
const base = ""
let dryRun = true
if (process.env.NO_DRY_RUN === "true") {
dryRun = false
const team_id = "team_XXX"
const project_id = "prj_XXX"
const vercelRestRequest = async <T>(
method: "GET" | "DELETE",
endpoint: string,
otherParams?: Record<string, string | number>,
) => {
const config = {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer " + token,
params: {
teamId: team_id,
projectId: project_id,
const axiosFn = method === "DELETE" ? axios.delete : axios.get
return axiosFn<T>(base + endpoint, config)
.catch((error: Error | AxiosError) => {
if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) {
console.log(" error.response?.data: ", error.response?.data)
} else {
throw error
.then((e) => {
if (e) {
} else {
throw new Error("no data")
const getAliases = async (deploymentUid: string) => {
const res = await vercelRestRequest<{ aliases: Alias[] }>(
return res.aliases
const deleteDeployment = async (deploymentUid: string) => {
const res = await vercelRestRequest<{ uid: string; state: "DELETED" }>(
return res
const go = async () => {
const aWeekAgo = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 7))
const { deployments } = await vercelRestRequest<{
deployments: Deployment[]
}>("GET", "/v6/deployments", {
target: "production",
until: aWeekAgo.getTime(),
for (const deployment of deployments) {
const aliases = await getAliases(deployment.uid)
if (aliases.length === 0) {
"❌ deleting deployment: ",
"aliases: ",
dryRun ? "(dry run)" : "",
if (!dryRun) {
await deleteDeployment(deployment.uid)
} else {
"🌳 not deleting deployment: ",
"aliases: ",
void go()
// types stolen from cli package (
export type Alias = {
uid: string
alias: string
createdAt: number
deployment: {
id: string
url: string
creator: {
uid: string
username: string
email: string
deploymentId?: string
export type Deployment = {
uid: string
url: string
name: string
type: "LAMBDAS"
version?: number
created: number
createdAt: number
creator: { uid: string; username: string }
target: string | null
ownerId: string
projectId: string
inspectorUrl: string
meta: {
[key: string]: unknown
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To run, execute this command:

NO_DRY_RUN=true ACCESS_TOKEN=xxx ts-node deleteOldVercelDeployments.ts

Read more in my blog post :)

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