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Last active March 23, 2021 09:10
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Chainweb Tx History

Chainweb Transfers

Query Chainweb transfer events within a block range for a given chain.

Usage example:

CHAIN=1 MINHEIGHT=1420000 MAXHEIGHT=14201000 bash ./

Pact events were introduced at block height 1138000.

# ############################################################################ #
# Base64
def base64dUrl: .
| gsub("(?<x>[-_])"; if .x == "-" then "+" else "/" end)
| "\(.)==="
| @base64d
def fromjson64: .
| base64dUrl
| fromjson
# ############################################################################ #
# Chainweb Debugging tools
# Parse Payload With Outputs
def pWo: .
| .minerData = (.minerData | fromjson64)
| .coinbase = (.coinbase | fromjson64)
| .transactions =
[ .transactions[]
{ tx: (.[0] | fromjson64 | .cmd = (.cmd | fromjson))
, result: (.[1] | fromjson64)
# Extra Transfer Events
# (Note that Pact events are avaiable only for block heights >= 1138000)
def transfers: .
| .transactions[]
| .tx.cmd.meta.creationTime as $creationTime
| .tx.cmd.meta.chainId as $chainId
| .tx.hash as $requestKey
| select(.name == "TRANSFER")
{ sender: .params[0]
, receiver: .params[1]
, amount: .params[2]
, module: .module
, creationTime: $creationTime
, requestKey: $requestKey
, chainId: $chainId
# ############################################################################ #
# Collect all transfers within a given block height range.
# NOTE that Pact events are avaiable only for block heights >= 1138000.
# ############################################################################ #
# Get current latest block
CUR=$(curl -sL "$URL/cut" | jq '.hashes."'"$CHAIN"'"')
CUR_HEIGHT=$(echo "$CUR" | jq -r '.height')
CUR_HASH=$(echo "$CUR" | jq -r '.hash')
# ############################################################################ #
# Setup MINHEIGHT and MAXHEIGHT parameters
# Block Height Range
# Note that chainweb API calls have different maximum page size limits
[[ -n "$MINHEIGHT" ]] || MINHEIGHT=$(( MAXHEIGHT - 100 ))
} 1>&2
[[ $MINHEIGHT -lt $MAXHEIGHT ]] || {
echo "MINHEIGHT $MINHEIGHT is not smaller than MAXHEIGHT $MAXHEIGHT" 1>&2
exit 1
[[ $MINHEIGHT -ge 1138000 ]] || {
echo "Pact events are supported only since block height 1138000 but MINHEIGHT is $MINHEIGHT" 1>&2
exit 1
# ############################################################################ #
# Run Queries
# Query Block Hashes
PAYLOAD_HASHES=$(curl -sL "$URL/chain/$CHAIN/header/branch?minheight=$MINHEIGHT&maxheight=$MAXHEIGHT" \
-H 'accept: application/json;blockheader-encoding=object' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-XPOST -d '{"upper":["'"$CUR_HASH"'"], "lower":[]}' |
jq '[.items[].payloadHash]')
# Query Output Events
curl -sL "$URL/chain/$CHAIN/payload/outputs/batch" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
jq 'include "./tools"; .[] | pWo | transfers'
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