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Created February 25, 2016 15:07
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Authors: Eric Larson <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
from __future__ import print_function
from copy import deepcopy
import time
import numpy as np
import mne
from mne.preprocessing import maxwell_filter
from mne.simulation import simulate_raw
from mne.transforms import transform_surface_to, Transform, read_trans
data_path = mne.datasets.sample.data_path()
simulate = False # re-simulate data?
n_sim = 8 # 1 stationary plus 7 rots
origin = (0., 0., 0.05)
translation = (0., 0., 0.04) # down the helmet just a bit
raw_fnames = ['sim_%02d_raw.fif' % ri for ri in range(n_sim)]
trans_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw-trans.fif'
subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects'
bem_fname = subjects_dir + '/sample/bem/sample-5120-bem-sol.fif'
src_fname = subjects_dir + '/sample/bem/sample-oct-6-src.fif'
src = mne.read_source_spaces(src_fname)
label = mne.read_labels_from_annot('sample', 'aparc.a2009s', 'lh',
assert len(label) == 1
label = label[0]
vertices = [np.intersect1d(label.vertices, src[0]['vertno'])[2:3],
np.array([], int)]
trans = read_trans(trans_fname)
src_head = transform_surface_to(deepcopy(src[0]), 'head', trans)
pos = src_head['rr'][vertices[0][0]]
ori = src_head['nn'][vertices[0][0]]
amp = 10e-9 # nAm
if simulate:
raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif'
# let's make rotation matrices about each axis, plus some compound ones
phi = np.deg2rad(30)
x_rot = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(phi), -np.sin(phi)],
[0, np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)]])
y_rot = np.array([[np.cos(phi), 0, np.sin(phi)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-np.sin(phi), 0, np.cos(phi)]])
z_rot = np.array([[np.cos(phi), -np.sin(phi), 0],
[np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
xz_rot =, z_rot)
xmz_rot =, z_rot.T)
yz_rot =, z_rot)
mymz_rot =, z_rot.T)
# Create different head rotations, one per second
rots = [x_rot, y_rot, z_rot, xz_rot, xmz_rot, yz_rot, mymz_rot]
# The transpose of a rotation matrix is a rotation in the opposite dir
rots = [np.eye(3)] + rots # first one is in the destination position!
assert len(rots) == n_sim
raw =, 10)
raw.load_data().pick_types(meg=True, stim=True, copy=False)
raw.add_proj([], remove_existing=True)
# Let's activate a left auditory source
data = np.zeros([sum(len(v) for v in vertices), int(['sfreq'])])
activation = np.hanning(int(['sfreq'] * 0.2)) * amp
t_offset = int(np.ceil(0.2 *['sfreq'])) # 200 ms in (after bl)
data[:, t_offset:t_offset + len(activation)] = activation
stc = mne.SourceEstimate(data, vertices, tmin=-0.2,
tstep=1. /['sfreq'])
# Simulate the movement['dev_head_t']['trans'][:3, 3] = translation
for ri, rot in enumerate(rots):['dev_head_t']['trans'][:3, :3] = rot
raw_sim = simulate_raw(raw, stc, trans, src, bem_fname,
n_jobs=-1, verbose=True)[ri], buffer_size_sec=None, overwrite=True)'simulated_activation')
stc = mne.read_source_estimate('simulated_activation')
raw_fnames, stat_fname = raw_fnames[:-1], raw_fnames[-1]
def map_mn(raw, destination, origin):
"""Map raw data to a new dev_head_t"""
from mne.forward._field_interpolation import _map_meg_channels
from import pick_info, pick_types
picks_from = pick_types(, exclude='bads')
picks_to = pick_types(, exclude=())
info_from_meg = pick_info(, picks_from)
info_to_meg = pick_info(, picks_to)
info_to_meg['dev_head_t'] = destination
m = _map_meg_channels(info_from_meg, info_to_meg, 'accurate', origin)
raw = raw.copy().load_data()['dev_head_t'] = destination
raw._data[picks_to] =, raw._data[picks_from])
return raw
raws = [ for r in raw_fnames[1:]] # exclude dest pos one
# stationary (at destination) version
raws_stat = [[0])]
# transform others to the common destination (should have np.eye(3) as rot)
dest = Transform('meg', 'head', np.eye(4))
dest['trans'][:3, 3] = translation
print('Transforming with maxwell_filter ... ', end='')
t0 = time.time()
raws_mf = [maxwell_filter(r, origin=origin, destination=dest) for r in raws]
print(round(time.time() - t0))
print('Transforming with minimum norm ... ', end='')
t0 = time.time()
raws_mn = [map_mn(r, destination=dest, origin=origin) for r in raws]
print(round(time.time() - t0))
for use_raws, title in ((raws_stat, 'stationary'),
(raws, 'unprocessed'),
(raws_mf, 'maxwell_filter'),
(raws_mn, 'minimum norm'),
raw = mne.concatenate_raws(use_raws)
events = mne.find_events(raw, 'STI 014')
if title == 'stationary':
assert len(events) == 10
assert len(events) == 10 * (len(raw_fnames) - 1)
epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events)
# "shrunk" breaks dipole fitting for some conditions
method = 'shrunk' if title == 'minimum norm' else 'empirical'
cov = mne.compute_covariance(epochs, tmax=0., method=method)
evoked = epochs.average()
# visualize
evoked.plot_topomap(times=[0.0, 0.1, 0.2], title=title,
vmin=-200, vmax=200)
# quantify
dip = mne.fit_dipole(evoked.copy().crop(0.1, 0.1),
cov, bem_fname, trans=trans_fname)[0]
dist = 1000 * np.sqrt(np.sum((dip.pos[0] - pos) ** 2))
angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(, dip.ori[0])))
factor = 100 * (1. - dip.amplitude[0] / amp)
print('Errors %s:' % title)
print(' pos: %4.1f mm' % (dist,))
print(' ori: %4.1f deg' % (angle,))
print(' amp: %4.1f%%' % (factor,))
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