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Last active April 6, 2023 20:15
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# Check 1-tailed t-test bias when selecting ROIs using different methods
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
n_subjects = 20 # number of subjects to simulate
n_sensors = 100 # number of "sensors" (could be source points, etc.)
n_run = 5000 # number of times to simulate (n_subjects, n_sensors) values
prop_false = np.zeros((n_run, 3, 2)) # proportion of false alarms
n_roi = int(round(0.05 * n_sensors)) # number of sensors to choose for ROI (5% here)
for ri in range(n_run):
# Simulate data from n_subjects subjects and n_sensors sensors that is pure
# noise
A = rng.normal(size=(n_subjects, n_sensors))
B = rng.normal(size=(n_subjects, n_sensors))
mean_sum = A.mean(axis=0) + B.mean(axis=0)
mean_diff = A.mean(axis=0) - B.mean(axis=0)
assert mean_sum.shape == mean_diff.shape == (n_sensors,)
for ai, average_sensors in enumerate((False, True)):
# 1. naive: just compute all stats
this_A, this_B = A, B
if average_sensors:
this_A, this_B = this_A.mean(-1), this_B.mean(-1)
_, p = ttest_ind(this_A, this_B, alternative='greater')
prop_false[ri, 0, ai] = (p < 0.05).sum() / p.size
# 2. take top 5% of mean activation sum then compute stats on difference
roi = np.argsort(mean_sum)[::-1][:n_roi]
this_A, this_B = A[:, roi], B[:, roi]
if average_sensors:
this_A, this_B = this_A.mean(-1), this_B.mean(-1)
_, p = ttest_ind(this_A, this_B, axis=0, alternative='greater')
prop_false[ri, 1, ai] = (p < 0.05).sum() / p.size
# 3. take top 5% of mean activate difference then compute stats on difference
roi = np.argsort(mean_diff)[::-1][:n_roi]
this_A, this_B = A[:, roi], B[:, roi]
if average_sensors:
this_A, this_B = this_A.mean(-1), this_B.mean(-1)
_, p = ttest_ind(this_A, this_B, axis=0, alternative='greater')
prop_false[ri, 2, ai] = (p < 0.05).sum() / p.size
with np.printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True):
print('False alarm percent (should be 5%)')
print('Left: sensors independently tested; right: averaged across them')
for ki, kind in enumerate(('naive', 'sum', 'diff')):
print(f'- {kind}: {100 * prop_false.mean(axis=0)[ki]}')
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larsoner commented Apr 6, 2023


False alarm percent (should be 5%)
Left: sensors independently tested; right: averaged across them
- naive: [5.01 5.08]
- sum: [4.94 4.94]
- diff: [ 77.06 100.  ]

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