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Created October 4, 2018 10:02
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Viterbi encoder and decoder example
# Viterbi algorithm
# See example at
# -- (2018-10-04)
import numpy as np
# Define the coder by its internal state transition and output
states = [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)]
def output(s, b): return (b^s[1], b^s[1]^s[0]) # xor binary values
def next_state(s, b): return b, s[0]
# Create an encoder function
def encode(v, s=(0,0)):
for b in v:
yield output(s, b)
s = next_state(s, b)
# helper function:
# compute which states and input can lead to state s
def incoming_states(s, B=[0, 1]):
return [(u, b) for u in states for b in B
if next_state(u, b) == s]
# Hamming distance
def hdist(x, y): return sum([a != b for a, b in zip(x, y)])
# Update state probability to maximally likely probability
# under Viterbi decoding assumptions (= as few errors as possible).
def update(state, c):
n = {}
for s in states:
best, best_w = np.inf, []
for u, b in incoming_states(s):
q = hdist(c, output(u, b))
p, w = state[u]
if p + q < best:
best = p + q
best_w = w + [b]
n[s] = (best, best_w)
return n
def decode(code):
# initialize - we start in state (0,0)
s = dict((k, (np.inf, [])) for k in states)
s[(0,0)] = (0, [])
# update state probabilities based on incoming symbols
for c in code:
s = update(s, c)
# print possible symbols
best = min(v for (v,_) in s.values())
return [v for (p, v) in s.values() if p == best]
# Example from youtube
# print(decode([(0,0), (0,1), (0,1), (1,0), (1,0)]))
def flip(l, n):
l = np.array(l)
s = l.shape
l = np.array(l.reshape(-1))
f = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(l)))[:n]
l[f] = 1 - l[f]
return l.reshape(s)
def test():
for v, n in [([1,1,0,1,0], 0), ([0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1], 1),
([0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1], 3), ([0,0,1,1,0],2)]:
e = flip(list(encode(v)),n)
d = decode(e)
print('encoding', v, '\n code with', n, 'bit flips:', e.tolist())
print(v in d, 'decoding as', d, '\n')
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