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Created November 7, 2012 11:16
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Compiler failure in 2.10.x
sealed trait GenericList[+M[_]] {
final def :^:[A, N[X] >: M[X]](elem: N[A]): GenericCons[N, A, this.type] =
GenericCons[N, A, this.type](elem, this)
case class GenericCons[M[_], H, +T <: GenericList[M]](
head: M[H],
tail: T
) extends GenericList[M] {
case class GenericNil[M[_]]() extends GenericList[M] {
object TypelevelUsage extends App {
val klist = None :^: Option(3) :^: Some("foo") :^: GenericNil[Nothing]
// fails
klist match {
case GenericCons(optionInt1, GenericCons(optionInt2, GenericCons(someString, _))) =>
// fails, but with another message
/*klist match {
case GenericCons(optionInt1, GenericCons(optionInt2, _)) =>
// succeeds
klist match {
case GenericCons(optionInt1, _) =>
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