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Created March 28, 2020 17:19
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Experiments with program generation in Prolog
:- discontiguous nat/2.
:- discontiguous typ/2.
natlit(0, _).
natlit(X, s(N)) :-
natlit(Y, N),
X is Y + 1.
nat(lit(nat, X), s(N)) :- natlit(X, N).
nat(op(plus, X, Y), s(N)) :-
nat(X, N),
nat(Y, N).
typ(nat, _).
charlit('a', _).
charlit('b', _).
char(lit(char, C), s(N)) :- charlit(C, N).
typ(char, _).
listlit(_, [], _).
listlit(P, [H|T], s(N)) :- call(P, H, N), listlit(P, T, N).
list(P, lit(list, L), s(N)) :- listlit(P, L, N).
list(P, op(concat, X, Y), s(N)) :- list(P, X, N), list(P, Y, N).
typ(list(P), s(N)) :- typ(P, N).
nat(app(len, L), s(N)) :-
typ(P, N),
list(P, L, N).
to_peano(0, z).
to_peano(N, s(P)) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
to_peano(N1, P).
generate(What, Res, Upto) :-
to_peano(Upto, N),
typ(What, N),
call(What, Res, N).


Generate all expressions of type nat up to depth 2

?- generate(nat, R, 2).
R = lit(nat, 0) ;
R = lit(nat, 1) ;
R = op(plus, lit(nat, 0), lit(nat, 0)) ;
R = app(len, lit(list, [])) ;
R = app(len, lit(list, [])) ;
R = app(len, lit(list, [])) ;
R = app(len, lit(list, [])) ;

How many expressions of type list(nat) are there up to depth 5?

?- findall(R, generate(list(nat), R, 5), Q), length(Q, L).
Q = [lit(list, []), lit(list, [lit(nat, 0)]), lit(list, [lit(nat, 0), lit(nat, 0)]), lit(list, [lit(nat, 0), lit(nat, 0), lit(nat, 0)]), lit(list, [lit(nat, 0), lit(nat, 1)]), lit(list, [lit(nat, 0), lit(..., ...)|...]), lit(list, [lit(..., ...)|...]), lit(list, [...|...]), lit(..., ...)|...],
L = 3562.

How many expressions of arbitrary type are there up to depth 3?

?- findall((T, R), generate(T, R, 4), Q), length(Q, L).
Q = [(nat, lit(nat, 0)),  (nat, lit(nat, 1)),  (nat, lit(nat, 2)),  (nat, lit(nat, 3)),  (nat, op(plus, lit(nat, 0), lit(nat, 0))),  (nat, op(plus, lit(nat, 0), lit(nat, 1))),  (nat, op(plus, lit(..., ...), lit(..., ...))),  (nat, op(..., ..., ...)),  (..., ...)|...],
L = 4504.
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