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larsvegas larsvegas

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larsvegas / flower-shop.js
Last active April 2, 2019 15:43
flower-shop.js from Performance Testing for DevOps in the Cloud from Codemotion 2019 Amsterdam
// System under Test – the target system you'll generate traffic against
// your Load Generator Cluster
cluster: { sizing: "preflight", },
// user base of 10.000 unique users
// doing a user journey
larsvegas /
Last active November 28, 2016 13:18
I'm in Lisbon - How can I help you?

Lars Wolff

EHLO My name is Lars,

I'm a co-founder of (a performance testing SaaS for agile and DevOps teams) and a agile coach. I live in Cologne/Germany. Back there I regularly run meetups (WebMontag, DevHouseFriday, AWS User Group Cologne). I love agile development, lean product development, the cloud™ and languages from Javascript to Ruby, I'm interested in Elixir and Erlang as well.

larsvegas / 2016-04-AWS-FeatureRoll-StormForgerTestCase-lambda.js
Last active April 11, 2016 22:28
2016-04-AWS-FeatureRoll-StormForgerTestCase-lambda.js find more information at:
// ////////////////////////////////////////
// 1. Settings
// ////////////////////////////////////////
// Target
// Arrival Phases
{ duration: 1 * 60, rate: 5},
larsvegas / 2016-04-AWS-FeatureRoll-StormForgerTestCase-beanstalk.js
Last active April 11, 2016 22:28
2016-04-AWS-FeatureRoll-StormForgerTestCase-beanstalk.js find more information at:
// ////////////////////////////////////////
// 1. Settings
// ////////////////////////////////////////
// Target
// Arrival Phases
{ duration: 1 * 60, rate: 5},
larsvegas / 2015-10-stormforger-aws-heiter-und-wolkig-webcast.js
Created March 16, 2016 07:02
StormForger in AWS Heiter und Wolkig WebCast - JavaScript Test Definition of WebCast Test
// Find the WebCast Series:
// Find the Video here:
// Create a StormForger Account here:
larsvegas /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
CW24-2015-06-MeetUps @ Cologne

Jobs / Projects / Resources / Talents / Assets / HR from my personal network

These are opportunities in my personal network. Since i meet people, the one is searching for jobs, the other one for people. I decided to make these here public. :)

Feel free to comment this gist or drop my a line: If you like to appear here, drop me a line, too.

(in no particular order)


larsvegas /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Interactive Cologne Developers 2014: Geoff Galitz - WebOps @

Interactive Cologne Developers 2014: Geoff Galitz - WebOps @


Geoff is doing WebOps @ and will speak up at Interactive Cologne Developers 2014. Which talk do you want to hear from him? Vote here.

Further, read a nice story how to stay connected LTE-wise to your north-america remote team:

Back in January i went to the WebPerformance CGN Meetup at Solutionspace and got to know Geoff. Geoff is doing WebOps on a remote

larsvegas /
Created February 26, 2014 12:20
### Prompt
## repository highlights and prompt
parse_git_dirty() {
[[ $(git status 2> /dev/null | tail -n1) != "nothing to commit (working directory clean)" ]] && echo "*"
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e "/^[^*]/d" -e "s/* \(.*\)/(git:\1$(parse_git_dirty))/"
parse_svn_branch() {
parse_svn_url | sed -e 's#^'"$(parse_svn_repository_root)"'##g' | awk -F / '{print "(svn:"$1 $3 "/"$4 "/"$5 ")"}'
larsvegas /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Post - World premiere of My Brothers Keeper and Berlinale 2014

World premiere of My Brothers Keeper @ Berlinale 2014 and boxoffice Metrics

Yesterday i arrived in Berlin and i've not been here for a long time. :( It's nice to be back here, meeting some friends, working remote and joining some Berlinale related events:

World premiere of My Brothers Keeper

I'm going to join the world premiere of Hüter meines Bruders (My Brothers Keeper) by Maximilian Leo, opening the section PERSPEKTIVE DEUTSCHES KINO of [Berlinale 2014] (