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Created March 13, 2019 20:05
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Uploading to repositories
# Upload large file to a Figshare item.
# Copied mostly from Figshare bash script example.
# exit script if any command fails
set -e
if [ -f .config ]; then
source .config
if [ -z "$FIGSHARE_ACCESS_TOKEN" ]; then
echo 'FIGSHARE_ACCESS_TOKEN required. Please set it via env variable or .config.'
exit 2
if [ -z "$FILE_PATH" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <file path> [<item id>]"
echo ''
echo 'A new item will be created if item id is not provided.'
echo ''
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X GET "")
echo "The item list dict contains: "$RESPONSE
echo ''
exit 2
# exit 0
FILE_NAME=$(basename "$FILE_PATH")
# ####################################################################################
#Retrieve the file size and MD5 values for the item which needs to be uploaded
FILE_SIZE=$(stat -c%s $FILE_PATH)
echo "Calculating MD5"
MD5=($(pv $FILE_PATH | md5sum))
echo "Uploading $FILE_PATH ($FILE_SIZE bytes, md5: $MD5) to item id $ITEM_ID"
if [ -z "$ITEM_ID" ]; then
# Create a new item
echo 'Creating a new item...'
ITEM_JSON="{\"title\": \"$TITLE\"}"
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -d "$ITEM_JSON" -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST "")
echo "The location of the created item is "$RESPONSE
echo ''
# Retrieve item id
echo 'Retrieving the item id...'
ITEM_ID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | sed -r "s/.*\/([0-9]+).*/\1/")
echo "The item id is "$ITEM_ID
echo ''
# List item files
echo 'Retrieving the item files...'
FILES_LIST=$(curl -s -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X GET "$ITEM_ID/files")
echo 'The files list of the newly-create item should be an empty one. Returned results: '$FILES_LIST
echo ''
# Initiate new upload:
echo 'A new upload had been initiated...'
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -d '{"md5": "'${MD5}'", "name": "'${FILE_NAME}'", "size": '${FILE_SIZE}'}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X POST "$ITEM_ID/files")
echo ''
# Retrieve file id
echo 'The file id is retrieved...'
FILE_ID=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | sed -r "s/.*\/([0-9]+).*/\1/")
echo 'The file id is: '$FILE_ID
echo ''
# Retrieve the upload url
echo 'Retrieving the upload URL...'
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X GET "$ITEM_ID/files/$FILE_ID")
UPLOAD_URL=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | sed -r 's/.*"upload_url":\s"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
echo 'The upload URL is: '$UPLOAD_URL
echo ''
# Retrieve the upload parts
echo 'Retrieving the part value...'
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X GET "$UPLOAD_URL")
PARTS_SIZE=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | sed -r 's/"endOffset":([0-9]+).*/\1/' | sed -r 's/.*,([0-9]+)/\1/')
echo 'The part value is: '$PARTS_SIZE
echo ''
# Split item into needed parts
echo 'Spliting the provided item into parts process had begun...'
split -b$PARTS_SIZE $FILE_PATH part_ --numeric=1 --suffix-length=3
echo 'Process completed!'
# Retrive the number of parts
echo 'The number of parts is: '$MAX_PART
echo ''
# Perform the PUT operation of parts
echo 'Perform the PUT operation of parts...'
for ((i=1; i<=$MAX_PART; i++))
PART_VALUE='part_'$(printf "%03d" $i)
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X PUT "$UPLOAD_URL/$i" --data-binary @$PART_VALUE)
echo "Done uploading part nr: $i/"$MAX_PART
echo 'Process was finished!'
echo ''
# Complete upload
echo 'Completing the file upload...'
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X POST "$ITEM_ID/files/$FILE_ID")
echo 'Done!'
echo ''
#remove the part files
rm part_*
# List all of the existing items
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H 'Authorization: token '$ACCESS_TOKEN -X GET "")
echo 'New list of items: '$RESPONSE
echo ''
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